export PHP_UPLOADS_CONF_VERSION=v3 export ENTRYPOINT_CONF_VERSION=v5 export ENTRYPOINT_MAILRELAY_CONF_VERSION=v2 export MSMTP_CONF_VERSION=v4 wp() { su -p www-data -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/wp $@" } core_install(){ ADMIN=admin if [ -n "$AUTHENTIK_DOMAIN" ] then ADMIN=akadmin fi chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/html/wp-content wp "core install --url=$DOMAIN --title=\"$TITLE\" --admin_user=$ADMIN --admin_email=$ADMIN_EMAIL --locale=$LOCALE --skip-email" wp "language core install $LOCALE" wp "site switch-language $LOCALE" wp "rewrite structure '/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/'" wp "plugin install --activate disable-update-notifications" wp 'option update dwcun_setting on' if [ -n "$DEFAULT_USER_ROLE" ] then wp "option set default_role $DEFAULT_USER_ROLE" else wp "option set default_role subscriber" fi wp 'plugin auto-updates enable --all' || exit 0 } set_authentik(){ AUTHENTIK_SECRET=$(cat /run/secrets/authentik_secret) AUTHENTIK_ID=$(cat /run/secrets/authentik_id) if [ -z $LOGIN_TYPE ] then LOGIN_TYPE='button' fi wp "user create akadmin admin@example.com --role=administrator" wp "plugin install --activate daggerhart-openid-connect-generic" wp "option update --format=json openid_connect_generic_settings ' { \"login_type\":\"$LOGIN_TYPE\", \"client_id\":\"$AUTHENTIK_ID\", \"client_secret\":\"$AUTHENTIK_SECRET\", \"scope\":\"email profile openid\", \"endpoint_login\":\"https://$AUTHENTIK_DOMAIN/application/o/authorize/\", \"endpoint_userinfo\":\"https://$AUTHENTIK_DOMAIN/application/o/userinfo/\", \"endpoint_token\":\"https://$AUTHENTIK_DOMAIN/application/o/token/\", \"endpoint_end_session\":\"https://$AUTHENTIK_DOMAIN/application/o/wordpress/end-session/\", \"acr_values\":\"\", \"identity_key\":\"preferred_username\", \"no_sslverify\":\"0\", \"http_request_timeout\":\"30\", \"enforce_privacy\":\"0\", \"alternate_redirect_uri\":\"1\", \"nickname_key\":\"preferred_username\", \"email_format\":\"{email}\", \"displayname_format\":\"\", \"identify_with_username\":\"1\", \"state_time_limit\":\"\", \"token_refresh_enable\":\"1\", \"link_existing_users\":\"1\", \"create_if_does_not_exist\":\"1\", \"redirect_user_back\":\"0\", \"redirect_on_logout\":\"1\", \"enable_logging\":\"0\", \"log_limit\":\"1000\" }'" wp "rewrite flush" wp "cache flush" } fix_mysql() { echo "ALTER TABLE mysql.column_stats MODIFY histogram longblob; ALTER TABLE mysql.column_stats MODIFY hist_type enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB','JSON_HB');" | mysql -u root -p$(cat /run/secrets/db_root_password) } sub_wp() { CONTAINER=$(docker container ls -f "Name=${STACK_NAME}_app" --format '{{ .ID }}') if [ -z "$CONTAINER" ]; then error "Can't find a container for ${STACK_NAME}_app" exit fi debug "Using Container ID ${CONTAINER}" # FIXME 3wc: we're fighting the Wordpress image, which recommends a named # volume for /var/www/html -- this used to work fine using --volumes-from # because the actual MySQL password was inserted into the generated # wp-config.php -- but as of Wordpress 5.7.0, wp-config loads data straight # from the environment, which requires Docker secrets to work, which only work # in swarm services (not one-off `docker run` commands). Defining a `cli` # service in compose.yml almost works, but there's no volumes_from: in Compose # V3, and without it then the `cli` service can't access Wordpress core. # See https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/wordpress/issues/21 warning "Slowly looking up MySQL password..." silence abra__service_="app" DB_PASSWORD="$(sub_app_run cat "/run/secrets/db_password")" unsilence # shellcheck disable=SC2154,SC2086 docker run -it \ --volumes-from "$CONTAINER" \ --network "container:$CONTAINER" \ -u xfs:xfs \ -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=db \ -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wordpress \ -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD="${DB_PASSWORD}" \ -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress \ -e WORDPRESS_CONFIG_EXTRA="${WORDPRESS_CONFIG_EXTRA}" \ wordpress:cli wp ${abra__args_[*]} } abra_backup_app() { _abra_backup_dir "app:/var/www/html/wp-content" } abra_backup_db() { _abra_backup_mysql "db" "wordpress" } abra_backup() { abra_backup_app && abra_backup_db } abra_restore_app() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 { abra__src_="-" abra__dst_="app:/var/www/html/" } zcat "$@" | sub_app_cp success "Restored 'app'" } abra_restore_db() { # 3wc: unlike abra_backup_db, we can assume abra__service_ will be 'db' if we # got this far.. # shellcheck disable=SC2034 abra___no_tty="true" DB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(sub_app_run cat /run/secrets/db_root_password) zcat "$@" | sub_app_run mysql -u root -p"$DB_ROOT_PASSWORD" wordpress success "Restored 'db'" }