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2022-05-09 11:51:09 +00:00
# lykin
_Symbiosis of SSB, key-value store and web server._
## Introduction
lykin is a tutorial application funded by a Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) community grant. It is intended to showcase one way in which an SSB application can be written using the [golgi]( client library. The application is not intended for widespread or longterm use and will not be maintained as such; it is purely for demonstration purposes. Anyone is free to fork the repository and use it as the basis for their own application.
## Quickstart
Prerequisites: a running instance of go-sbot (see the [installation guide](
Download, build and run lykin.
git clone
cd lykin
cargo build --release
RUST_LOG=lykin=info ./target/release/lykin
Open `localhost:8000` in your browser.
**Note**: by default, lykin attempts to connect to the go-sbot instance on port 8021. Set the `GO_SBOT_PORT` environment variable if you wish to use another port.
2022-05-09 11:51:09 +00:00
## Features
lykin presents an email inbox-like UI and functions as a Scuttlebutt reader application. It allows the user to subscribe to peers and read the root posts of those peers. Individual posts can be marked as read or unread.
A summary of the features:
- Subscribe to a peer (follow)
- Unsubscribe from a peer (unfollow)
- List subscribed peers
- List root posts for each peer
- Mark a post as read
- Mark a post as unread
- Fetch new posts
## Design
lykin has been built with the following components:
- [tera]( : templating engine
- [rocket]( : web server
- [golgi]( : Scuttlebutt client library
- [sled]( : transactional embedded database (key-value store)
- [sbot]( : Scuttlebutt server (in our case, go-ssb)
## Documentation
This project is documented in the form of code comments and Rust doc comments. In order to generate and read the doc comments in a web browser, run the following command in the lykin repo:
`cargo doc --open --no-deps`
2022-05-09 11:51:09 +00:00
## Thanks
I am grateful to the Butts who voted to fund this work, all contributors to the SSBC and Erick Lavoie in particular - both for partially funding this work and for developing and overseeing the community grant process.
## Contact
I can be reached via email: []( or Scuttlebutt: `@HEqy940T6uB+T+d9Jaa58aNfRzLx9eRWqkZljBmnkmk=.ed25519`.
## License
2022-08-11 10:44:14 +00:00