updated theme `Twenty Seventeen` version 2.4

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KawaiiPunk 2020-08-13 14:53:57 +00:00 committed by Gitium
parent f1c4277fcd
commit b3cd4e0a59
23 changed files with 2471 additions and 1529 deletions

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@ -1,155 +1,162 @@
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<path class="path1" d="M0.356 17.956c0.178 0.178 0.533 0.356 0.711 0.356h33.778l-10.311 10.489c-0.178 0.178-0.356 0.533-0.356 0.711 0 0.356 0.178 0.533 0.356 0.711l1.6 1.6c0.178 0.178 0.533 0.356 0.711 0.356s0.533-0.178 0.711-0.356l14.756-14.933c0.178-0.356 0.356-0.711 0.356-0.889s-0.178-0.533-0.356-0.711l-14.756-14.933c0-0.178-0.356-0.356-0.533-0.356s-0.533 0.178-0.711 0.356l-1.6 1.6c-0.178 0.178-0.356 0.533-0.356 0.711s0.178 0.533 0.356 0.711l10.311 10.489h-33.778c-0.178 0-0.533 0.178-0.711 0.356-0.356 0.178-0.533 0.356-0.533 0.711v2.311c0 0.178 0.178 0.533 0.356 0.711z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-play" viewBox="0 0 22 28">
<path d="M21.625 14.484l-20.75 11.531c-0.484 0.266-0.875 0.031-0.875-0.516v-23c0-0.547 0.391-0.781 0.875-0.516l20.75 11.531c0.484 0.266 0.484 0.703 0 0.969z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-pause" viewBox="0 0 24 28">
<path d="M24 3v22c0 0.547-0.453 1-1 1h-8c-0.547 0-1-0.453-1-1v-22c0-0.547 0.453-1 1-1h8c0.547 0 1 0.453 1 1zM10 3v22c0 0.547-0.453 1-1 1h-8c-0.547 0-1-0.453-1-1v-22c0-0.547 0.453-1 1-1h8c0.547 0 1 0.453 1 1z"></path>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 42 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 43 KiB

View File

@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
* Scripts within the customizer controls window.
* Contextually shows the color hue control and informs the preview
* when users open or close the front page sections section.
(function() {
wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function() {
// Only show the color hue control when there's a custom color scheme.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme', function( setting ) {
wp.customize.control( 'colorscheme_hue', function( control ) {
var visibility = function() {
if ( 'custom' === setting.get() ) {
control.container.slideDown( 180 );
} else {
control.container.slideUp( 180 );
setting.bind( visibility );
// Detect when the front page sections section is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust the preview accordingly.
wp.customize.section( 'theme_options', function( section ) {
section.expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding will = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it.
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { expanded: isExpanding });
} );
} );
* Scripts within the customizer controls window.
* Contextually shows the color hue control and informs the preview
* when users open or close the front page sections section.
(function() {
wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function() {
// Only show the color hue control when there's a custom color scheme.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme', function( setting ) {
wp.customize.control( 'colorscheme_hue', function( control ) {
var visibility = function() {
if ( 'custom' === setting.get() ) {
control.container.slideDown( 180 );
} else {
control.container.slideUp( 180 );
setting.bind( visibility );
// Detect when the front page sections section is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust the preview accordingly.
wp.customize.section( 'theme_options', function( section ) {
section.expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding will = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it.
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { expanded: isExpanding });
} );
} );

View File

@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
* File customize-preview.js.
* Instantly live-update customizer settings in the preview for improved user experience.
(function( $ ) {
// Collect information from customize-controls.js about which panels are opening.
wp.customize.bind( 'preview-ready', function() {
// Initially hide the theme option placeholders on load.
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).hide();
wp.customize.preview.bind( 'section-highlight', function( data ) {
// Only on the front page.
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' ) ) {
// When the section is expanded, show and scroll to the content placeholders, exposing the edit links.
if ( true === data.expanded ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'highlight-front-sections' );
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).slideDown( 200, function() {
$.scrollTo( $( '#panel1' ), {
duration: 600,
offset: { 'top': -70 } // Account for sticky menu.
// If we've left the panel, hide the placeholders and scroll back to the top.
} else {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'highlight-front-sections' );
// Don't change scroll when leaving - it's likely to have unintended consequences.
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).slideUp( 200 );
// Site title and description.
wp.customize( 'blogname', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.site-title a' ).text( to );
wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.site-description' ).text( to );
// Header text color.
wp.customize( 'header_textcolor', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
if ( 'blank' === to ) {
$( '.site-title, .site-description' ).css({
clip: 'rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)',
position: 'absolute'
// Add class for different logo styles if title and description are hidden.
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'title-tagline-hidden' );
} else {
// Check if the text color has been removed and use default colors in theme stylesheet.
if ( ! to.length ) {
$( '#twentyseventeen-custom-header-styles' ).remove();
$( '.site-title, .site-description' ).css({
clip: 'auto',
position: 'relative'
$( '.site-branding, .site-branding a, .site-description, .site-description a' ).css({
color: to
// Add class for different logo styles if title and description are visible.
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'title-tagline-hidden' );
// Color scheme.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
// Update color body class.
$( 'body' )
.removeClass( 'colors-light colors-dark colors-custom' )
.addClass( 'colors-' + to );
// Custom color hue.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme_hue', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
// Update custom color CSS.
var style = $( '#custom-theme-colors' ),
hue = style.data( 'hue' ),
css = style.html();
// Equivalent to css.replaceAll, with hue followed by comma to prevent values with units from being changed.
css = css.split( hue + ',' ).join( to + ',' );
style.html( css ).data( 'hue', to );
// Page layouts.
wp.customize( 'page_layout', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
if ( 'one-column' === to ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'page-one-column' ).removeClass( 'page-two-column' );
} else {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'page-one-column' ).addClass( 'page-two-column' );
} );
} );
// Whether a header image is available.
function hasHeaderImage() {
var image = wp.customize( 'header_image' )();
return '' !== image && 'remove-header' !== image;
// Whether a header video is available.
function hasHeaderVideo() {
var externalVideo = wp.customize( 'external_header_video' )(),
video = wp.customize( 'header_video' )();
return '' !== externalVideo || ( 0 !== video && '' !== video );
// Toggle a body class if a custom header exists.
$.each( [ 'external_header_video', 'header_image', 'header_video' ], function( index, settingId ) {
wp.customize( settingId, function( setting ) {
setting.bind(function() {
if ( hasHeaderImage() ) {
$( document.body ).addClass( 'has-header-image' );
} else {
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'has-header-image' );
if ( ! hasHeaderVideo() ) {
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'has-header-video' );
} );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );
* File customize-preview.js.
* Instantly live-update customizer settings in the preview for improved user experience.
(function( $ ) {
// Collect information from customize-controls.js about which panels are opening.
wp.customize.bind( 'preview-ready', function() {
// Initially hide the theme option placeholders on load.
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).hide();
wp.customize.preview.bind( 'section-highlight', function( data ) {
// Only on the front page.
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' ) ) {
// When the section is expanded, show and scroll to the content placeholders, exposing the edit links.
if ( true === data.expanded ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'highlight-front-sections' );
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).slideDown( 200, function() {
$.scrollTo( $( '#panel1' ), {
duration: 600,
offset: { 'top': -70 } // Account for sticky menu.
// If we've left the panel, hide the placeholders and scroll back to the top.
} else {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'highlight-front-sections' );
// Don't change scroll when leaving - it's likely to have unintended consequences.
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).slideUp( 200 );
// Site title and description.
wp.customize( 'blogname', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.site-title a' ).text( to );
wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.site-description' ).text( to );
// Header text color.
wp.customize( 'header_textcolor', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
if ( 'blank' === to ) {
$( '.site-title, .site-description' ).css({
clip: 'rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)',
position: 'absolute'
// Add class for different logo styles if title and description are hidden.
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'title-tagline-hidden' );
} else {
// Check if the text color has been removed and use default colors in theme stylesheet.
if ( ! to.length ) {
$( '#twentyseventeen-custom-header-styles' ).remove();
$( '.site-title, .site-description' ).css({
clip: 'auto',
position: 'relative'
$( '.site-branding, .site-branding a, .site-description, .site-description a' ).css({
color: to
// Add class for different logo styles if title and description are visible.
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'title-tagline-hidden' );
// Color scheme.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
// Update color body class.
$( 'body' )
.removeClass( 'colors-light colors-dark colors-custom' )
.addClass( 'colors-' + to );
// Custom color hue.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme_hue', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
// Update custom color CSS.
var style = $( '#custom-theme-colors' ),
hue = style.data( 'hue' ),
css = style.html();
// Equivalent to css.replaceAll, with hue followed by comma to prevent values with units from being changed.
css = css.split( hue + ',' ).join( to + ',' );
style.html( css ).data( 'hue', to );
// Page layouts.
wp.customize( 'page_layout', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
if ( 'one-column' === to ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'page-one-column' ).removeClass( 'page-two-column' );
} else {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'page-one-column' ).addClass( 'page-two-column' );
} );
} );
// Whether a header image is available.
function hasHeaderImage() {
var image = wp.customize( 'header_image' )();
return '' !== image && 'remove-header' !== image;
// Whether a header video is available.
function hasHeaderVideo() {
var externalVideo = wp.customize( 'external_header_video' )(),
video = wp.customize( 'header_video' )();
return '' !== externalVideo || ( 0 !== video && '' !== video );
// Toggle a body class if a custom header exists.
$.each( [ 'external_header_video', 'header_image', 'header_video' ], function( index, settingId ) {
wp.customize( settingId, function( setting ) {
setting.bind(function() {
if ( hasHeaderImage() ) {
$( document.body ).addClass( 'has-header-image' );
} else {
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'has-header-image' );
if ( ! hasHeaderVideo() ) {
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'has-header-video' );
} );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );

