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2022-04-18 02:43:55 +00:00
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<img src="./images/icons/warlock.png" class="friendicon">
<p><h2><a href="https://www.waltergreenleaf.com/" class="redtext">Walter Greenleaf</a></h2>
Walter and I have collaborated and made art together for over a decade. We've collaborated on years-long forum adventures, comics, stories and plenty more over the years,
and I consider him one of the people I am closest to in terms of art... We started at the same time, and have since branched out in completely different directions. His art uses anything from found photography, sketches from board games,
slices of T-Shirt graphics, and anything else he can get his hands on to create DIY collages in the digital and physical world. He's a warlock each Wednesday, and the true Guardian of Christmas.<br>
You can find his Tumblr blog at <a href="https://world-above-sky-below.tumblr.com/">World Above, Sky Below.</a>
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<img src="./images/icons/arcadeidea.png" class="friendicon">
<p><h2><a href="https://arcadeidea.wordpress.com/" class="redtext">Art Maybury at Arcade Idea</a></h2>
Art's writing on video games is some of the best I've ever read, and I'm not just saying that because we're best friends. I frequently act as a rubber duck or ideas gal
for their articles (though mostly I just like watching my pals play video games!!) They are currently embarking on a project to review the entire games canon from its inception,
as artworks, an incredibly ballsy project even to someone who actually played video games before starting it.<br>
Art and I also occasionally write stories and articles together... And it's a little-known fact that their GIMP photochomps are great! Plus, they look <i>excellent</i> in a suit and tie. Art's writing
can be found on <a href="https://arcadeidea.wordpress.com/">Arcade Idea!</a>
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<p><h2><a href="https://www.orngjce223.net/" class="redtext">Elaine "OJ" Wang AKA Orngjce223</a></h2>
Another old friend, OJ is a musician and writer whose sounds and words are great to the ears. OJ and I met in a roleplaying thread for a now-(semi)-complete webcomic years ago,
and have been close ever since. Her music is lovely and still gives me feelings when I listen to it. My fave is <a href="https://music.orngjce223.net/album/space-between-the-stars-single">The Space Between The Stars</a>, though I also really like <a href="https://music.orngjce223.net/track/heat-lightning">Heat Lightning.</a>
<br>OJ also does a lot of the backbone organising for the <a href="https://houstonspies.cyou/">Houston Spies</a> Blaseball team, including writing debriefs of cool events. You can find some of her writing on her <a href="https://shutthedord.tumblr.com/">Tumblr.</a>
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<img src="./images/icons/ivy.png" class="friendicon">
<p><h2><a href="https://bloodsad.com/" class="redtext">Ivy Ruth Langley</a></h2>
Punk rock grunge comics at bloodsad.com. Slime and eyes at bloodsad.com. Women are at bloodsad.com.<br>
Ivy gave me lots of good advice when I was first thinking of making this site, and the underlying site layout was referenced quite heavily from her website. We've been friends for a wee while, & her work is extremely DIY and personal in a way that inspires me a whole bunch.
Ivy's work has this strange venom that honestly feels somehow both ironic and sincere in a way I super vibe with. Check her work out!
<br>My dream is to own my very own pimple.
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<p><h2><a href="https://warpzone.site/" class="redtext">Nullcasting</a></h2>
<footer>Generously Hosted by <a href="https://autonomic.zone">Autonomic.zone</a><br>
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