
406 lines
9.7 KiB

// cctuip is a Co-op Cloud TUI.
package main
import (
abraClient ""
tea ""
dockerClient ""
// help is the cctuip CLI help output.
const help = `cctuip [options]
cctuip is a Co-op Cloud TUI.
-h output help
var helpFlag bool
// handleCliFlags parses CLI flags.
func handleCliFlags() error {
flag.BoolVar(&helpFlag, "h", false, "output help")
return nil
// getClient retrieves a docker client from the abra API.
func getClient(server string) (*dockerClient.Client, error) {
cl, err := abraClient.New(server)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getClient: %s", err)
return cl, nil
// getApps retrieves app metadata from the abra API.
func getApps() ([]config.App, error) {
appFiles, err := config.LoadAppFiles("")
if err != nil {
return []config.App{}, fmt.Errorf("getApps: %s", err)
apps, err := config.GetApps(appFiles, "")
if err != nil {
return []config.App{}, fmt.Errorf("getApps: %s", err)
return apps, nil
// getNumServersAndRecipes totals servers and recipes.
func getNumServersAndRecipes(apps []config.App) (int, int) {
var (
servers []string
recipes []string
for _, app := range apps {
if !slices.Contains(servers, app.Server) {
servers = append(servers, app.Server)
if !slices.Contains(recipes, app.Recipe) {
recipes = append(recipes, app.Recipe)
return len(servers), len(recipes)
// errorMsg delivers errors to the UI.
type errorMsg struct{ err error }
// Error implements error output rendering.
func (e errorMsg) Error() string { return e.err.Error() }
// appsDeployStatusMsg delivers the deployment status of all apps to the UI.
type appsDeployStatusMsg map[string]map[string]string
// getAppsDeployStatus retrieves apps deployment status from a server.
func getAppsDeployStatus(m model) tea.Msg {
var apps []config.App
for _, row := range m.table.GetVisibleRows() {
apps = append(apps, row.Data["app"].(config.App))
statuses, err := config.GetAppStatuses(apps, true)
if err != nil {
return errorMsg{err}
catl, err := recipe.ReadRecipeCatalogue()
if err != nil {
return errorMsg{err}
for _, app := range apps {
var newUpdates []string
if status, ok := statuses[app.StackName()]; ok {
if version, ok := status["version"]; ok {
updates, err := recipe.GetRecipeCatalogueVersions(app.Recipe, catl)
if err != nil {
return errorMsg{err}
parsedVersion, err := tagcmp.Parse(version)
if err != nil {
statuses[app.StackName()]["updates"] = "🤷"
for _, update := range updates {
parsedUpdate, err := tagcmp.Parse(update)
if err != nil {
statuses[app.StackName()]["updates"] = "🤷"
if update != version && parsedUpdate.IsGreaterThan(parsedVersion) {
newUpdates = append(newUpdates, update)
if len(newUpdates) == 0 {
statuses[app.StackName()]["updates"] = "✅"
} else {
statuses[app.StackName()]["updates"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(newUpdates))
return appsDeployStatusMsg(statuses)
func renderAppsDeployStatus(m *model, appStatuses appsDeployStatusMsg) table.Model {
for _, row := range m.table.GetVisibleRows() {
app := row.Data["app"].(config.App)
appStatus := appStatuses[app.StackName()]
var (
version = appStatus["version"]
updates = appStatus["updates"]
status = appStatus["status"]
chaos = appStatus["chaos"]
chaosVersion = appStatus["chaosVersion"]
autoUpdate = appStatus["autoUpdate"]
if status == "" {
row.Data["status"] = "🤷"
} else {
row.Data["status"] = status
if version == "" {
row.Data["version"] = "🤷"
} else {
row.Data["version"] = version
row.Data["updates"] = updates
if chaos == "" {
row.Data["chaos"] = "🤷"
} else {
row.Data["chaos"] = chaos
if chaosVersion == "" {
row.Data["chaos-version"] = "🤷"
} else {
row.Data["chaos-version"] = chaosVersion
if autoUpdate == "" {
row.Data["autoUpdate"] = "🤷"
} else {
row.Data["autoUpdate"] = autoUpdate
return m.table
type initTableMsg struct{ table table.Model }
// initTable loads the table layout from local-first data sources (~/.abra).