View File

@ -1,250 +1,250 @@
/* global twentyseventeenScreenReaderText */
(function( $ ) {
// Variables and DOM Caching.
var $body = $( 'body' ),
$customHeader = $body.find( '.custom-header' ),
$branding = $customHeader.find( '.site-branding' ),
$navigation = $body.find( '.navigation-top' ),
$navWrap = $navigation.find( '.wrap' ),
$navMenuItem = $navigation.find( '.menu-item' ),
$menuToggle = $navigation.find( '.menu-toggle' ),
$menuScrollDown = $body.find( '.menu-scroll-down' ),
$sidebar = $body.find( '#secondary' ),
$entryContent = $body.find( '.entry-content' ),
$formatQuote = $body.find( '.format-quote blockquote' ),
isFrontPage = $body.hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' ) || $body.hasClass( 'home blog' ),
navigationFixedClass = 'site-navigation-fixed',
menuTop = 0,
// Ensure the sticky navigation doesn't cover current focused links.
$( 'a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, [tabindex], [contenteditable]', '.site-content-contain' ).filter( ':visible' ).focus( function() {
if ( $navigation.hasClass( 'site-navigation-fixed' ) ) {
var windowScrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(),
fixedNavHeight = $navigation.height(),
itemScrollTop = $( this ).offset().top,
offsetDiff = itemScrollTop - windowScrollTop;
// Account for Admin bar.
if ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).length ) {
offsetDiff -= $( '#wpadminbar' ).height();
if ( offsetDiff < fixedNavHeight ) {
$( window ).scrollTo( itemScrollTop - ( fixedNavHeight + 50 ), 0 );
// Set properties of navigation.
function setNavProps() {
navigationHeight = $navigation.height();
navigationOuterHeight = $navigation.outerHeight();
navPadding = parseFloat( $navWrap.css( 'padding-top' ) ) * 2;
navMenuItemHeight = $navMenuItem.outerHeight() * 2;
idealNavHeight = navPadding + navMenuItemHeight;
navIsNotTooTall = navigationHeight <= idealNavHeight;
// Make navigation 'stick'.
function adjustScrollClass() {
// Make sure we're not on a mobile screen.
if ( 'none' === $menuToggle.css( 'display' ) ) {
// Make sure the nav isn't taller than two rows.
if ( navIsNotTooTall ) {
// When there's a custom header image or video, the header offset includes the height of the navigation.
if ( isFrontPage && ( $body.hasClass( 'has-header-image' ) || $body.hasClass( 'has-header-video' ) ) ) {
headerOffset = $customHeader.innerHeight() - navigationOuterHeight;
} else {
headerOffset = $customHeader.innerHeight();
// If the scroll is more than the custom header, set the fixed class.
if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= headerOffset ) {
$navigation.addClass( navigationFixedClass );
} else {
$navigation.removeClass( navigationFixedClass );
} else {
// Remove 'fixed' class if nav is taller than two rows.
$navigation.removeClass( navigationFixedClass );
// Set margins of branding in header.
function adjustHeaderHeight() {
if ( 'none' === $menuToggle.css( 'display' ) ) {
// The margin should be applied to different elements on front-page or home vs interior pages.
if ( isFrontPage ) {
$branding.css( 'margin-bottom', navigationOuterHeight );
} else {
$customHeader.css( 'margin-bottom', navigationOuterHeight );
} else {
$customHeader.css( 'margin-bottom', '0' );
$branding.css( 'margin-bottom', '0' );
// Set icon for quotes.
function setQuotesIcon() {
$( twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.quote ).prependTo( $formatQuote );
// Add 'below-entry-meta' class to elements.
function belowEntryMetaClass( param ) {
var sidebarPos, sidebarPosBottom;
if ( ! $body.hasClass( 'has-sidebar' ) || (
$body.hasClass( 'search' ) ||
$body.hasClass( 'single-attachment' ) ||
$body.hasClass( 'error404' ) ||
$body.hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' )
) ) {
sidebarPos = $sidebar.offset();
sidebarPosBottom = sidebarPos.top + ( $sidebar.height() + 28 );
$entryContent.find( param ).each( function() {
var $element = $( this ),
elementPos = $element.offset(),
elementPosTop = elementPos.top;
// Add 'below-entry-meta' to elements below the entry meta.
if ( elementPosTop > sidebarPosBottom ) {
$element.addClass( 'below-entry-meta' );
} else {
$element.removeClass( 'below-entry-meta' );
* Test if inline SVGs are supported.
* @link https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/
function supportsInlineSVG() {
var div = document.createElement( 'div' );
div.innerHTML = '<svg/>';
return 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' === ( 'undefined' !== typeof SVGRect && div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI );
* Test if an iOS device.
function checkiOS() {
return /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && ! window.MSStream;
* Test if background-attachment: fixed is supported.
* @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14115080/detect-support-for-background-attachment-fixed
function supportsFixedBackground() {
var el = document.createElement('div'),
try {
if ( ! ( 'backgroundAttachment' in el.style ) || checkiOS() ) {
return false;
el.style.backgroundAttachment = 'fixed';
isSupported = ( 'fixed' === el.style.backgroundAttachment );
return isSupported;
catch (e) {
return false;
// Fire on document ready.
$( document ).ready( function() {
// If navigation menu is present on page, setNavProps and adjustScrollClass.
if ( $navigation.length ) {
// If 'Scroll Down' arrow in present on page, calculate scroll offset and bind an event handler to the click event.
if ( $menuScrollDown.length ) {
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) {
menuTop -= 32;
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'blog' ) ) {
menuTop -= 30; // The div for latest posts has no space above content, add some to account for this.
if ( ! $navigation.length ) {
navigationOuterHeight = 0;
$menuScrollDown.click( function( e ) {
$( window ).scrollTo( '#primary', {
duration: 600,
offset: { top: menuTop - navigationOuterHeight }
belowEntryMetaClass( 'blockquote.alignleft, blockquote.alignright' );
if ( true === supportsInlineSVG() ) {
document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( /(\s*)no-svg(\s*)/, '$1svg$2' );
if ( true === supportsFixedBackground() ) {
document.documentElement.className += ' background-fixed';
// If navigation menu is present on page, adjust it on scroll and screen resize.
if ( $navigation.length ) {
// On scroll, we want to stick/unstick the navigation.
$( window ).on( 'scroll', function() {
// Also want to make sure the navigation is where it should be on resize.
$( window ).resize( function() {
setTimeout( adjustScrollClass, 500 );
$( window ).resize( function() {
clearTimeout( resizeTimer );
resizeTimer = setTimeout( function() {
belowEntryMetaClass( 'blockquote.alignleft, blockquote.alignright' );
}, 300 );
setTimeout( adjustHeaderHeight, 1000 );
// Add header video class after the video is loaded.
$( document ).on( 'wp-custom-header-video-loaded', function() {
$body.addClass( 'has-header-video' );
})( jQuery );
/* global twentyseventeenScreenReaderText */
(function( $ ) {
// Variables and DOM Caching.
var $body = $( 'body' ),
$customHeader = $body.find( '.custom-header' ),
$branding = $customHeader.find( '.site-branding' ),
$navigation = $body.find( '.navigation-top' ),
$navWrap = $navigation.find( '.wrap' ),
$navMenuItem = $navigation.find( '.menu-item' ),
$menuToggle = $navigation.find( '.menu-toggle' ),
$menuScrollDown = $body.find( '.menu-scroll-down' ),
$sidebar = $body.find( '#secondary' ),
$entryContent = $body.find( '.entry-content' ),
$formatQuote = $body.find( '.format-quote blockquote' ),
isFrontPage = $body.hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' ) || $body.hasClass( 'home blog' ),
navigationFixedClass = 'site-navigation-fixed',
menuTop = 0,
// Ensure the sticky navigation doesn't cover current focused links.
$( 'a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, [tabindex], [contenteditable]', '.site-content-contain' ).filter( ':visible' ).focus( function() {
if ( $navigation.hasClass( 'site-navigation-fixed' ) ) {
var windowScrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(),
fixedNavHeight = $navigation.height(),
itemScrollTop = $( this ).offset().top,
offsetDiff = itemScrollTop - windowScrollTop;
// Account for Admin bar.
if ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).length ) {
offsetDiff -= $( '#wpadminbar' ).height();
if ( offsetDiff < fixedNavHeight ) {
$( window ).scrollTo( itemScrollTop - ( fixedNavHeight + 50 ), 0 );
// Set properties of navigation.
function setNavProps() {
navigationHeight = $navigation.height();
navigationOuterHeight = $navigation.outerHeight();
navPadding = parseFloat( $navWrap.css( 'padding-top' ) ) * 2;
navMenuItemHeight = $navMenuItem.outerHeight() * 2;
idealNavHeight = navPadding + navMenuItemHeight;
navIsNotTooTall = navigationHeight <= idealNavHeight;
// Make navigation 'stick'.
function adjustScrollClass() {
// Make sure we're not on a mobile screen.
if ( 'none' === $menuToggle.css( 'display' ) ) {
// Make sure the nav isn't taller than two rows.
if ( navIsNotTooTall ) {
// When there's a custom header image or video, the header offset includes the height of the navigation.
if ( isFrontPage && ( $body.hasClass( 'has-header-image' ) || $body.hasClass( 'has-header-video' ) ) ) {
headerOffset = $customHeader.innerHeight() - navigationOuterHeight;
} else {
headerOffset = $customHeader.innerHeight();
// If the scroll is more than the custom header, set the fixed class.
if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= headerOffset ) {
$navigation.addClass( navigationFixedClass );
} else {
$navigation.removeClass( navigationFixedClass );
} else {
// Remove 'fixed' class if nav is taller than two rows.
$navigation.removeClass( navigationFixedClass );
// Set margins of branding in header.
function adjustHeaderHeight() {
if ( 'none' === $menuToggle.css( 'display' ) ) {
// The margin should be applied to different elements on front-page or home vs interior pages.
if ( isFrontPage ) {
$branding.css( 'margin-bottom', navigationOuterHeight );
} else {
$customHeader.css( 'margin-bottom', navigationOuterHeight );
} else {
$customHeader.css( 'margin-bottom', '0' );
$branding.css( 'margin-bottom', '0' );
// Set icon for quotes.
function setQuotesIcon() {
$( twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.quote ).prependTo( $formatQuote );
// Add 'below-entry-meta' class to elements.
function belowEntryMetaClass( param ) {
var sidebarPos, sidebarPosBottom;
if ( ! $body.hasClass( 'has-sidebar' ) || (
$body.hasClass( 'search' ) ||
$body.hasClass( 'single-attachment' ) ||
$body.hasClass( 'error404' ) ||
$body.hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' )
) ) {
sidebarPos = $sidebar.offset();
sidebarPosBottom = sidebarPos.top + ( $sidebar.height() + 28 );
$entryContent.find( param ).each( function() {
var $element = $( this ),
elementPos = $element.offset(),
elementPosTop = elementPos.top;
// Add 'below-entry-meta' to elements below the entry meta.
if ( elementPosTop > sidebarPosBottom ) {
$element.addClass( 'below-entry-meta' );
} else {
$element.removeClass( 'below-entry-meta' );
* Test if inline SVGs are supported.
* @link https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/
function supportsInlineSVG() {
var div = document.createElement( 'div' );
div.innerHTML = '<svg/>';
return 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' === ( 'undefined' !== typeof SVGRect && div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI );
* Test if an iOS device.
function checkiOS() {
return /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && ! window.MSStream;
* Test if background-attachment: fixed is supported.
* @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14115080/detect-support-for-background-attachment-fixed
function supportsFixedBackground() {
var el = document.createElement('div'),
try {
if ( ! ( 'backgroundAttachment' in el.style ) || checkiOS() ) {
return false;
el.style.backgroundAttachment = 'fixed';
isSupported = ( 'fixed' === el.style.backgroundAttachment );
return isSupported;
catch (e) {
return false;
// Fire on document ready.
$( document ).ready( function() {
// If navigation menu is present on page, setNavProps and adjustScrollClass.
if ( $navigation.length ) {
// If 'Scroll Down' arrow in present on page, calculate scroll offset and bind an event handler to the click event.
if ( $menuScrollDown.length ) {
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) {
menuTop -= 32;
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'blog' ) ) {
menuTop -= 30; // The div for latest posts has no space above content, add some to account for this.
if ( ! $navigation.length ) {
navigationOuterHeight = 0;
$menuScrollDown.click( function( e ) {
$( window ).scrollTo( '#primary', {
duration: 600,
offset: { top: menuTop - navigationOuterHeight }
belowEntryMetaClass( 'blockquote.alignleft, blockquote.alignright' );
if ( true === supportsInlineSVG() ) {
document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( /(\s*)no-svg(\s*)/, '$1svg$2' );
if ( true === supportsFixedBackground() ) {
document.documentElement.className += ' background-fixed';
// If navigation menu is present on page, adjust it on scroll and screen resize.
if ( $navigation.length ) {
// On scroll, we want to stick/unstick the navigation.
$( window ).on( 'scroll', function() {
// Also want to make sure the navigation is where it should be on resize.
$( window ).resize( function() {
setTimeout( adjustScrollClass, 500 );
$( window ).resize( function() {
clearTimeout( resizeTimer );
resizeTimer = setTimeout( function() {
belowEntryMetaClass( 'blockquote.alignleft, blockquote.alignright' );
}, 300 );
setTimeout( adjustHeaderHeight, 1000 );
// Add header video class after the video is loaded.
$( document ).on( 'wp-custom-header-video-loaded', function() {
$body.addClass( 'has-header-video' );
})( jQuery );

