WIP: buffers and command history [ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func main() {
cairdeHomeDir := path.Join(user.HomeDir, ".cairde")
cairdeLogsDir := path.Join(cairdeHomeDir, "logs")
for _, baseDir := range []string{cairdeHomeDir, cairdeLogsDir} {
if err := os.Mkdir(baseDir, 0764); err != nil {
if err := os.Mkdir(baseDir, 0760); err != nil {
if !os.IsExist(err) {
log.Fatalf("main: unable to create directory %s: %s", baseDir, err)
@ -16,11 +16,7 @@ check:
@golangci-lint run ./...
@go clean && \
find ~/.cairde -type f -name "*.log" -exec rm '{}' \;
build: clean
@go build -ldflags=$(DIST_LDFLAGS) ./cmd/cairde
run: build
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func turnAcnOn(m *model) tea.Msg {
func turnAcnOff(m *model, quitProgram bool) tea.Msg {
if m.acnState != offline {
logToFile(*m, "Shutting down application and ACN now")
logDebug(*m, "Shutting down application and ACN now")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
package ui
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
const (
// Status is the status buffer.
Status = iota
// Profile is the profile buffer.
// BufferHandler is the concrete functionality of a Buffer.
type BufferHandler interface {
open(m *model) error // gracefully open a new buffer
validate(m model, input string) error // validate incoming input
handle(input, hiddenInput string) tea.Msg // handle and dispatch messages from input
persist(m *model, input string) // store buffer input for persistence
close(m model) error // gracefully destroy a buffer
// Buffer is a user-facing interactive buffer in the TUI.
type Buffer struct {
name string // user-friendly buffer name for the menu
inputChannel chan string // channel for passing input to handlers
viewport viewport.Model // viewport for rendering lines
viewportLines []string // lines for viewport renderer
viewportIsReady bool // whether or not the viewport is ready to render
inputHistory []string // buffer input history for optional persistence
inputHistoryCursor int // where we are in the input history
persistence bool // whether or not to persist buffer input to file
// StatusBuffer is the privileged status buffer where e.g. you input
// program-wide commands. It can also report general status information, e.g.
// the status of ACN connectivity.
type StatusBufferHandler Buffer
func (s StatusBufferHandler) open(m *model) error {
buffer := m.buffers[m.menuState]
cairdeLogsDir := path.Join(m.userDir, "logs")
bufferLogsPath := path.Join(cairdeLogsDir, buffer.name)
f, err := os.OpenFile(bufferLogsPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0664)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create/open file %s: %s", bufferLogsPath, err)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
buffer.inputHistory = append(buffer.inputHistory, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to read lines from %s : %s", bufferLogsPath, err)
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to close %s file handler: %s", bufferLogsPath, err)
buffer.inputHistoryCursor = 0
if len(buffer.inputHistory) > 0 {
buffer.inputHistoryCursor = len(buffer.inputHistory) - 1
m.buffers[m.menuState] = buffer
m.statusBuffer = buffer
return nil
func (s StatusBufferHandler) validate(m model, input string) error {
if string(input[0]) != "/" {
return fmt.Errorf("Woops, this is not a chat buffer. Only commands are allowed")
return nil
func (s StatusBufferHandler) handle(input, hiddenInput string) tea.Msg {
cmds := strings.Split(input, " ")
switch {
case cmds[0] == "help":
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(cmdHelp, "\n")}
case cmds[0] == "quit":
return turnAcnOffMsg{quitProgram: true}
case cmds[0] == "start":
return showGettingStartedGuideMsg{}
case cmds[0] == "profile":
if cmds[1] != "unlock" && cmds[1] != "info" && cmds[1] != "create" {
profileHelp := `Unknown "profile" command?