func initTable(m model) tea.Msg {
var rows []table.Row
for _, app := range m.apps {
rows = append(rows, table.NewRow(table.RowData{
"domain": app.Domain,
"server": app.Server,
"recipe": app.Recipe,
"status": "🤷",
"version": "🤷",
"updates": "🤷",
"chaos": "🤷",
"chaos-version": "🤷",
"auto-update": "🤷",
"app": app, // attach app itself for faster lookups
colStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Align(lipgloss.Left)
columns := []table.Column{
table.NewFlexColumn("domain", "Domain", 2).WithFiltered(true).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("server", "Server", 1).WithFiltered(true).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("recipe", "Recipe", 1).WithFiltered(true).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("status", "Status", 1).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("version", "Version", 2).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("updates", "Updates", 2).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("chaos", "Chaos", 1).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("chaos-version", "Chaos version", 2).WithStyle(colStyle),
table.NewFlexColumn("auto-update", "Auto-update", 1).WithStyle(colStyle),
width, height, err := term.GetSize(0)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(err) // TODO
keymap := table.DefaultKeyMap()
keymap.Filter = key.NewBinding(key.WithKeys("/", "f"))
keymap.PageDown = key.NewBinding(key.WithKeys("right", "l", "pgdown", "ctrl+d"))
keymap.PageUp = key.NewBinding(key.WithKeys("left", "h", "pgup", "ctrl+u"))
t := table.
WithPageSize(height - 10).
return initTableMsg{table: t}
// model is the TUI application state.
type model struct {
apps []config.App
numApps int
numServers int
numRecipes int
numFilteredApps int
numFilteredServers int
numFilteredRecipes int
table table.Model
spinner spinner.Model
pollingStatus bool
err error
// getFilteredApps retrieves all visible apps.
func (m model) getFilteredApps() []config.App {
var servers []config.App
for _, row := range m.table.GetVisibleRows() {
servers = append(servers, row.Data["app"].(config.App))
return servers
// updateCount updates the apps/servers/recipes count.
func (m *model) updateCount() {
if m.table.GetIsFilterActive() {
apps := m.getFilteredApps()
m.numFilteredApps = len(apps)
m.numFilteredServers, m.numFilteredRecipes = getNumServersAndRecipes(apps)
} else {
m.numFilteredApps = m.numApps
m.numFilteredServers = m.numServers
m.numFilteredRecipes = m.numRecipes
// Init initialises a new model. All I/O happens here and the results are fed
// into the UI for further updates and rendering.
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return tea.Batch(
func() tea.Msg { return initTable(m) },
// Update handles updates to the TUI via I/O and the user.
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
var cmd tea.Cmd
var cmds []tea.Cmd
m.table, cmd = m.table.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "q":
return m, tea.Quit
case "s":
if !m.table.GetIsFilterInputFocused() {
m.pollingStatus = true
return m, func() tea.Msg { return getAppsDeployStatus(m) }
case initTableMsg:
m.table = msg.table
case appsDeployStatusMsg:
m.pollingStatus = false
m.table = renderAppsDeployStatus(&m, msg)
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.table = m.table.WithTargetWidth(msg.Width)
m.table = m.table.WithPageSize(msg.Height - 10)
case errorMsg:
m.err = msg // TODO
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
// View renders the UI.
func (m model) View() string {
if m.err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("\nWe had some trouble: %v\n\n", m.err)
body := strings.Builder{}
"Servers: %v, Apps: %v, Recipes: %v\n",
m.numFilteredServers, m.numFilteredApps, m.numFilteredRecipes,
body.WriteString(m.table.View() + "\n")
body.WriteString("cctuip v0.1.0")
if m.pollingStatus {
body.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s querying app status...", m.spinner.View()))
return body.String()
// main is the command-line entrypoint.
func main() {
if helpFlag {
apps, err := getApps()
if err != nil {
numServers, numRecipes := getNumServersAndRecipes(apps)
if err != nil {
s := spinner.New()
s.Spinner = spinner.Dot
s.Style = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("205"))
numApps := len(apps)
m := model{
apps: apps,
numApps: numApps,
numServers: numServers,
numRecipes: numRecipes,
numFilteredApps: numApps,
numFilteredServers: numServers,
numFilteredRecipes: numRecipes,
spinner: s,
p := tea.NewProgram(m, tea.WithAltScreen())
if _, err := p.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("oops, cctuip exploded: %s", err)