
111 lines
3.8 KiB

use kuska_ssb::api::dto::content::{FriendsHops, RelationshipQuery};
use crate::{error::GolgiError, messages::SsbMessageContent, sbot::sbot_connection::Sbot, utils};
impl Sbot {
/// Convenience method to set a relationship with following: true, blocking: false.
pub async fn follow(&mut self, contact: &str) -> Result<String, GolgiError> {
self.set_relationship(contact, true, false).await
/// Convenience method to set a relationship with following: false, blocking: true.
pub async fn block(&mut self, contact: &str) -> Result<String, GolgiError> {
self.set_relationship(contact, false, true).await
/// Publishes a contact relationship to the given user (with ssb_id) with the given state.
pub async fn set_relationship(
&mut self,
contact: &str,
following: bool,
blocking: bool,
) -> Result<String, GolgiError> {
let msg = SsbMessageContent::Contact {
contact: Some(contact.to_string()),
following: Some(following),
blocking: Some(blocking),
autofollow: None,
/// Call the `friends isFollowing` RPC method and return a message reference.
/// Returns true if src_id is following dest_id and false otherwise.
pub async fn friends_is_following(
&mut self,
args: RelationshipQuery,
) -> Result<String, GolgiError> {
let mut sbot_connection = self.get_sbot_connection().await?;
let req_id = sbot_connection
&mut sbot_connection.rpc_reader,
/// Call the `friends isblocking` RPC method and return a message reference.
/// Returns true if src_id is blocking dest_id and false otherwise.
pub async fn friends_is_blocking(
&mut self,
args: RelationshipQuery,
) -> Result<String, GolgiError> {
let mut sbot_connection = self.get_sbot_connection().await?;
let req_id = sbot_connection
&mut sbot_connection.rpc_reader,
/// Return a Vec<String> where each element is a peer you are following.
pub async fn get_follows(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>, GolgiError> {
self.friends_hops(FriendsHops {
max: 1,
start: None,
reverse: Some(false),
// Gets a Vec<String> where each element is a peer who follows you
/// TODO: currently this method is not working
/// go-sbot does not seem to listen to the reverse=True parameter
/// and just returns follows
async fn _get_followers(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<String>, GolgiError> {
self.friends_hops(FriendsHops {
max: 1,
start: None,
reverse: Some(true),
/// Call the `friends hops` RPC method and return a Vector<String>
/// where each element of the vector is the ssb_id of a peer.
/// When opts.reverse = True, it should return peers who are following you
/// (but this is currently not working)
pub async fn friends_hops(&mut self, args: FriendsHops) -> Result<Vec<String>, GolgiError> {
let mut sbot_connection = self.get_sbot_connection().await?;
let req_id = sbot_connection.client.friends_hops_req_send(args).await?;
&mut sbot_connection.rpc_reader,