use std::process; use golgi::{messages::SsbMessageContent, GolgiError, Sbot}; // Golgi is an asynchronous library so we must call it from within an // async function. The `GolgiError` type encapsulates all possible // error variants for the library. async fn run() -> Result<(), GolgiError> { // Attempt to connect to an sbot instance using the default IP address, // port and network key (aka. capabilities key). let mut sbot_client = Sbot::init(None, None).await?; // Alternatively, we could specify a non-standard IP and port. // let ip_port = "".to_string(); // let mut sbot_client = Sbot::init(Some(ip_port), None).await?; // Call the `whoami` RPC method to retrieve the public key for the sbot // identity. This is our 'local' public key. let id = sbot_client.whoami().await?; // Print the public key (identity) to `stdout`. println!("whoami: {}", id); // Compose an SSB `about` message type. // The `SsbMessageContent` type has many variants and allows for a high // degree of control when creating messages. let name = SsbMessageContent::About { about: id.clone(), name: Some("golgi".to_string()), title: None, branch: None, image: None, description: None, location: None, start_datetime: None, }; // Publish the name message. The `publish` method returns a reference to // the published message. let name_msg_ref = sbot_client.publish(name).await?; // Print the message reference to `stdout`. println!("name_msg_ref: {}", name_msg_ref); // Compose an SSB `post` message type. let post = SsbMessageContent::Post { text: "golgi go womp womp".to_string(), mentions: None, }; // Publish the post. let post_msg_ref = sbot_client.publish(post).await?; // Print the post reference to `stdout`. println!("post_msg_ref: {}", post_msg_ref); // Golgi also exposes convenience methods for some of the most common // message types. Here we see an example of a convenience method for // posting a description message. The description is for the local // identity, ie. we are publishing this about "ourself". let post_msg_ref = sbot_client .publish_description("this is a description") .await?; // Print the description message reference to `stdout`. println!("description: {}", post_msg_ref); let author: String = id.clone(); println!("author: {:?}", author); // Retrieve the description for the given public key (identity). let description = sbot_client.get_description(&author).await?; // Print the description to `stdout`. println!("found description: {:?}", description); // Compose and publish another `post` message type. let post = SsbMessageContent::Post { text: "golgi go womp womp2".to_string(), mentions: None, }; let post_msg_ref = sbot_client.publish(post).await?; println!("post_msg_ref2: {}", post_msg_ref); Ok(()) } // Enable an async main function and execute the `run()` function, // catching any errors and printing them to `stderr` before exiting the // process. #[async_std::main] async fn main() { if let Err(e) = run().await { eprintln!("Application error: {}", e); process::exit(1); } }