View File

@ -1,326 +1,326 @@
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
;(function(window, document) {
/*jshint evil:true */
/** version */
var version = '3.7.3';
/** Preset options */
var options = window.html5 || {};
/** Used to skip problem elements */
var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i;
/** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/
var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i;
/** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
var supportsHtml5Styles;
/** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */
var expando = '_html5shiv';
/** The id for the the documents expando */
var expanID = 0;
/** Cached data for each document */
var expandoData = {};
/** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
var supportsUnknownElements;
(function() {
try {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = '<xyz></xyz>';
//if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles
supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
// assign a false positive if unable to shiv
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
return (
typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
} catch(e) {
// assign a false positive if detection fails => unable to shiv
supportsHtml5Styles = true;
supportsUnknownElements = true;
* Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
* @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
p.innerHTML = 'x<style>' + cssText + '</style>';
return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
* Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
* @private
* @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
function getElements() {
var elements = html5.elements;
return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
* Extends the built-in list of html5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String|Array} newElements whitespace separated list or array of new element names to shiv
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
function addElements(newElements, ownerDocument) {
var elements = html5.elements;
if(typeof elements != 'string'){
elements = elements.join(' ');
if(typeof newElements != 'string'){
newElements = newElements.join(' ');
html5.elements = elements +' '+ newElements;
* Returns the data associated to the given document
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @returns {Object} An object of data.
function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) {
var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]];
if (!data) {
data = {};
ownerDocument[expando] = expanID;
expandoData[expanID] = data;
return data;
* returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String} nodeName name of the element
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived element.
function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
if (!data) {
data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var node;
if (data.cache[nodeName]) {
node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode();
} else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) {
node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode();
} else {
node = data.createElem(nodeName);
// Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
// * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
// is inserted into a document/fragment
// * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
// a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
// * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
// or `text` property is set
return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) && !node.tagUrn ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node;
* returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment.
function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(),
i = 0,
elems = getElements(),
l = elems.length;
return clone;
* Shivs the `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment` methods of the document.
* @private
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {Object} data of the document.
function shivMethods(ownerDocument, data) {
if (!data.cache) {
data.cache = {};
data.createElem = ownerDocument.createElement;
data.createFrag = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment;
data.frag = data.createFrag();
ownerDocument.createElement = function(nodeName) {
//abort shiv
if (!html5.shivMethods) {
return data.createElem(nodeName);
return createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data);
ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){' +
'var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;' +
'h.shivMethods&&(' +
// unroll the `createElement` calls
getElements().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(nodeName) {
return 'c("' + nodeName + '")';
}) +
');return n}'
)(html5, data.frag);
* Shivs the given document.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivDocument(ownerDocument) {
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
var data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
if (html5.shivCSS && !supportsHtml5Styles && !data.hasCSS) {
data.hasCSS = !!addStyleSheet(ownerDocument,
// corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}' +
// adds styling not present in IE6/7/8/9
'mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}' +
// hides non-rendered elements
if (!supportsUnknownElements) {
shivMethods(ownerDocument, data);
return ownerDocument;
* The `html5` object is exposed so that more elements can be shived and
* existing shiving can be detected on iframes.
* @type Object
* @example
* // options can be changed before the script is included
* html5 = { 'elements': 'mark section', 'shivCSS': false, 'shivMethods': false };
var html5 = {
* An array or space separated string of node names of the elements to shiv.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Array|String
'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video',
* current version of html5shiv
'version': version,
* A flag to indicate that the HTML5 style sheet should be inserted.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivCSS': (options.shivCSS !== false),
* Is equal to true if a browser supports creating unknown/HTML5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @type boolean
'supportsUnknownElements': supportsUnknownElements,
* A flag to indicate that the document's `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment`
* methods should be overwritten.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivMethods': (options.shivMethods !== false),
* A string to describe the type of `html5` object ("default" or "default print").
* @memberOf html5
* @type String
'type': 'default',
// shivs the document according to the specified `html5` object options
'shivDocument': shivDocument,
//creates a shived element
createElement: createElement,
//creates a shived documentFragment
createDocumentFragment: createDocumentFragment,
//extends list of elements
addElements: addElements
// expose html5
window.html5 = html5;
// shiv the document
if(typeof module == 'object' && module.exports){
module.exports = html5;
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
;(function(window, document) {
/*jshint evil:true */
/** version */
var version = '3.7.3';
/** Preset options */
var options = window.html5 || {};
/** Used to skip problem elements */
var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i;
/** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/
var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i;
/** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
var supportsHtml5Styles;
/** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */
var expando = '_html5shiv';
/** The id for the the documents expando */
var expanID = 0;
/** Cached data for each document */
var expandoData = {};
/** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
var supportsUnknownElements;
(function() {
try {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = '<xyz></xyz>';
//if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles
supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
// assign a false positive if unable to shiv
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
return (
typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
} catch(e) {
// assign a false positive if detection fails => unable to shiv
supportsHtml5Styles = true;
supportsUnknownElements = true;
* Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
* @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
p.innerHTML = 'x<style>' + cssText + '</style>';
return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
* Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
* @private
* @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
function getElements() {
var elements = html5.elements;
return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
* Extends the built-in list of html5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String|Array} newElements whitespace separated list or array of new element names to shiv
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
function addElements(newElements, ownerDocument) {
var elements = html5.elements;
if(typeof elements != 'string'){
elements = elements.join(' ');
if(typeof newElements != 'string'){
newElements = newElements.join(' ');
html5.elements = elements +' '+ newElements;
* Returns the data associated to the given document
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @returns {Object} An object of data.
function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) {
var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]];
if (!data) {
data = {};
ownerDocument[expando] = expanID;
expandoData[expanID] = data;
return data;
* returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String} nodeName name of the element
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived element.
function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
if (!data) {
data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var node;
if (data.cache[nodeName]) {
node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode();
} else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) {
node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode();
} else {
node = data.createElem(nodeName);
// Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
// * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
// is inserted into a document/fragment
// * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
// a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
// * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
// or `text` property is set
return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) && !node.tagUrn ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node;
* returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment.
function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(),
i = 0,
elems = getElements(),
l = elems.length;
return clone;
* Shivs the `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment` methods of the document.
* @private
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {Object} data of the document.
function shivMethods(ownerDocument, data) {
if (!data.cache) {
data.cache = {};
data.createElem = ownerDocument.createElement;
data.createFrag = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment;
data.frag = data.createFrag();
ownerDocument.createElement = function(nodeName) {
//abort shiv
if (!html5.shivMethods) {
return data.createElem(nodeName);
return createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data);
ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){' +
'var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;' +
'h.shivMethods&&(' +
// unroll the `createElement` calls
getElements().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(nodeName) {
return 'c("' + nodeName + '")';
}) +
');return n}'
)(html5, data.frag);
* Shivs the given document.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivDocument(ownerDocument) {
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
var data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
if (html5.shivCSS && !supportsHtml5Styles && !data.hasCSS) {
data.hasCSS = !!addStyleSheet(ownerDocument,
// corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}' +
// adds styling not present in IE6/7/8/9
'mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}' +
// hides non-rendered elements
if (!supportsUnknownElements) {
shivMethods(ownerDocument, data);
return ownerDocument;
* The `html5` object is exposed so that more elements can be shived and
* existing shiving can be detected on iframes.
* @type Object
* @example
* // options can be changed before the script is included
* html5 = { 'elements': 'mark section', 'shivCSS': false, 'shivMethods': false };
var html5 = {
* An array or space separated string of node names of the elements to shiv.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Array|String
'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video',
* current version of html5shiv
'version': version,
* A flag to indicate that the HTML5 style sheet should be inserted.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivCSS': (options.shivCSS !== false),
* Is equal to true if a browser supports creating unknown/HTML5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @type boolean
'supportsUnknownElements': supportsUnknownElements,
* A flag to indicate that the document's `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment`
* methods should be overwritten.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivMethods': (options.shivMethods !== false),
* A string to describe the type of `html5` object ("default" or "default print").
* @memberOf html5
* @type String
'type': 'default',
// shivs the document according to the specified `html5` object options
'shivDocument': shivDocument,
//creates a shived element
createElement: createElement,
//creates a shived documentFragment
createDocumentFragment: createDocumentFragment,
//extends list of elements
addElements: addElements
// expose html5
window.html5 = html5;
// shiv the document
if(typeof module == 'object' && module.exports){
module.exports = html5;
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document));

