
Band name: The name of the artist
Description:A rough description of the artist (usually how they describe themselves.)
Style: Genre is fake, so this is how they FEEL... Also sometimes it's the page author's opinions of them.
Contact: How to reach out to the artist, in case you want to book them for a gig. Links: Where to find the artist online. Active/inactive: Is the artist currently doing gigs? Also notes go here.

Submit an artist!

Want to submit your fave band? Here's the form!

    We're especially looking for:
  • Queer bands (obviously.)
  • Riot Grrrl and Girls Rock School bands!
  • BIPOC and minority bands (they dinny get promo'd enough!)

If you have any questions or requests, email us at: [email here lol]

Are you a woman? nonbinary? genderqueer? intersex? Want to learn to play an instrument and start a band? Join the girls rock school! It's free! THE FUTURE IS ANARCHA-FEMINISM!


Coming soon!