/profile create <name> <password> <password> | Create a new profile
/profile info | Show profile information
/profile unlock <password> | Unlock profile(s)`
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(profileHelp, "\n")}
switch {
case cmds[1] == "unlock":
if len(cmds) != 3 {
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(cmdHelp, "\n")}
return profileUnlockMsg{
password: strings.TrimSpace(hiddenInput),
case cmds[1] == "info":
return profileInfoMsg{}
case cmds[1] == "create":
if len(cmds) != 5 {
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(cmdHelp, "\n")}
passwords := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(hiddenInput), " ")
if len(passwords) != 2 {
return cmdMsg{output: []string{"Profile create: unable to parse hidden input"}}
if passwords[0] != passwords[1] {
return cmdMsg{output: []string{"Profile create: passwords do not match?"}}
return profileCreateMsg{
name: cmds[2],
password: passwords[1],
case cmds[0] == "acn":
if cmds[1] != "on" && cmds[1] != "off" {
acnHelp := `Unknown "acn" command?
/acn on | Turn on the Tor ACN
/acn off | Turn off the Tor ACN`
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(acnHelp, "\n")}
switch {
case cmds[1] == "on":
return turnAcnOnMsg{}
case cmds[1] == "off":
return turnAcnOffMsg{}
case cmds[0] == "clear":
return clearScreenMsg{}
return cmdMsg{output: []string{unknownCmdHelp}}
func (s StatusBufferHandler) persist(m *model, input string) {
buffer := m.buffers[m.menuState]
if buffer.persistence {
buffer.inputHistory = append(buffer.inputHistory, input)
m.buffers[m.menuState] = buffer
func (s StatusBufferHandler) close(m model) error {
buffer := m.buffers[m.menuState]
cairdeLogsDir := path.Join(m.userDir, "logs")
bufferLogsPath := path.Join(cairdeLogsDir, buffer.name)
if !buffer.persistence {
return nil
f, err := os.OpenFile(bufferLogsPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0664)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create/open file %s: %s", bufferLogsPath, err)
for _, cmd := range buffer.inputHistory {
if _, err := f.WriteString(cmd + "\n"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to append input to %s: %s", bufferLogsPath, err)
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to close %s file handler: %s", bufferLogsPath, err)
return nil
// ProfileBuffer is the profile buffer. There can be several profile buffers
// which correspond to several profiles. Profile buffers take input and report
// output for profile-specific information, e.g. invites from a new contact.
type ProfileBuffer Buffer
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package ui
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
const unknownCmdHelp = "Unknown command? Run /help to see available commands"
@ -18,85 +16,8 @@ const cmdHelp = `/acn on | Turn on the Tor
/start | Show getting started guide
/quit | Quit the program`
func handleCmd(cmd, hiddenInput string) tea.Msg {
cmds := strings.Split(cmd, " ")
switch {
case cmds[0] == "help":
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(cmdHelp, "\n")}
case cmds[0] == "quit":
return turnAcnOffMsg{quitProgram: true}
case cmds[0] == "start":
return showGettingStartedGuideMsg{}
case cmds[0] == "profile":
if cmds[1] != "unlock" && cmds[1] != "info" && cmds[1] != "create" {
profileHelp := `Unknown "profile" command?
/profile create <name> <password> <password> | Create a new profile
/profile info | Show profile information
/profile unlock <password> | Unlock profile(s)`
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(profileHelp, "\n")}
switch {
case cmds[1] == "unlock":
if len(cmds) != 3 {
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(cmdHelp, "\n")}
return profileUnlockMsg{
password: strings.TrimSpace(hiddenInput),
case cmds[1] == "info":
return profileInfoMsg{}
case cmds[1] == "create":
if len(cmds) != 5 {
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(cmdHelp, "\n")}
passwords := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(hiddenInput), " ")
if len(passwords) != 2 {
return cmdMsg{output: []string{"Profile create: unable to parse hidden input"}}
if passwords[0] != passwords[1] {
return cmdMsg{output: []string{"Profile create: passwords do not match?"}}
return profileCreateMsg{
name: cmds[2],
password: passwords[1],
case cmds[0] == "acn":
if cmds[1] != "on" && cmds[1] != "off" {
acnHelp := `Unknown "acn" command?
