TYPE=singlelink DOMAIN=singlelink.example.com ## Domain aliases #EXTRA_DOMAINS=', `www.singlelink.example.com`' LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV=production ############################################################################## # Editor variables # ############################################################################## # The url where the api is hosted API_URL=https://editor.$DOMAIN # OPTIONAL # The editor's host IP SERVER_HOST= # The port PORT= META_TITLE= META_DESCRIPTION= HOSTNAME= FAVICON= APP_NAME= LOGO_URL= LOGO_WIDTH= ICON_URL= ICON_WIDTH= ORGANIZATION= QR_API= ############################################################################## # API variables # ############################################################################## # The domain where you are hosting the editor (used for emails) EDITOR_URL=https://$DOMAIN # A secret string that is used to encode JWTs. Make sure it's randomly generated for maximum security. SECRET=HereIsARandomStringPleaseChangeMeOrYouWillBeHacked # A contact email for support requests (and other things) CONTACT_EMAIL=example@example.com # The sending email address when emails are sent from Singlelink AWS_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS= # The AWS region AWS_REGION= # The AWS Access key AWS_ACCESS_KEY= # The AWS Secret key AWS_SECRET_KEY= # An S3 Bucket endpoint (used for file storage) S3_ENDPOINT= # The S3 Bucket name S3_BUCKETNAME= # The S3 bucket's port S3_PORT= # Should the S3 bucket use SSL? S3_USE_SSL= # The S3 bucket's access key S3_ACCESS_KEY= # The S3 bucket's secret key S3_SECRET_KEY= # A mixpanel token for recording analytics with mixpanel (disables if not provided) MIXPANEL_TOKEN= # How many installs should a marketplace addon reach before it can't be deleted anymore? (Can only be hidden) DELETE_ADDON_INSTALLS_THRESHOLD=10 # Pass the X-Forwarded-For header through? DO NOT ENABLE if you are allowing direct connections and are not using a reverse proxy! ALLOW_X_FORWARD_HEADER= # Should we validate email addresses? VALIDATE_EMAILS=true