View File

@ -1,209 +1,209 @@
* jQuery.scrollTo
* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler - aflesler<a>gmail<d>com | http://flesler.blogspot.com
* Licensed under MIT
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html
* @projectDescription Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 2.1.2
;(function(factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery'], factory );
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = factory( require( 'jquery' ) );
} else {
// Global
factory( jQuery );
})(function($) {
'use strict';
var $scrollTo = $.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
return $( window ).scrollTo( target, duration, settings );
$scrollTo.defaults = {
duration: 0,
function isWin(elem) {
return ! elem.nodeName ||
$.inArray( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ['iframe','#document','html','body'] ) !== -1;
$.fn.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
if (typeof duration === 'object') {
settings = duration;
duration = 0;
if (typeof settings === 'function') {
settings = { onAfter:settings };
if (target === 'max') {
target = 9e9;
settings = $.extend( {}, $scrollTo.defaults, settings );
// Speed is still recognized for backwards compatibility
duration = duration || settings.duration;
// Make sure the settings are given right
var queue = settings.queue && settings.axis.length > 1;
if (queue) {
// Let's keep the overall duration
duration /= 2;
settings.offset = both( settings.offset );
settings.over = both( settings.over );
return this.each(function() {
// Null target yields nothing, just like jQuery does
if (target === null) { return; }
var win = isWin( this ),
elem = win ? this.contentWindow || window : this,
$elem = $( elem ),
targ = target,
attr = {},
switch (typeof targ) {
// A number will pass the regex
case 'number':
case 'string':
if (/^([+-]=?)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|%)?$/.test( targ )) {
targ = both( targ );
// We are done
// Relative/Absolute selector
targ = win ? $( targ ) : $( targ, elem );
/* falls through */
case 'object':
if (targ.length === 0) { return; }
// DOMElement / jQuery
if (targ.is || targ.style) {
// Get the real position of the target
toff = (targ = $( targ )).offset();
var offset = $.isFunction( settings.offset ) && settings.offset( elem, targ ) || settings.offset;
$.each(settings.axis.split( '' ), function(i, axis) {
var Pos = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top',
pos = Pos.toLowerCase(),
key = 'scroll' + Pos,
prev = $elem[key](),
max = $scrollTo.max( elem, axis );
if (toff) {// jQuery / DOMElement
attr[key] = toff[pos] + (win ? 0 : prev - $elem.offset()[pos]);
// If it's a dom element, reduce the margin
if (settings.margin) {
attr[key] -= parseInt( targ.css( 'margin' + Pos ), 10 ) || 0;
attr[key] -= parseInt( targ.css( 'border' + Pos + 'Width' ), 10 ) || 0;
attr[key] += offset[pos] || 0;
if (settings.over[pos]) {
// Scroll to a fraction of its width/height
attr[key] += targ[axis === 'x'?'width':'height']() * settings.over[pos];
} else {
var val = targ[pos];
// Handle percentage values
attr[key] = val.slice && val.slice( -1 ) === '%' ?
parseFloat( val ) / 100 * max
: val;
// Number or 'number'
if (settings.limit && /^\d+$/.test( attr[key] )) {
// Check the limits
attr[key] = attr[key] <= 0 ? 0 : Math.min( attr[key], max );
// Don't waste time animating, if there's no need.
if ( ! i && settings.axis.length > 1) {
if (prev === attr[key]) {
// No animation needed
attr = {};
} else if (queue) {
// Intermediate animation
animate( settings.onAfterFirst );
// Don't animate this axis again in the next iteration.
attr = {};
animate( settings.onAfter );
function animate(callback) {
var opts = $.extend({}, settings, {
// The queue setting conflicts with animate()
// Force it to always be true
queue: true,
duration: duration,
complete: callback && function() {
callback.call( elem, targ, settings );
$elem.animate( attr, opts );
// Max scrolling position, works on quirks mode
// It only fails (not too badly) on IE, quirks mode.
$scrollTo.max = function(elem, axis) {
var Dim = axis === 'x' ? 'Width' : 'Height',
scroll = 'scroll' + Dim;
if ( ! isWin( elem )) {
return elem[scroll] - $( elem )[Dim.toLowerCase()](); }
var size = 'client' + Dim,
doc = elem.ownerDocument || elem.document,
html = doc.documentElement,
body = doc.body;
return Math.max( html[scroll], body[scroll] ) - Math.min( html[size], body[size] );
function both(val) {
return $.isFunction( val ) || $.isPlainObject( val ) ? val : { top:val, left:val };
// Add special hooks so that window scroll properties can be animated
$.Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft = $.Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = {
get: function(t) {
return $( t.elem )[t.prop]();
set: function(t) {
var curr = this.get( t );
// If interrupt is true and user scrolled, stop animating
if (t.options.interrupt && t._last && t._last !== curr) {
return $( t.elem ).stop();
var next = Math.round( t.now );
// Don't waste CPU
// Browsers don't render floating point scroll
if (curr !== next) {
$( t.elem )[t.prop](next);
t._last = this.get( t );
// AMD requirement
return $scrollTo;
* jQuery.scrollTo
* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler - aflesler<a>gmail<d>com | http://flesler.blogspot.com
* Licensed under MIT
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html
* @projectDescription Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 2.1.2
;(function(factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery'], factory );
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = factory( require( 'jquery' ) );
} else {
// Global
factory( jQuery );
})(function($) {
'use strict';
var $scrollTo = $.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
return $( window ).scrollTo( target, duration, settings );
$scrollTo.defaults = {
duration: 0,
function isWin(elem) {
return ! elem.nodeName ||
$.inArray( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ['iframe','#document','html','body'] ) !== -1;
$.fn.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
if (typeof duration === 'object') {
settings = duration;
duration = 0;
if (typeof settings === 'function') {
settings = { onAfter:settings };
if (target === 'max') {
target = 9e9;
settings = $.extend( {}, $scrollTo.defaults, settings );
// Speed is still recognized for backwards compatibility
duration = duration || settings.duration;
// Make sure the settings are given right
var queue = settings.queue && settings.axis.length > 1;
if (queue) {
// Let's keep the overall duration
duration /= 2;
settings.offset = both( settings.offset );
settings.over = both( settings.over );
return this.each(function() {
// Null target yields nothing, just like jQuery does
if (target === null) { return; }
var win = isWin( this ),
elem = win ? this.contentWindow || window : this,
$elem = $( elem ),
targ = target,
attr = {},
switch (typeof targ) {
// A number will pass the regex
case 'number':
case 'string':
if (/^([+-]=?)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|%)?$/.test( targ )) {
targ = both( targ );
// We are done
// Relative/Absolute selector
targ = win ? $( targ ) : $( targ, elem );
/* falls through */
case 'object':
if (targ.length === 0) { return; }
// DOMElement / jQuery
if (targ.is || targ.style) {
// Get the real position of the target
toff = (targ = $( targ )).offset();
var offset = $.isFunction( settings.offset ) && settings.offset( elem, targ ) || settings.offset;
$.each(settings.axis.split( '' ), function(i, axis) {
var Pos = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top',
pos = Pos.toLowerCase(),
key = 'scroll' + Pos,
prev = $elem[key](),
max = $scrollTo.max( elem, axis );
if (toff) {// jQuery / DOMElement
attr[key] = toff[pos] + (win ? 0 : prev - $elem.offset()[pos]);
// If it's a dom element, reduce the margin
if (settings.margin) {
attr[key] -= parseInt( targ.css( 'margin' + Pos ), 10 ) || 0;
attr[key] -= parseInt( targ.css( 'border' + Pos + 'Width' ), 10 ) || 0;
attr[key] += offset[pos] || 0;
if (settings.over[pos]) {
// Scroll to a fraction of its width/height
attr[key] += targ[axis === 'x'?'width':'height']() * settings.over[pos];
} else {
var val = targ[pos];
// Handle percentage values
attr[key] = val.slice && val.slice( -1 ) === '%' ?
parseFloat( val ) / 100 * max
: val;
// Number or 'number'
if (settings.limit && /^\d+$/.test( attr[key] )) {
// Check the limits
attr[key] = attr[key] <= 0 ? 0 : Math.min( attr[key], max );
// Don't waste time animating, if there's no need.
if ( ! i && settings.axis.length > 1) {
if (prev === attr[key]) {
// No animation needed
attr = {};
} else if (queue) {
// Intermediate animation
animate( settings.onAfterFirst );
// Don't animate this axis again in the next iteration.
attr = {};
animate( settings.onAfter );
function animate(callback) {
var opts = $.extend({}, settings, {
// The queue setting conflicts with animate()
// Force it to always be true
queue: true,
duration: duration,
complete: callback && function() {
callback.call( elem, targ, settings );
$elem.animate( attr, opts );
// Max scrolling position, works on quirks mode
// It only fails (not too badly) on IE, quirks mode.
$scrollTo.max = function(elem, axis) {
var Dim = axis === 'x' ? 'Width' : 'Height',
scroll = 'scroll' + Dim;
if ( ! isWin( elem )) {
return elem[scroll] - $( elem )[Dim.toLowerCase()](); }
var size = 'client' + Dim,
doc = elem.ownerDocument || elem.document,
html = doc.documentElement,
body = doc.body;
return Math.max( html[scroll], body[scroll] ) - Math.min( html[size], body[size] );
function both(val) {
return $.isFunction( val ) || $.isPlainObject( val ) ? val : { top:val, left:val };
// Add special hooks so that window scroll properties can be animated
$.Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft = $.Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = {
get: function(t) {
return $( t.elem )[t.prop]();
set: function(t) {
var curr = this.get( t );
// If interrupt is true and user scrolled, stop animating
if (t.options.interrupt && t._last && t._last !== curr) {
return $( t.elem ).stop();
var next = Math.round( t.now );
// Don't waste CPU
// Browsers don't render floating point scroll
if (curr !== next) {
$( t.elem )[t.prop](next);
t._last = this.get( t );
// AMD requirement
return $scrollTo;