/acn on | Turn on the Tor ACN
/acn off | Turn off the Tor ACN`
return cmdMsg{output: strings.Split(acnHelp, "\n")}
switch {
case cmds[1] == "on":
return turnAcnOnMsg{}
case cmds[1] == "off":
return turnAcnOffMsg{}
case cmds[0] == "clear":
return clearScreenMsg{}
return cmdMsg{output: []string{unknownCmdHelp}}
func hidePasswordInput(m *model) {
val := strings.TrimSpace(m.input.Value())
val := m.input.Value()
if len(val) == 0 {
@ -114,8 +35,8 @@ func hidePasswordInput(m *model) {
if cmds[1] == "create" && len(cmds) > 3 ||
cmds[1] == "unlock" && len(cmds) > 2 {
lastChar := string(val[len(val)-1])
m.hiddenInput += lastChar
if lastChar != " " {
m.hiddenInput += lastChar
newCmd := []rune(val)
newCmd[len(val)-1] = '*'
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import (
// LogToFile logs a message to a log file.
func logToFile(m model, msg string) {
// logDebug logs debug messages.
func logDebug(m model, msg string) {
if m.debug {
log.Printf("debug: %s", msg)
@ -68,3 +68,5 @@ type renderStatusMsg struct{ line string }
type cmdMsg struct{ output []string }
type clearScreenMsg struct{}
type gracefulShutdownMsg struct{}
@ -56,38 +56,26 @@ network, initialise Cwtch and create your first profile. It's simple!
// model is the core data structure for the entire programme
type model struct {
username string
userDir string
acnState int
menuState int
menuBar []string
app app.Application
acn connectivity.ACN
width int
height int
showWelcomeMessage bool
statusViewport viewport.Model
statusViewportLines []string
statusViewportReady bool
profiles profiles
profileState int
input textinput.Model
hiddenInput string
version string
statusBuffer chan string
debug bool
username string // system username
userDir string // system user home directory
acnState int // ACN state - online, offline (or in between...)
menuState int // which buffer is currently selected
menuBar []string // list of buffers in use (e.g. status, profile1)
app app.Application // cwtch application manager
acn connectivity.ACN // cwtch ACN connectivity manager
width int // width of the TUI
height int // height of the TUI
showWelcomeMessage bool // whether or not we show the welcome message when turning on
buffers []Buffer // all buffers
statusBuffer Buffer // the central status buffer
profiles profiles // all unlocked cwtch profiles
profileState int // which profile is currently selected
input textinput.Model // the central user input buffer
hiddenInput string // the hidden input storage for e.g. passwords
version string // the version of cairde
debug bool // whether or not to run under debug mode
func NewModel(username, homeDir, version string, debug bool) model { // nolint:revive
@ -99,24 +87,28 @@ func NewModel(username, homeDir, version string, debug bool) model { // nolint:r
input.TextStyle = inputTextStyle
statusBuffer := Buffer{
BufferHandler: StatusBufferHandler{},
name: "status",
inputChannel: make(chan string),
viewportIsReady: false,
persistence: true, // TODO: configurable
return model{
username: username,
userDir: path.Join(homeDir, "/.cairde/"),
acnState: offline,
menuBar: []string{"STATUS"},
menuState: 0,
input: input,
version: version,
statusBuffer: make(chan string),
menuBar: []string{
menuState: 0,
statusBuffer: statusBuffer,
buffers: []Buffer{statusBuffer},
input: input,
version: version,
showWelcomeMessage: true,
debug: debug,
debug: debug,
@ -124,7 +116,7 @@ func NewModel(username, homeDir, version string, debug bool) model { // nolint:r
// the statusViewport. This command is repeatedly called by the logic which
// responds to a renderStatusMsg in Update.
func (m model) receiveStatusCmd() tea.Msg {
return renderStatusMsg{line: <-m.statusBuffer}
return renderStatusMsg{line: <-m.statusBuffer.inputChannel}
// sendStatusCmd delivers a tea.Msg to bubbletea for rendering lines from the
@ -141,8 +133,8 @@ func (m model) sendStatusCmd(lines ...string) tea.Cmd {
// we want to render messages to the status buffer but still have work to do.
