# golgi _The Golgi complex (aka. Golgi apparatus or Golgi body) packages proteins into membrane-bound vesicles inside the cell before the vesicles are sent to their destination._ ----- ## Introduction Golgi is an asynchronous, experimental Scuttlebutt client that aims to facilitate Scuttlebutt application development. It provides a high-level API for interacting with an sbot instance and uses the [kuska-ssb](https://github.com/Kuska-ssb) libraries to make RPC calls. Development efforts are currently oriented towards [go-sbot](https://github.com/cryptoscope/ssb) interoperability. ## Features Golgi offers the ability to invoke individual RPC methods while also providing a number of convenience methods which may involve multiple RPC calls and / or the processing of data received from those calls. The `Sbot` `struct` is the primary means of interacting with the library. Features include the ability to publish messages of various kinds; to retrieve messages (e.g. `about` and `description` messages) and formulate queries; to follow, unfollow, block and unblock a peer; to query the social graph; and to generate pub invite codes. ## Example Usage Basic usage is demonstrated below. Visit the [examples directory](https://git.coopcloud.tech/golgi-ssb/golgi/src/branch/main/examples) in the `golgi` repository for more comprehensive examples. ```rust use golgi::{GolgiError, Sbot}; pub async fn run() -> Result<(), GolgiError> { // Attempt to initialise a connection to an sbot instance using the default // IP address, port and network key (aka. capabilities key). let mut sbot_client = Sbot::init(None, None).await?; // Call the `whoami` RPC method to retrieve the public key for the sbot // identity. let id = sbot_client.whoami().await?; // Print the public key (identity) to `stdout`. println!("{}", id); // Compose an SSB post message type. let post = SsbMessageContent::Post { text: "Biology, eh?!".to_string(), mentions: None, }; // Publish the post. let post_msg_reference = sbot_client.publish(post).await?; // Print the reference (sigil-link) for the published post. println!("{}", post_msg_reference); Ok(()) } ``` ## Authors - [notplants](https://mfowler.info/) - [glyph](https://mycelial.technology/) ## License LGPL-3.0.