View File

@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
/* global twentyseventeenScreenReaderText */
* Theme functions file.
* Contains handlers for navigation and widget area.
(function( $ ) {
var masthead, menuToggle, siteNavContain, siteNavigation;
function initMainNavigation( container ) {
// Add dropdown toggle that displays child menu items.
var dropdownToggle = $( '<button />', { 'class': 'dropdown-toggle', 'aria-expanded': false })
.append( twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.icon )
.append( $( '<span />', { 'class': 'screen-reader-text', text: twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.expand }) );
container.find( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' ).after( dropdownToggle );
// Set the active submenu dropdown toggle button initial state.
container.find( '.current-menu-ancestor > button' )
.addClass( 'toggled-on' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' )
.find( '.screen-reader-text' )
.text( twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.collapse );
// Set the active submenu initial state.
container.find( '.current-menu-ancestor > .sub-menu' ).addClass( 'toggled-on' );
container.find( '.dropdown-toggle' ).click( function( e ) {
var _this = $( this ),
screenReaderSpan = _this.find( '.screen-reader-text' );
_this.toggleClass( 'toggled-on' );
_this.next( '.children, .sub-menu' ).toggleClass( 'toggled-on' );
_this.attr( 'aria-expanded', _this.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) === 'false' ? 'true' : 'false' );
screenReaderSpan.text( screenReaderSpan.text() === twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.expand ? twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.collapse : twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.expand );
initMainNavigation( $( '.main-navigation' ) );
masthead = $( '#masthead' );
menuToggle = masthead.find( '.menu-toggle' );
siteNavContain = masthead.find( '.main-navigation' );
siteNavigation = masthead.find( '.main-navigation > div > ul' );
// Enable menuToggle.
(function() {
// Return early if menuToggle is missing.
if ( ! menuToggle.length ) {
// Add an initial value for the attribute.
menuToggle.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
menuToggle.on( 'click.twentyseventeen', function() {
siteNavContain.toggleClass( 'toggled-on' );
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', siteNavContain.hasClass( 'toggled-on' ) );
// Fix sub-menus for touch devices and better focus for hidden submenu items for accessibility.
(function() {
if ( ! siteNavigation.length || ! siteNavigation.children().length ) {
// Toggle `focus` class to allow submenu access on tablets.
function toggleFocusClassTouchScreen() {
if ( 'none' === $( '.menu-toggle' ).css( 'display' ) ) {
$( document.body ).on( 'touchstart.twentyseventeen', function( e ) {
if ( ! $( e.target ).closest( '.main-navigation li' ).length ) {
$( '.main-navigation li' ).removeClass( 'focus' );
siteNavigation.find( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' )
.on( 'touchstart.twentyseventeen', function( e ) {
var el = $( this ).parent( 'li' );
if ( ! el.hasClass( 'focus' ) ) {
el.toggleClass( 'focus' );
el.siblings( '.focus' ).removeClass( 'focus' );
} else {
siteNavigation.find( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' ).unbind( 'touchstart.twentyseventeen' );
if ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) {
$( window ).on( 'resize.twentyseventeen', toggleFocusClassTouchScreen );
siteNavigation.find( 'a' ).on( 'focus.twentyseventeen blur.twentyseventeen', function() {
$( this ).parents( '.menu-item, .page_item' ).toggleClass( 'focus' );
})( jQuery );
/* global twentyseventeenScreenReaderText */
* Theme functions file.
* Contains handlers for navigation and widget area.
(function( $ ) {
var masthead, menuToggle, siteNavContain, siteNavigation;
function initMainNavigation( container ) {
// Add dropdown toggle that displays child menu items.
var dropdownToggle = $( '<button />', { 'class': 'dropdown-toggle', 'aria-expanded': false })
.append( twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.icon )
.append( $( '<span />', { 'class': 'screen-reader-text', text: twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.expand }) );
container.find( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' ).after( dropdownToggle );
// Set the active submenu dropdown toggle button initial state.
container.find( '.current-menu-ancestor > button' )
.addClass( 'toggled-on' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' )
.find( '.screen-reader-text' )
.text( twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.collapse );
// Set the active submenu initial state.
container.find( '.current-menu-ancestor > .sub-menu' ).addClass( 'toggled-on' );
container.find( '.dropdown-toggle' ).click( function( e ) {
var _this = $( this ),
screenReaderSpan = _this.find( '.screen-reader-text' );
_this.toggleClass( 'toggled-on' );
_this.next( '.children, .sub-menu' ).toggleClass( 'toggled-on' );
_this.attr( 'aria-expanded', _this.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) === 'false' ? 'true' : 'false' );
screenReaderSpan.text( screenReaderSpan.text() === twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.expand ? twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.collapse : twentyseventeenScreenReaderText.expand );
initMainNavigation( $( '.main-navigation' ) );
masthead = $( '#masthead' );
menuToggle = masthead.find( '.menu-toggle' );
siteNavContain = masthead.find( '.main-navigation' );
siteNavigation = masthead.find( '.main-navigation > div > ul' );
// Enable menuToggle.
(function() {
// Return early if menuToggle is missing.
if ( ! menuToggle.length ) {
// Add an initial value for the attribute.
menuToggle.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
menuToggle.on( 'click.twentyseventeen', function() {
siteNavContain.toggleClass( 'toggled-on' );
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', siteNavContain.hasClass( 'toggled-on' ) );
// Fix sub-menus for touch devices and better focus for hidden submenu items for accessibility.
(function() {
if ( ! siteNavigation.length || ! siteNavigation.children().length ) {
// Toggle `focus` class to allow submenu access on tablets.
function toggleFocusClassTouchScreen() {
if ( 'none' === $( '.menu-toggle' ).css( 'display' ) ) {
$( document.body ).on( 'touchstart.twentyseventeen', function( e ) {
if ( ! $( e.target ).closest( '.main-navigation li' ).length ) {
$( '.main-navigation li' ).removeClass( 'focus' );
siteNavigation.find( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' )
.on( 'touchstart.twentyseventeen', function( e ) {
var el = $( this ).parent( 'li' );
if ( ! el.hasClass( 'focus' ) ) {
el.toggleClass( 'focus' );
el.siblings( '.focus' ).removeClass( 'focus' );
} else {
siteNavigation.find( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' ).unbind( 'touchstart.twentyseventeen' );
if ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) {
$( window ).on( 'resize.twentyseventeen', toggleFocusClassTouchScreen );
siteNavigation.find( 'a' ).on( 'focus.twentyseventeen blur.twentyseventeen', function() {
$( this ).parents( '.menu-item, .page_item' ).toggleClass( 'focus' );
})( jQuery );

View File

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
* File skip-link-focus-fix.js.
* Helps with accessibility for keyboard only users.
* Learn more: https://git.io/vWdr2
(function() {
var isIe = /(trident|msie)/i.test( navigator.userAgent );
if ( isIe && document.getElementById && window.addEventListener ) {
window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', function() {
var id = location.hash.substring( 1 ),
if ( ! ( /^[A-z0-9_-]+$/.test( id ) ) ) {
element = document.getElementById( id );
if ( element ) {
if ( ! ( /^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test( element.tagName ) ) ) {
element.tabIndex = -1;
}, false );
* File skip-link-focus-fix.js.
* Helps with accessibility for keyboard only users.
* Learn more: https://git.io/vWdr2
(function() {
var isIe = /(trident|msie)/i.test( navigator.userAgent );
if ( isIe && document.getElementById && window.addEventListener ) {
window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', function() {
var id = location.hash.substring( 1 ),
if ( ! ( /^[A-z0-9_-]+$/.test( id ) ) ) {
element = document.getElementById( id );
if ( element ) {
if ( ! ( /^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test( element.tagName ) ) ) {
element.tabIndex = -1;
}, false );

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ get_header(); ?>
if ( 0 !== twentyseventeen_panel_count() || is_customize_preview() ) : // If we have pages to show.
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* Filters the number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0