func (m model) sendStatus(lines ...string) {
for _, line := range lines {
logToFile(m, line)
m.statusBuffer <- line
logDebug(m, line)
m.statusBuffer.inputChannel <- line
@ -179,6 +171,12 @@ func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return tea.Batch(
func() tea.Msg {
if err := m.statusBuffer.open(&m); err != nil {
return cmdMsg{output: []string{err.Error()}}
return nil
@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.statusViewport, cmd = m.statusViewport.Update(msg)
m.statusBuffer.viewport, cmd = m.statusBuffer.viewport.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
for _, p := range m.profiles {
@ -218,12 +216,12 @@ func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
m.input.Width = m.width - 5
if !m.statusViewportReady {
m.statusViewport = newViewport(m.width, m.height-3)
m.statusViewportReady = true
if !m.statusBuffer.viewportIsReady {
m.statusBuffer.viewport = newViewport(m.width, m.height-3)
m.statusBuffer.viewportIsReady = true
} else {
m.statusViewport.Width = m.width
m.statusViewport.Height = m.height - 3
m.statusBuffer.viewport.Width = m.width
m.statusBuffer.viewport.Height = m.height - 3
for _, p := range m.profiles {
@ -233,6 +231,41 @@ func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "down":
buffer := m.buffers[m.menuState]
if len(buffer.inputHistory) == 0 {
if buffer.inputHistoryCursor < len(buffer.inputHistory)-1 {
m.buffers[m.menuState] = buffer
lastCmd := buffer.inputHistory[buffer.inputHistoryCursor]
case "up":
buffer := m.buffers[m.menuState]
if len(buffer.inputHistory) == 0 {
if buffer.inputHistoryCursor > 0 {
m.buffers[m.menuState] = buffer
lastCmd := buffer.inputHistory[buffer.inputHistoryCursor]
case "ctrl+c":
cmds = append(cmds, func() tea.Msg {
return turnAcnOff(&m, true)
@ -244,16 +277,19 @@ func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
if string(cmdInput[0]) != "/" && m.menuState == 0 {
buffer := m.buffers[Status]
if err := buffer.validate(m, cmdInput); err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, func() tea.Msg {
errMsg := "Woops, this is not a chat buffer. Only commands are allowed"
return cmdMsg{output: []string{errMsg}}
return cmdMsg{output: []string{err.Error()}}
buffer.persist(&m, cmdInput)
cmds = append(cmds, func() tea.Msg {
return handleCmd(cmdInput[1:], m.hiddenInput)
return buffer.handle(cmdInput[1:], m.hiddenInput)
case "ctrl+n":
@ -298,9 +334,17 @@ func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
return turnAcnOff(&m, msg.quitProgram)
case gracefulShutdownMsg:
if err := m.statusBuffer.close(m); err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: ???
return m, tea.Quit
case acnOffMsg:
if msg.quitProgram {
return m, tea.Quit
return m, func() tea.Msg {
return gracefulShutdownMsg{}
cmds = append(cmds, m.sendStatusCmd("ACN successfully turned off"))
m.acnState = offline
@ -431,23 +475,23 @@ func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
case sendStatusMsg:
cmds = append(cmds, func() tea.Msg {
for _, line := range msg.lines {
logToFile(m, line)
m.statusBuffer <- line
logDebug(m, line)
m.statusBuffer.inputChannel <- line
return nil
case renderStatusMsg:
m.statusViewportLines = append(m.statusViewportLines, renderLines(m.width, msg.line)...)
m.statusViewport.SetContent(strings.Join(m.statusViewportLines, "\n"))
m.statusBuffer.viewportLines = append(m.statusBuffer.viewportLines, renderLines(m.width, msg.line)...)
m.statusBuffer.viewport.SetContent(strings.Join(m.statusBuffer.viewportLines, "\n"))
cmds = append(cmds, m.receiveStatusCmd)
case clearScreenMsg:
m.statusViewportLines = []string{}
m.statusBuffer.viewportLines = []string{}
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
@ -459,10 +503,10 @@ func (m model) View() string {
var chosenViewport viewport.Model
switch m.menuState {
case 0:
chosenViewport = m.statusViewport
chosenViewport = m.statusBuffer.viewport
if m.menuState > len(m.profiles) {
chosenViewport = m.statusViewport
chosenViewport = m.statusBuffer.viewport
chosenViewport = m.profiles[m.menuState-1].statusViewport
Reference in New Issue
Block a user