
110 lines
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//! Asynchronous task loop.
//! Allows for the execution of potentially long-running actions involving sbot
//! RPC calls, data transformations and database interactions.
use async_std::{channel::Receiver, task};
use log::{info, warn};
use crate::{db::Database, sbot};
pub enum Task {
/// Retrieve a set of posts from the local sbot instance and add them to the
/// posts tree of the database.
/// A stream of messages is first requested for the peer represented by the
/// given public key (ID), starting after the given sequence number. The root
/// posts are filtered from the set of messages and added to the database as a
/// batch. Finally, the value of the latest sequence for the peer is updated
/// and saved to the existing database entry.
async fn fetch_posts_and_update_db(db: &Database, peer_id: String, after_sequence: u64) {
let peer_msgs = sbot::get_message_stream(&peer_id, after_sequence).await;
let (latest_sequence, root_posts) = sbot::get_root_posts(peer_msgs).await;
match db.add_post_batch(&peer_id, root_posts) {
Ok(_) => {
"Inserted batch of posts into database post tree for peer: {}",
Err(e) => warn!(
"Failed to insert batch of posts into database post tree for peer: {}: {}",
&peer_id, e
// Update the value of the latest sequence number for
// the peer (this is stored in the database).
if let Ok(Some(peer)) = db.get_peer(&peer_id) {
/// Request the name of the peer represented by the given public key (ID)
/// and update the existing entry in the database.
async fn fetch_name_and_update_db(db: &Database, peer_id: String) {
match sbot::get_name(&peer_id).await {
Ok(name) => {
if let Ok(Some(peer)) = db.get_peer(&peer_id) {
let updated_peer = peer.set_name(&name);
match db.add_peer(updated_peer) {
Ok(_) => info!("Updated name for peer: {}", &peer_id),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Failed to update name for peer: {}: {}", &peer_id, e)
Err(e) => warn!("Failed to fetch name for {}: {}", &peer_id, e),
/// Spawn an asynchronous loop which receives tasks over an unbounded channel
/// and invokes task functions accordingly.
pub async fn spawn(db: Database, rx: Receiver<Task>) {
task::spawn(async move {
while let Ok(task) = rx.recv().await {
match task {
// Fetch all messages authored by the given peer, filter
// the root posts and insert them into the posts tree of the
// database.
Task::FetchAllPosts(peer_id) => {
info!("Fetching all posts for peer: {}", peer_id);
fetch_posts_and_update_db(&db, peer_id, 0).await;
// Fetch only the latest messages authored by the given peer,
// ie. messages with sequence numbers greater than those
// which are already stored in the database.
// Retrieve the root posts from those messages and insert them
// into the posts tree of the database.
Task::FetchLatestPosts(peer_id) => {
if let Ok(Some(peer)) = db.get_peer(&peer_id) {
info!("Fetching latest posts for peer: {}", peer_id);
fetch_posts_and_update_db(&db, peer_id, peer.latest_sequence).await;
// Fetch the latest name for the given peer and update the
// peer entry in the peers tree of the database.
Task::FetchLatestName(peer_id) => {
info!("Fetching latest name for peer: {}", peer_id);
fetch_name_and_update_db(&db, peer_id).await;
// Break out of the task loop.
Task::Cancel => {
info!("Exiting task loop...");