View File

@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_content_width() {
* Filter Twenty Seventeen content width of the theme.
* Filters Twenty Seventeen content width of the theme.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ function twentyseventeen_fonts_url() {
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param array $urls URLs to print for resource hints.
* @param string $relation_type The relation type the URLs are printed.
* @return array $urls URLs to print for resource hints.
* @param array $urls URLs to print for resource hints.
* @param string $relation_type The relation type the URLs are printed.
* @return array URLs to print for resource hints.
function twentyseventeen_resource_hints( $urls, $relation_type ) {
if ( wp_style_is( 'twentyseventeen-fonts', 'queue' ) && 'preconnect' === $relation_type ) {
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_content_image_sizes_attr( $sizes, $size ) {
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_sizes', 'twentyseventeen_content_image_sizes_attr', 10, 2 );
* Filter the `sizes` value in the header image markup.
* Filters the `sizes` value in the header image markup.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
@ -589,8 +589,8 @@ add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', 'twentyseventeen_post_thumbnai
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param string $template front-page.php.
* @return string The template to be used: blank if is_home() is true (defaults to index.php), else $template.
* @return string The template to be used: blank if is_home() is true (defaults to index.php),
* otherwise $template.
function twentyseventeen_front_page_template( $template ) {
return is_home() ? '' : $template;
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_widget_tag_cloud_args( $args ) {
add_filter( 'widget_tag_cloud_args', 'twentyseventeen_widget_tag_cloud_args' );
* Get unique ID.
* Gets unique ID.
* This is a PHP implementation of Underscore's uniqueId method. A static variable
* contains an integer that is incremented with each call. This number is returned
@ -625,9 +625,8 @@ add_filter( 'widget_tag_cloud_args', 'twentyseventeen_widget_tag_cloud_args' );
* but it is unique across the life of the PHP process.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 2.0
* @see wp_unique_id() Themes requiring WordPress 5.0.3 and greater should use this instead.
* @staticvar int $id_counter
* @see wp_unique_id() Themes requiring WordPress 5.0.3 and greater should use this instead.
* @param string $prefix Prefix for the returned ID.
* @return string Unique ID.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
* Twenty Seventeen functions and definitions
* @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/theme-functions/
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Seventeen
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* Twenty Seventeen only works in WordPress 4.7 or later.
if ( version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '4.7-alpha', '<' ) ) {
require get_template_directory() . '/inc/back-compat.php';
* Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
* Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which
* runs before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such
* as indicating support for post thumbnails.
function twentyseventeen_setup() {
* Make theme available for translation.
* Translations can be filed at WordPress.org. See: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-themes/twentyseventeen
* If you're building a theme based on Twenty Seventeen, use a find and replace
* to change 'twentyseventeen' to the name of your theme in all the template files.
load_theme_textdomain( 'twentyseventeen' );
// Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head.
add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
* Let WordPress manage the document title.
* By adding theme support, we declare that this theme does not use a
* hard-coded <title> tag in the document head, and expect WordPress to
* provide it for us.
add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
* Enable support for Post Thumbnails on posts and pages.
* @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/functionality/featured-images-post-thumbnails/
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
add_image_size( 'twentyseventeen-featured-image', 2000, 1200, true );
add_image_size( 'twentyseventeen-thumbnail-avatar', 100, 100, true );
// Set the default content width.
$GLOBALS['content_width'] = 525;
// This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in two locations.
'top' => __( 'Top Menu', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'social' => __( 'Social Links Menu', 'twentyseventeen' ),
* Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments
* to output valid HTML5.
* Enable support for Post Formats.
* See: https://wordpress.org/support/article/post-formats/
// Add theme support for Custom Logo.
'width' => 250,
'height' => 250,
'flex-width' => true,
// Add theme support for selective refresh for widgets.
add_theme_support( 'customize-selective-refresh-widgets' );
* This theme styles the visual editor to resemble the theme style,
* specifically font, colors, and column width.
add_editor_style( array( 'assets/css/editor-style.css', twentyseventeen_fonts_url() ) );
// Load regular editor styles into the new block-based editor.
add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' );
// Load default block styles.
add_theme_support( 'wp-block-styles' );
// Add support for responsive embeds.
add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' );
// Define and register starter content to showcase the theme on new sites.
$starter_content = array(
'widgets' => array(
// Place three core-defined widgets in the sidebar area.
'sidebar-1' => array(
// Add the core-defined business info widget to the footer 1 area.
'sidebar-2' => array(
// Put two core-defined widgets in the footer 2 area.
'sidebar-3' => array(
// Specify the core-defined pages to create and add custom thumbnails to some of them.
'posts' => array(
'about' => array(
'thumbnail' => '{{image-sandwich}}',
'contact' => array(
'thumbnail' => '{{image-espresso}}',
'blog' => array(
'thumbnail' => '{{image-coffee}}',
'homepage-section' => array(
'thumbnail' => '{{image-espresso}}',
// Create the custom image attachments used as post thumbnails for pages.
'attachments' => array(
'image-espresso' => array(
'post_title' => _x( 'Espresso', 'Theme starter content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'file' => 'assets/images/espresso.jpg', // URL relative to the template directory.
'image-sandwich' => array(
'post_title' => _x( 'Sandwich', 'Theme starter content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'file' => 'assets/images/sandwich.jpg',
'image-coffee' => array(
'post_title' => _x( 'Coffee', 'Theme starter content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'file' => 'assets/images/coffee.jpg',
// Default to a static front page and assign the front and posts pages.
'options' => array(
'show_on_front' => 'page',
'page_on_front' => '{{home}}',
'page_for_posts' => '{{blog}}',
// Set the front page section theme mods to the IDs of the core-registered pages.
'theme_mods' => array(
'panel_1' => '{{homepage-section}}',
'panel_2' => '{{about}}',
'panel_3' => '{{blog}}',
'panel_4' => '{{contact}}',
// Set up nav menus for each of the two areas registered in the theme.
'nav_menus' => array(
// Assign a menu to the "top" location.
'top' => array(
'name' => __( 'Top Menu', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'items' => array(
'link_home', // Note that the core "home" page is actually a link in case a static front page is not used.
// Assign a menu to the "social" location.
'social' => array(
'name' => __( 'Social Links Menu', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'items' => array(
* Filters Twenty Seventeen array of starter content.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.1
* @param array $starter_content Array of starter content.
$starter_content = apply_filters( 'twentyseventeen_starter_content', $starter_content );
add_theme_support( 'starter-content', $starter_content );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'twentyseventeen_setup' );
* Set the content width in pixels, based on the theme's design and stylesheet.
* Priority 0 to make it available to lower priority callbacks.
* @global int $content_width
function twentyseventeen_content_width() {
$content_width = $GLOBALS['content_width'];
// Get layout.
$page_layout = get_theme_mod( 'page_layout' );
// Check if layout is one column.
if ( 'one-column' === $page_layout ) {
if ( twentyseventeen_is_frontpage() ) {
$content_width = 644;
} elseif ( is_page() ) {
$content_width = 740;
// Check if is single post and there is no sidebar.
if ( is_single() && ! is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) {
$content_width = 740;
* Filter Twenty Seventeen content width of the theme.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param int $content_width Content width in pixels.
$GLOBALS['content_width'] = apply_filters( 'twentyseventeen_content_width', $content_width );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'twentyseventeen_content_width', 0 );
* Register custom fonts.
function twentyseventeen_fonts_url() {
$fonts_url = '';
* translators: If there are characters in your language that are not supported
* by Libre Franklin, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate into your own language.
$libre_franklin = _x( 'on', 'Libre Franklin font: on or off', 'twentyseventeen' );
if ( 'off' !== $libre_franklin ) {
$font_families = array();
$font_families[] = 'Libre Franklin:300,300i,400,400i,600,600i,800,800i';
$query_args = array(
'family' => urlencode( implode( '|', $font_families ) ),
'subset' => urlencode( 'latin,latin-ext' ),
'display' => urlencode( 'fallback' ),
$fonts_url = add_query_arg( $query_args, 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css' );
return esc_url_raw( $fonts_url );
* Add preconnect for Google Fonts.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param array $urls URLs to print for resource hints.
* @param string $relation_type The relation type the URLs are printed.
* @return array $urls URLs to print for resource hints.
function twentyseventeen_resource_hints( $urls, $relation_type ) {
if ( wp_style_is( 'twentyseventeen-fonts', 'queue' ) && 'preconnect' === $relation_type ) {
$urls[] = array(
'href' => 'https://fonts.gstatic.com',
return $urls;
add_filter( 'wp_resource_hints', 'twentyseventeen_resource_hints', 10, 2 );
* Register widget area.
* @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/functionality/sidebars/#registering-a-sidebar
function twentyseventeen_widgets_init() {
'name' => __( 'Blog Sidebar', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'id' => 'sidebar-1',
'description' => __( 'Add widgets here to appear in your sidebar on blog posts and archive pages.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</section>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="widget-title">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
'name' => __( 'Footer 1', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'id' => 'sidebar-2',
'description' => __( 'Add widgets here to appear in your footer.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</section>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="widget-title">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
'name' => __( 'Footer 2', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'id' => 'sidebar-3',
'description' => __( 'Add widgets here to appear in your footer.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</section>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="widget-title">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'twentyseventeen_widgets_init' );
* Replaces "[...]" (appended to automatically generated excerpts) with ... and
* a 'Continue reading' link.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param string $link Link to single post/page.
* @return string 'Continue reading' link prepended with an ellipsis.
function twentyseventeen_excerpt_more( $link ) {
if ( is_admin() ) {
return $link;
$link = sprintf(
'<p class="link-more"><a href="%1$s" class="more-link">%2$s</a></p>',
esc_url( get_permalink( get_the_ID() ) ),
/* translators: %s: Post title. */
sprintf( __( 'Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "%s"</span>', 'twentyseventeen' ), get_the_title( get_the_ID() ) )
return ' &hellip; ' . $link;
add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'twentyseventeen_excerpt_more' );
* Handles JavaScript detection.
* Adds a `js` class to the root `<html>` element when JavaScript is detected.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
function twentyseventeen_javascript_detection() {
echo "<script>(function(html){html.className = html.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,'js')})(document.documentElement);</script>\n";
add_action( 'wp_head', 'twentyseventeen_javascript_detection', 0 );
* Add a pingback url auto-discovery header for singularly identifiable articles.
function twentyseventeen_pingback_header() {
if ( is_singular() && pings_open() ) {
printf( '<link rel="pingback" href="%s">' . "\n", esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ) ) );
add_action( 'wp_head', 'twentyseventeen_pingback_header' );
* Display custom color CSS.
function twentyseventeen_colors_css_wrap() {
if ( 'custom' !== get_theme_mod( 'colorscheme' ) && ! is_customize_preview() ) {
require_once get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/color-patterns.php' );
$hue = absint( get_theme_mod( 'colorscheme_hue', 250 ) );
$customize_preview_data_hue = '';
if ( is_customize_preview() ) {
$customize_preview_data_hue = 'data-hue="' . $hue . '"';
<style type="text/css" id="custom-theme-colors" <?php echo $customize_preview_data_hue; ?>>
<?php echo twentyseventeen_custom_colors_css(); ?>
add_action( 'wp_head', 'twentyseventeen_colors_css_wrap' );
* Enqueues scripts and styles.
function twentyseventeen_scripts() {
// Add custom fonts, used in the main stylesheet.
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-fonts', twentyseventeen_fonts_url(), array(), null );
// Theme stylesheet.
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), '20190507' );
// Theme block stylesheet.
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-block-style', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/css/blocks.css' ), array( 'twentyseventeen-style' ), '20190105' );
// Load the dark colorscheme.
if ( 'dark' === get_theme_mod( 'colorscheme', 'light' ) || is_customize_preview() ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-colors-dark', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/css/colors-dark.css' ), array( 'twentyseventeen-style' ), '20190408' );
// Load the Internet Explorer 9 specific stylesheet, to fix display issues in the Customizer.
if ( is_customize_preview() ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-ie9', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/css/ie9.css' ), array( 'twentyseventeen-style' ), '20161202' );
wp_style_add_data( 'twentyseventeen-ie9', 'conditional', 'IE 9' );
// Load the Internet Explorer 8 specific stylesheet.
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-ie8', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/css/ie8.css' ), array( 'twentyseventeen-style' ), '20161202' );
wp_style_add_data( 'twentyseventeen-ie8', 'conditional', 'lt IE 9' );
// Load the html5 shiv.
wp_enqueue_script( 'html5', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/html5.js' ), array(), '20161020' );
wp_script_add_data( 'html5', 'conditional', 'lt IE 9' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-skip-link-focus-fix', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js' ), array(), '20161114', true );
$twentyseventeen_l10n = array(
'quote' => twentyseventeen_get_svg( array( 'icon' => 'quote-right' ) ),
if ( has_nav_menu( 'top' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-navigation', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/navigation.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), '20161203', true );
$twentyseventeen_l10n['expand'] = __( 'Expand child menu', 'twentyseventeen' );
$twentyseventeen_l10n['collapse'] = __( 'Collapse child menu', 'twentyseventeen' );
$twentyseventeen_l10n['icon'] = twentyseventeen_get_svg(
'icon' => 'angle-down',
'fallback' => true,
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-global', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/global.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), '20190121', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-scrollto', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/jquery.scrollTo.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), '2.1.2', true );
wp_localize_script( 'twentyseventeen-skip-link-focus-fix', 'twentyseventeenScreenReaderText', $twentyseventeen_l10n );
if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'twentyseventeen_scripts' );
* Enqueues styles for the block-based editor.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.8
function twentyseventeen_block_editor_styles() {
// Block styles.
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-block-editor-style', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/css/editor-blocks.css' ), array(), '20190328' );
// Add custom fonts.
wp_enqueue_style( 'twentyseventeen-fonts', twentyseventeen_fonts_url(), array(), null );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'twentyseventeen_block_editor_styles' );
* Add custom image sizes attribute to enhance responsive image functionality
* for content images.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param string $sizes A source size value for use in a 'sizes' attribute.
* @param array $size Image size. Accepts an array of width and height
* values in pixels (in that order).
* @return string A source size value for use in a content image 'sizes' attribute.
function twentyseventeen_content_image_sizes_attr( $sizes, $size ) {
$width = $size[0];
if ( 740 <= $width ) {
$sizes = '(max-width: 706px) 89vw, (max-width: 767px) 82vw, 740px';
if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) || is_archive() || is_search() || is_home() || is_page() ) {
if ( ! ( is_page() && 'one-column' === get_theme_mod( 'page_options' ) ) && 767 <= $width ) {
$sizes = '(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px';
return $sizes;
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_sizes', 'twentyseventeen_content_image_sizes_attr', 10, 2 );
* Filter the `sizes` value in the header image markup.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param string $html The HTML image tag markup being filtered.
* @param object $header The custom header object returned by 'get_custom_header()'.
* @param array $attr Array of the attributes for the image tag.
* @return string The filtered header image HTML.
function twentyseventeen_header_image_tag( $html, $header, $attr ) {
if ( isset( $attr['sizes'] ) ) {
$html = str_replace( $attr['sizes'], '100vw', $html );
return $html;
add_filter( 'get_header_image_tag', 'twentyseventeen_header_image_tag', 10, 3 );
* Add custom image sizes attribute to enhance responsive image functionality
* for post thumbnails.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param array $attr Attributes for the image markup.
* @param int $attachment Image attachment ID.
* @param array $size Registered image size or flat array of height and width dimensions.
* @return array The filtered attributes for the image markup.
function twentyseventeen_post_thumbnail_sizes_attr( $attr, $attachment, $size ) {
if ( is_archive() || is_search() || is_home() ) {
$attr['sizes'] = '(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px';
} else {
$attr['sizes'] = '100vw';
return $attr;
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', 'twentyseventeen_post_thumbnail_sizes_attr', 10, 3 );
* Use front-page.php when Front page displays is set to a static page.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param string $template front-page.php.
* @return string The template to be used: blank if is_home() is true (defaults to index.php), else $template.
function twentyseventeen_front_page_template( $template ) {
return is_home() ? '' : $template;
add_filter( 'frontpage_template', 'twentyseventeen_front_page_template' );
* Modifies tag cloud widget arguments to display all tags in the same font size
* and use list format for better accessibility.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.4
* @param array $args Arguments for tag cloud widget.
* @return array The filtered arguments for tag cloud widget.
function twentyseventeen_widget_tag_cloud_args( $args ) {
$args['largest'] = 1;
$args['smallest'] = 1;
$args['unit'] = 'em';
$args['format'] = 'list';
return $args;
add_filter( 'widget_tag_cloud_args', 'twentyseventeen_widget_tag_cloud_args' );
* Get unique ID.
* This is a PHP implementation of Underscore's uniqueId method. A static variable
* contains an integer that is incremented with each call. This number is returned
* with the optional prefix. As such the returned value is not universally unique,
* but it is unique across the life of the PHP process.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 2.0
* @see wp_unique_id() Themes requiring WordPress 5.0.3 and greater should use this instead.
* @staticvar int $id_counter
* @param string $prefix Prefix for the returned ID.
* @return string Unique ID.
function twentyseventeen_unique_id( $prefix = '' ) {
static $id_counter = 0;
if ( function_exists( 'wp_unique_id' ) ) {
return wp_unique_id( $prefix );
return $prefix . (string) ++$id_counter;
* Implement the Custom Header feature.
require get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/custom-header.php' );
* Custom template tags for this theme.
require get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/template-tags.php' );
* Additional features to allow styling of the templates.
require get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/template-functions.php' );
* Customizer additions.
require get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/customizer.php' );
* SVG icons functions and filters.
require get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/icon-functions.php' );

