TYPE=bonfire # choose what flavour of Bonfire to run FLAVOUR=classic # Different flavours/forks or architectures may require different builds of bonfire: # for ARM (manual build): APP_DOCKER_IMAGE=bonfirenetworks/bonfire:latest-${FLAVOUR}-aarch64 for x86 (built by CI): APP_DOCKER_IMAGE=bonfirenetworks/bonfire:latest-${FLAVOUR}-amd64 # multi-arch image (built by CI, but currently not working): #APP_DOCKER_IMAGE=bonfirenetworks/bonfire:latest-${FLAVOUR} # different flavours or architectures may require different postgres builds: DB_DOCKER_IMAGE=postgres:12-alpine #DB_DOCKER_IMAGE=postgis/postgis:12-3.2-alpine #DB_DOCKER_IMAGE=ghcr.io/baosystems/postgis:12-3.2 # enter your instance's domain name DOMAIN=bonfire.example.com # DO NOT CHANGE DOMAIN AFTER DEPLOYMENT! WILL BREAK FEDERATION!! ## Domain aliases #EXTRA_DOMAINS=', `www.bonfire.example.com`' # what service to use for sending out emails (eg. smtp, mailgun, none) NOTE: you should also set the corresponding keys in secrets.env MAIL_BACKEND=mailgun # require an email address to be invited before being able to sign up? (true or false) INVITE_ONLY=true # uncomment in order to NOT automatically change the database schema when you upgrade the app # DISABLE_DB_AUTOMIGRATION=true # max file upload size - default is 20 meg UPLOAD_LIMIT=20000000 DB_MEMORY_LIMIT=1000M # how much info to include in logs (from less to more: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug) LOG_LEVEL=info # ==================================== # SECRETS # please make sure you change everything to your own secrets! # and do not check your env file into any public git repo # change ALL the values: # if `INVITE_ONLY` is true, what should be the secret code to sign up? INVITE_KEY=123 # signup to mailgun.com and edit with your domain and API key MAIL_DOMAIN=mgo.example.com MAIL_KEY=xyz MAIL_FROM=admin@example.com # error reporting SENTRY_DSN= # Store uploads in S3-compatible service # UPLOADS_S3_BUCKET= # UPLOADS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID= # UPLOADS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= # UPLOADS_S3_REGION=fr-par # UPLOADS_S3_HOST=s3.fr-par.scw.cloud # UPLOADS_S3_SCHEME=https:// # UPLOADS_S3_URL= # Bonfire extensions configs: WEB_PUSH_SUBJECT=mailto:admin@example.com WEB_PUSH_PUBLIC_KEY=xyz WEB_PUSH_PRIVATE_KEY=abc GEOLOCATE_OPENCAGEDATA= GITHUB_TOKEN=xyz # ==================================== # these secrets will be autogenerated/managed by abra and docker" SECRET_POSTGRES_PASSWORD_VERSION=v1 SECRET_MEILI_MASTER_KEY_VERSION=v1 SECRET_SEEDS_PW_VERSION=v1 SECRET_LIVEBOOK_PASSWORD_VERSION=v1 SECRET_SECRET_KEY_BASE_VERSION=v1 # length=128 SECRET_SIGNING_SALT_VERSION=v1 # length=128 SECRET_ENCRYPTION_SALT_VERSION=v1 # length=128 # ==================================== # You should not have to edit any of the following ones: APP_NAME=Bonfire LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SEEDS_USER=root ERLANG_COOKIE=bonfire_cookie REPLACE_OS_VARS=true LIVEVIEW_ENABLED=true ACME_AGREE=true SHOW_DEBUG_IN_DEV=true LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV=production HOSTNAME=$DOMAIN #PLUG_SERVER=bandit