use std::env; use golgi::{api::friends::RelationshipQuery, sbot::Keystore, Sbot}; use log::{info, warn}; /// Initialise a connection to a Scuttlebutt server. pub async fn init_sbot() -> Result { let go_sbot_port = env::var("GO_SBOT_PORT").unwrap_or_else(|_| "8021".to_string()); let keystore = Keystore::GoSbot; let ip_port = Some(format!("{}", go_sbot_port)); let net_id = None; Sbot::init(keystore, ip_port, net_id) .await .map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } /// Return the public key of the local sbot instance. pub async fn whoami() -> Result { let mut sbot = init_sbot().await?; sbot.whoami().await.map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } /// Check follow status. /// /// Is peer A (`public_key_a`) following peer B (`public_key_b`)? pub async fn is_following(public_key_a: &str, public_key_b: &str) -> Result { let mut sbot = init_sbot().await?; let query = RelationshipQuery { source: public_key_a.to_string(), dest: public_key_b.to_string(), }; sbot.friends_is_following(query) .await .map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } /// Follow a peer. pub async fn follow_peer(public_key: &str) -> Result { let mut sbot = init_sbot().await?; sbot.follow(public_key).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } /// Unfollow a peer. pub async fn unfollow_peer(public_key: &str) -> Result { let mut sbot = init_sbot().await?; sbot.unfollow(public_key).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } /// Return the name (self-identifier) for the peer associated with the given /// public key. /// /// The public key of the peer will be returned if a name is not found. pub async fn get_name(public_key: &str) -> Result { let mut sbot = init_sbot().await?; sbot.get_name(public_key).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } /// Check the follow status of a remote peer and follow them if not already /// following. pub async fn follow_if_not_following(remote_peer: &str) -> Result<(), String> { if let Ok(whoami) = whoami().await { match is_following(&whoami, remote_peer).await { Ok(status) if status.as_str() == "false" => match follow_peer(remote_peer).await { Ok(_) => { info!("Followed peer {}", &remote_peer); Ok(()) } Err(e) => { let err_msg = format!("Failed to follow peer {}: {}", &remote_peer, e); warn!("{}", err_msg); Err(err_msg) } }, Ok(status) if status.as_str() == "true" => { info!( "Already following peer {}. No further action taken", &remote_peer ); Ok(()) } _ => Err( "Failed to determine follow status: received unrecognised response from local sbot" .to_string(), ), } } else { let err_msg = String::from("Received an error during `whoami` RPC call. Please ensure the go-sbot is running and try again"); warn!("{}", err_msg); Err(err_msg) } } /// Check the follow status of a remote peer and unfollow them if already /// following. pub async fn unfollow_if_following(remote_peer: &str) -> Result<(), String> { if let Ok(whoami) = whoami().await { match is_following(&whoami, remote_peer).await { Ok(status) if status.as_str() == "true" => { info!("Unfollowing peer {}", &remote_peer); match unfollow_peer(remote_peer).await { Ok(_) => { info!("Unfollowed peer {}", &remote_peer); Ok(()) } Err(e) => { let err_msg = format!("Failed to unfollow peer {}: {}", &remote_peer, e); warn!("{}", err_msg); Err(err_msg) } } } _ => Err( "Failed to determine follow status: received unrecognised response from local sbot" .to_string(), ), } } else { let err_msg = String::from("Received an error during `whoami` RPC call. Please ensure the go-sbot is running and try again"); warn!("{}", err_msg); Err(err_msg) } }