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
<link rel="profile" href="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
<?php wp_head(); ?>

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_custom_colors_css() {
$hue = absint( get_theme_mod( 'colorscheme_hue', 250 ) );
* Filter Twenty Seventeen default saturation level.
* Filters Twenty Seventeen default saturation level.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0

View File

@ -16,25 +16,25 @@
function twentyseventeen_custom_header_setup() {
* Filter Twenty Seventeen custom-header support arguments.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param array $args {
* An array of custom-header support arguments.
* @type string $default-image Default image of the header.
* @type int $width Width in pixels of the custom header image. Default 954.
* @type int $height Height in pixels of the custom header image. Default 1300.
* @type string $flex-height Flex support for height of header.
* @type string $video Video support for header.
* @type string $wp-head-callback Callback function used to styles the header image and text
* displayed on the blog.
* }
* Filters Twenty Seventeen custom-header support arguments.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param array $args {
* An array of custom-header support arguments.
* @type string $default-image Default image of the header.
* @type int $width Width in pixels of the custom header image. Default 954.
* @type int $height Height in pixels of the custom header image. Default 1300.
* @type string $flex-height Flex support for height of header.
* @type string $video Video support for header.
* @type string $wp-head-callback Callback function used to styles the header image and text
* displayed on the blog.
* }

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* Filters the number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_sanitize_colorscheme( $input ) {
* Render the site title for the selective refresh partial.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @see twentyseventeen_customize_register()
* @return void
@ -209,6 +210,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_customize_partial_blogname() {
* Render the site tagline for the selective refresh partial.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @see twentyseventeen_customize_register()
* @return void

View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
* Twenty Seventeen: Customizer
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Seventeen
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* Add postMessage support for site title and description for the Theme Customizer.
* @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize Theme Customizer object.
function twentyseventeen_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogname' )->transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogdescription' )->transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'header_textcolor' )->transport = 'postMessage';
'selector' => '.site-title a',
'render_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_customize_partial_blogname',
'selector' => '.site-description',
'render_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_customize_partial_blogdescription',
* Custom colors.
'default' => 'light',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'sanitize_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_sanitize_colorscheme',
'default' => 250,
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint', // The hue is stored as a positive integer.
'type' => 'radio',
'label' => __( 'Color Scheme', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'choices' => array(
'light' => __( 'Light', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'dark' => __( 'Dark', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'custom' => __( 'Custom', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'colors',
'priority' => 5,
new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
'mode' => 'hue',
'section' => 'colors',
'priority' => 6,
* Theme options.
'title' => __( 'Theme Options', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'priority' => 130, // Before Additional CSS.
'default' => 'two-column',
'sanitize_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_sanitize_page_layout',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'label' => __( 'Page Layout', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'theme_options',
'type' => 'radio',
'description' => __( 'When the two-column layout is assigned, the page title is in one column and content is in the other.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'choices' => array(
'one-column' => __( 'One Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'two-column' => __( 'Two Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_is_view_with_layout_option',
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param int $num_sections Number of front page sections.
$num_sections = apply_filters( 'twentyseventeen_front_page_sections', 4 );
// Create a setting and control for each of the sections available in the theme.
for ( $i = 1; $i < ( 1 + $num_sections ); $i++ ) {
'panel_' . $i,
'default' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'panel_' . $i,
/* translators: %d: The front page section number. */
'label' => sprintf( __( 'Front Page Section %d Content', 'twentyseventeen' ), $i ),
'description' => ( 1 !== $i ? '' : __( 'Select pages to feature in each area from the dropdowns. Add an image to a section by setting a featured image in the page editor. Empty sections will not be displayed.', 'twentyseventeen' ) ),
'section' => 'theme_options',
'type' => 'dropdown-pages',
'allow_addition' => true,
'active_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_is_static_front_page',
'panel_' . $i,
'selector' => '#panel' . $i,
'render_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_front_page_section',
'container_inclusive' => true,
add_action( 'customize_register', 'twentyseventeen_customize_register' );
* Sanitize the page layout options.
* @param string $input Page layout.
function twentyseventeen_sanitize_page_layout( $input ) {
$valid = array(
'one-column' => __( 'One Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'two-column' => __( 'Two Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
if ( array_key_exists( $input, $valid ) ) {
return $input;
return '';
* Sanitize the colorscheme.
* @param string $input Color scheme.
function twentyseventeen_sanitize_colorscheme( $input ) {
$valid = array( 'light', 'dark', 'custom' );
if ( in_array( $input, $valid, true ) ) {
return $input;
return 'light';
* Render the site title for the selective refresh partial.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @see twentyseventeen_customize_register()
* @return void
function twentyseventeen_customize_partial_blogname() {
bloginfo( 'name' );
* Render the site tagline for the selective refresh partial.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @see twentyseventeen_customize_register()
* @return void
function twentyseventeen_customize_partial_blogdescription() {
bloginfo( 'description' );
* Return whether we're previewing the front page and it's a static page.
function twentyseventeen_is_static_front_page() {
return ( is_front_page() && ! is_home() );
* Return whether we're on a view that supports a one or two column layout.
function twentyseventeen_is_view_with_layout_option() {
// This option is available on all pages. It's also available on archives when there isn't a sidebar.
return ( is_page() || ( is_archive() && ! is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) );
* Bind JS handlers to instantly live-preview changes.
function twentyseventeen_customize_preview_js() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-customize-preview', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/customize-preview.js' ), array( 'customize-preview' ), '20161002', true );
add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'twentyseventeen_customize_preview_js' );
* Load dynamic logic for the customizer controls area.
function twentyseventeen_panels_js() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-customize-controls', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/customize-controls.js' ), array(), '20161020', true );
add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', 'twentyseventeen_panels_js' );

