"""Automate your mass typo updates.""" from argparse import ArgumentParser from glob import glob from logging import DEBUG, INFO, basicConfig, getLogger from os.path import expanduser from pathlib import Path from shlex import split from subprocess import check_output, run from sys import exit from ruamel.yaml import YAML class Migration: DIFF_LIMIT = 3 def __init__(self): self.args = self._parse() self.yaml = self._init_yaml() self.log = self._init_logging() self.commit_msg = None self._validate() if self.args.validate: self._exit(code=0, output=False) self.matches = glob(expanduser(self.GLOB)) self.paths = list(set([Path(p).parent for p in self.matches])) self.log.debug(f"Discovered '{self.GLOB}' as user defined glob") self.log.debug(f"Matched paths are: {[m for m in self.matches]}") if self.args.reset: self._clean() self._exit(code=0, output=False) try: self.log.info("=" * 79) self.log.info("RUNNING MIGRATIONS + CHECKS (ONLY GIT LOCAL CHANGES)") self.log.info("=" * 79) self._run() except Exception as exception: self._exit(msg=f"Failed to run migration, saw: {exception}") def _init_yaml(self): yaml = YAML(typ="rt") yaml.preserve_quotes = True yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2) yaml.allow_duplicate_keys = True yaml.width = 999999 return yaml def _exit(self, msg="Bailing out on request...", code=1, output=True): if output: self.log.info(msg) exit(code) def _parse(self): description = "Tyop: automate your mass typo updates" parser = ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", help="enable verbose debug logs", action="store_const", dest="log", const=DEBUG, default=INFO, ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--validate", default=False, action="store_true", dest="validate", help="Validate end-user defined migrationa and exit", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--reset", default=False, action="store_true", dest="reset", help="Reset changes without running migrations (git-checkout)", ) parser.add_argument( "-y", "--yaml", default=False, action="store_true", dest="yaml", help="Expect YAML and load for parsing", ) return parser.parse_args() def _init_logging(self): basicConfig(level=self.args.log, format="%(levelname)-8s %(message)s") return getLogger(__name__) def _shell(self, cmd, shell=False, check=True, **kwargs): runner = check_output args = [split(cmd)] if shell: args = [cmd] kwargs = {"shell": shell} if not check: runner = run try: output = runner(*args, **kwargs) if check: return output.decode("utf-8").strip() except Exception as exception: self._exit(msg=f"Failed to run {cmd}, saw {str(exception)}") def _confirm(self, bail=True, match=None): answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n", "s"]: answer = input("Does this look good? [y/n/s]? ").lower() if answer == "s": if match: self._clean(match=match) self.log.debug(f"Skipping changes to {match}...") return answer if not answer == "y" and bail: self._exit() return answer def _message(self): return input("Commit message? ") def _commit(self): for path in self.paths: command = "git --no-pager diff" output = self._shell(command, cwd=path) if not output: self.log.debug(f"No changes detected in {path}, continuing...") continue self.log.info("=" * 79) self.log.info(f"{path}") self.log.info("=" * 79) self._shell(command, check=False, cwd=path) if self._confirm() == "s": self._shell("git checkout .", check=False, cwd=path) self.log.debug(f"Skipping {path} as requested...") continue if not self.commit_msg: self.commit_msg = self._message() self._shell("git add .", check=False, cwd=path) self._shell(f"git commit -m '{self.commit_msg}'", check=False, cwd=path) self._shell("git push", check=False, cwd=path) def _validate(self): if not hasattr(self, "GLOB"): self._exit(msg="Missing GLOB attribute!") self.log.debug("Validation succeeded!") def _diff(self, match, idx, check=True): command = "git --no-pager diff" root_path = Path(match).parent if check: output = self._shell(command, cwd=root_path) if not output: self.log.debug("No changes detected, moving on...") return False self.log.info("=" * 79) self.log.info(f"{match.upper()}") self.log.info("=" * 79) self.log.debug(f"Diffing {root_path} ({idx+1}/{self.DIFF_LIMIT})") self._shell(command, check=False, cwd=root_path) return self._confirm(match=match) def _clean(self, match=None, branch=False, pull=False): if match: _paths = [Path(match).parent] else: _paths = self.paths for _path in _paths: self.log.debug(f"Cleaning {_path} of local changes...") self._shell("git checkout .", check=False, cwd=_path) if pull: self.log.debug(f"Pulling latest changes in {_path}...") self._shell("git pull --rebase", check=False, cwd=_path) if branch: self.log.debug("Checking out the default branch...") self._shell( ( "git checkout main > /dev/null 2>&1 " "|| git checkout master > /dev/null 2>&1" ), check=False, shell=True, cwd=_path, ) def _run(self): idx = 0 for match in self.matches: self._clean(match=match, branch=True) with open(match, "r") as handle: self.log.debug(f"Processing {match}...") contents = handle.read() if self.args.yaml: self.log.debug("Attempting to load YAML...") if "---" in contents: self.yaml.explicit_start = True else: self.yaml.explicit_start = False contents = self.yaml.load(contents) migrated = self.migrate(contents) self.log.debug(f"Migrated {match}...") with open(match, "w") as handle: if self.args.yaml: self.yaml.dump(migrated, handle) else: handle.write(migrated) if idx < self.DIFF_LIMIT: if self._diff(match, idx=idx, check=True): idx += 1 self.log.debug(f"Saved {match} back to the file system...") self.log.debug("Finished migrating files...") self.log.debug("Commencing change commit run...") self.log.info("=" * 79) self.log.info("COMMIT AND PUSH (CHANGES APPLIED)") self.log.info("=" * 79) self._commit() self.log.debug("Finished committing changes...") self.log.info("Finished! May your tyops be ever glorious!")