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<Title>Hex Bomb</Title>
2022-02-18 02:27:27 +00:00
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2022-02-18 02:27:27 +00:00
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2022-02-18 02:27:27 +00:00
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<p>Hey all.</p>
<p>This is the first post on my new site. I put a lot of work into this whole thing, and it&#39s still a little janky, but I&#39ve had a lot of fun making it. Right now its barebones, with just a few pages. Im likely to reupload some old art onto the gallery page over the next few weeks or so.</p>
<p>Over the next few months, this is likely to be where the majority of what I&#39m up to is going to be. I&#39ve been thinking about this for a while, but the fact of the matter is… <b>Social Media just isnt good for me.</b> That is to say, the current, corporate-owned centralised version of social media that we currently live with isnt. I havent really tried Mastodon (I dont really understand how it works) And perhaps once I do Ill like it.</p>
<p>I&#39ve been thinking a lot how I have very little control over how my art is presented on social media (Twitter is my main one.) It&#39s compressed, it&#39s pushed into a stream with a bunch of other stuff, its placed in contexts that I couldnt possibly predict when making it… And thats good for some art.</p>
<p>...If that&#39s what the art&#39s about.</p>
<p>But I think I&#39d rather control the context of my art, & not have it add to the value of some rich jackasses who own whatever social media I&#39m on.</p>
<p>I&#39m not going to disappear from whatever site you know me from, though. My intention is to continue posting my art & blog posts via <a href=”https://www.postybirb.com/”>Postybirb</a>, which is a cool little application that helps with posting artworks to different social media accounts etc.</p>
<p>I also plan to curate an RSS feed that will hopefully help you keep up to date with what I&#39m up to. Subscribe on RSS for the most up to date list of the shit im up to!!</p>
2022-02-18 02:27:27 +00:00
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2022-02-18 02:27:27 +00:00
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This website was generously hosted by my pals at <a href="https://autonomic.zone/">Autonomic.Zone co-operative.</a> Unless otherwise specified, all content on this site is © 2022 HEX BOMB.