View File

@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ function twentyseventeen_get_svg( $args = array() ) {
* Display SVG icons in social links menu.
* @param string $item_output The menu item output.
* @param WP_Post $item Menu item object.
* @param int $depth Depth of the menu.
* @param array $args wp_nav_menu() arguments.
* @return string $item_output The menu item output with social icon.
* @param string $item_output The menu item's starting HTML output.
* @param WP_Post $item Menu item data object.
* @param int $depth Depth of the menu. Used for padding.
* @param stdClass $args An object of wp_nav_menu() arguments.
* @return string The menu item output with social icon.
function twentyseventeen_nav_menu_social_icons( $item_output, $item, $depth, $args ) {
// Get supported social icons.
@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ add_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'twentyseventeen_nav_menu_social_icons',
* Add dropdown icon if menu item has children.
* @param string $title The menu item's title.
* @param WP_Post $item The current menu item.
* @param array $args An array of wp_nav_menu() arguments.
* @param int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding.
* @return string $title The menu item's title with dropdown icon.
* @param string $title The menu item's title.
* @param WP_Post $item The current menu item.
* @param stdClass $args An object of wp_nav_menu() arguments.
* @param int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding.
* @return string The menu item's title with dropdown icon.
function twentyseventeen_dropdown_icon_to_menu_link( $title, $item, $args, $depth ) {
if ( 'top' === $args->theme_location ) {
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ add_filter( 'nav_menu_item_title', 'twentyseventeen_dropdown_icon_to_menu_link',
* Returns an array of supported social links (URL and icon name).
* @return array $social_links_icons
* @return array Array of social links icons.
function twentyseventeen_social_links_icons() {
// Supported social links icons.
@ -197,12 +197,15 @@ function twentyseventeen_social_links_icons() {
'soundcloud.com' => 'soundcloud',
'spotify.com' => 'spotify',
'stumbleupon.com' => 'stumbleupon',
't.me' => 'telegram',
'telegram.me' => 'telegram',
'tumblr.com' => 'tumblr',
'twitch.tv' => 'twitch',
'twitter.com' => 'twitter',
'vimeo.com' => 'vimeo',
'vine.co' => 'vine',
'vk.com' => 'vk',
'whatsapp.com' => 'whatsapp',
'wordpress.org' => 'wordpress',
'wordpress.com' => 'wordpress',
'yelp.com' => 'yelp',
@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_social_links_icons() {
* Filter Twenty Seventeen social links icons.
* Filters Twenty Seventeen social links icons.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_panel_count() {
$panel_count = 0;
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* Filters the number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ endif;
function twentyseventeen_front_page_section( $partial = null, $id = 0 ) {
if ( is_a( $partial, 'WP_Customize_Partial' ) ) {
// Find out the id and set it up during a selective refresh.
// Find out the ID and set it up during a selective refresh.
global $twentyseventeencounter;
$id = str_replace( 'panel_', '', $partial->id );

View File

@ -1,130 +1,135 @@
=== Twenty Seventeen ===
Contributors: wordpressdotorg
Tested up to: 5.0
Version: 2.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-header, accessibility-ready, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
== Description ==
Twenty Seventeen brings your site to life with header video and immersive featured images. With a focus on business sites, it features multiple sections on the front page as well as widgets, navigation and social menus, a logo, and more. Personalize its asymmetrical grid with a custom color scheme and showcase your multimedia content with post formats. Our default theme for 2017 works great in many languages, for any abilities, and on any device.
For more information about Twenty Seventeen please go to https://wordpress.org/support/article/twenty-seventeen/.
== Installation ==
1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button.
2. Type in Twenty Seventeen in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.
3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away.
4. Go to https://wordpress.org/support/article/twenty-seventeen/ for a guide on how to customize this theme.
5. Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste.
== Copyright ==
Twenty Seventeen WordPress Theme, Copyright 2016-2020 WordPress.org
Twenty Seventeen is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Twenty Seventeen bundles the following third-party resources:
HTML5 Shiv, Copyright 2014 Alexander Farkas
Licenses: MIT/GPL2
Source: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv
jQuery scrollTo, Copyright 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler
License: MIT
Source: https://github.com/flesler/jquery.scrollTo
normalize.css, Copyright 2012-2016 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal
License: MIT
Source: https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
Font Awesome icons, Copyright Dave Gandy
License: SIL Open Font License, version 1.1.
Source: http://fontawesome.io/
Bundled header image, Copyright Alvin Engler
License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Source: https://unsplash.com/@englr?photo=bIhpiQA009k
== Changelog ==
= 2.3 =
* Released: March 31, 2020
= 2.2 =
* Released: May 7, 2019
= 2.1 =
* Released: February 21, 2019
= 2.0 =
* Released: January 9, 2019
= 1.9 =
* Released: December 19, 2018
= 1.8 =
* Released: December 6, 2018
= 1.7 =
* Released: August 2, 2018
= 1.6 =
* Released: May 17, 2018
= 1.5 =
* Released: April 4, 2018
= 1.4 =
* Released: November 14, 2017
= 1.3 =
* Released: June 8, 2017
= 1.2 =
* Released: April 18, 2017
= 1.1 =
* Released: January 6, 2017
= 1.0 =
* Released: December 6, 2016
Initial release
=== Twenty Seventeen ===
Contributors: wordpressdotorg
Tested up to: 5.5
Version: 2.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-header, accessibility-ready, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
== Description ==
Twenty Seventeen brings your site to life with header video and immersive featured images. With a focus on business sites, it features multiple sections on the front page as well as widgets, navigation and social menus, a logo, and more. Personalize its asymmetrical grid with a custom color scheme and showcase your multimedia content with post formats. Our default theme for 2017 works great in many languages, for any abilities, and on any device.
For more information about Twenty Seventeen please go to https://wordpress.org/support/article/twenty-seventeen/.
== Installation ==
1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button.
2. Type in Twenty Seventeen in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.
3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away.
4. Go to https://wordpress.org/support/article/twenty-seventeen/ for a guide on how to customize this theme.
5. Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste.
== Copyright ==
Twenty Seventeen WordPress Theme, Copyright 2016-2020 WordPress.org
Twenty Seventeen is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Twenty Seventeen bundles the following third-party resources:
HTML5 Shiv, Copyright 2014 Alexander Farkas
Licenses: MIT/GPL2
Source: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv
jQuery scrollTo, Copyright 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler
License: MIT
Source: https://github.com/flesler/jquery.scrollTo
normalize.css, Copyright 2012-2016 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal
License: MIT
Source: https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
Font Awesome icons, Copyright Dave Gandy
License: SIL Open Font License, version 1.1.
Source: http://fontawesome.io/
Bundled header image, Copyright Alvin Engler
License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Source: https://unsplash.com/@englr?photo=bIhpiQA009k
== Changelog ==
= 2.4 =
* Released: August 11, 2020
= 2.3 =
* Released: March 31, 2020
= 2.2 =
* Released: May 7, 2019
= 2.1 =
* Released: February 21, 2019
= 2.0 =
* Released: January 9, 2019
= 1.9 =
* Released: December 19, 2018
= 1.8 =
* Released: December 6, 2018
= 1.7 =
* Released: August 2, 2018
= 1.6 =
* Released: May 17, 2018
= 1.5 =
* Released: April 4, 2018
= 1.4 =
* Released: November 14, 2017
= 1.3 =
* Released: June 8, 2017
= 1.2 =
* Released: April 18, 2017
= 1.1 =
* Released: January 6, 2017
= 1.0 =
* Released: December 6, 2016
Initial release

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Theme URI: https://wordpress.org/themes/twentyseventeen/
Author: the WordPress team
Author URI: https://wordpress.org/
Description: Twenty Seventeen brings your site to life with header video and immersive featured images. With a focus on business sites, it features multiple sections on the front page as well as widgets, navigation and social menus, a logo, and more. Personalize its asymmetrical grid with a custom color scheme and showcase your multimedia content with post formats. Our default theme for 2017 works great in many languages, for any abilities, and on any device.
Version: 2.3
Version: 2.4
Requires at least: 4.7
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
@ -1152,6 +1152,8 @@ td {
padding: 0.4em;
td:first-child {
padding-left: 0;
@ -3527,7 +3529,7 @@ p > object:only-child {
right: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 7;
z-index: 1000;
.admin-bar .site-navigation-fixed.navigation-top {

View File

@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
* Template part for displaying pages on front page
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Seventeen
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @version 1.0
global $twentyseventeencounter;
<article id="panel<?php echo $twentyseventeencounter; ?>" <?php post_class( 'twentyseventeen-panel ' ); ?> >
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'twentyseventeen-featured-image' );
// Calculate aspect ratio: h / w * 100%.
$ratio = $thumbnail[2] / $thumbnail[1] * 100;
<div class="panel-image" style="background-image: url(<?php echo esc_url( $thumbnail[0] ); ?>);">
<div class="panel-image-prop" style="padding-top: <?php echo esc_attr( $ratio ); ?>%"></div>
</div><!-- .panel-image -->
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="panel-content">
<div class="wrap">
<header class="entry-header">
<?php the_title( '<h2 class="entry-title">', '</h2>' ); ?>
<?php twentyseventeen_edit_link( get_the_ID() ); ?>
</header><!-- .entry-header -->
<div class="entry-content">
/* translators: %s: Post title. */
__( 'Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "%s"</span>', 'twentyseventeen' ),
</div><!-- .entry-content -->
// Show recent blog posts if is blog posts page (Note that get_option returns a string, so we're casting the result as an int).
if ( get_the_ID() === (int) get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) :
// Show three most recent posts.
$recent_posts = new WP_Query(
'posts_per_page' => 3,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'no_found_rows' => true,
<?php if ( $recent_posts->have_posts() ) : ?>
<div class="recent-posts">
while ( $recent_posts->have_posts() ) :
get_template_part( 'template-parts/post/content', 'excerpt' );
</div><!-- .recent-posts -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- .wrap -->
</div><!-- .panel-content -->
</article><!-- #post-<?php the_ID(); ?> -->
* Template part for displaying pages on front page
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Seventeen
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @version 1.0
global $twentyseventeencounter;
<article id="panel<?php echo $twentyseventeencounter; ?>" <?php post_class( 'twentyseventeen-panel ' ); ?> >
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'twentyseventeen-featured-image' );
// Calculate aspect ratio: h / w * 100%.
$ratio = $thumbnail[2] / $thumbnail[1] * 100;
<div class="panel-image" style="background-image: url(<?php echo esc_url( $thumbnail[0] ); ?>);">
<div class="panel-image-prop" style="padding-top: <?php echo esc_attr( $ratio ); ?>%"></div>
</div><!-- .panel-image -->
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="panel-content">
<div class="wrap">
<header class="entry-header">
<?php the_title( '<h2 class="entry-title">', '</h2>' ); ?>
<?php twentyseventeen_edit_link( get_the_ID() ); ?>
</header><!-- .entry-header -->
<div class="entry-content">
/* translators: %s: Post title. */
__( 'Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "%s"</span>', 'twentyseventeen' ),
</div><!-- .entry-content -->
// Show recent blog posts if is blog posts page (Note that get_option returns a string, so we're casting the result as an int).
if ( get_the_ID() === (int) get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) :
// Show three most recent posts.
$recent_posts = new WP_Query(
'posts_per_page' => 3,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'no_found_rows' => true,
<?php if ( $recent_posts->have_posts() ) : ?>
<div class="recent-posts">
while ( $recent_posts->have_posts() ) :
get_template_part( 'template-parts/post/content', 'excerpt' );
</div><!-- .recent-posts -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- .wrap -->
</div><!-- .panel-content -->
</article><!-- #post-<?php the_ID(); ?> -->

View File

@ -43,6 +43,12 @@
'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'after' => '</div>',
</div><!-- .entry-content -->