mod db; mod routes; mod sbot; mod task_loop; mod utils; use async_std::channel; use log::info; use rocket::{ fairing::AdHoc, fs::{relative, FileServer}, launch, routes, }; use rocket_dyn_templates::Template; use xdg::BaseDirectories; use crate::{db::Database, routes::*, task_loop::Task}; #[launch] async fn rocket() -> _ { // Create the key-value database. let xdg_dirs = BaseDirectories::with_prefix("lykin").unwrap(); let db_path = xdg_dirs .place_config_file("database") .expect("cannot create database directory"); let db = Database::init(&db_path); let db_clone = db.clone(); // Create a message passing channel. let (tx, rx) = channel::unbounded(); let tx_clone = tx.clone(); // Spawn the task loop, passing in the receiver half of the channel. info!("Spawning task loop"); task_loop::spawn(db_clone, rx).await; rocket::build() .manage(db) .manage(tx) .attach(Template::fairing()) .mount("/", routes![home, subscribe_form, unsubscribe_form]) .mount("/", FileServer::from(relative!("static"))) .attach(AdHoc::on_shutdown("cancel task loop", |_| { Box::pin(async move { tx_clone.send(Task::Cancel).await.unwrap(); }) })) }