--- title: Troubleshoot --- ## Where do I report `abra` bugs / feature requests? You can use [this issue tracker](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/abra/issues/new). ## SSH connection issues? `abra` tries its best to learn from your system configuration or command-line input what the correct SSH connection details are for a given server. This doesn't always work out. Here are some things to try to fix it. First, ensure that you can `ssh ` and things work. If you can't SSH to your server then neither can `abra`. If you have a password protected SSH key, then you'll need to make sure your `ssh-agent` is running and you've added your SSH key part: ``` eval $(ssh-agent -k) ssh-add ~/.ssh/ ssh-add -L # validate loaded keys ``` The first thing `abra` will check for is the connection details listed in `abra server ls`. Check those details are correct. If you haven't managed to `abra server add` your server yet, then no details will appear in that list. You may need to take a look at [this entry](/abra/trouble/#abra-server-ls-shows-the-wrong-details) to clean up old values depending on your situation. `abra` will then try to read your `~/.ssh/config` entries and match the server domain against a `Host` entry. So, if you do `ssh myserver.com` and you have: ``` Host myserver.com Hostname myserver.com User myuser Port 222 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my@myserver.com ``` Then `abra` should have all it needs to build a working SSH connection. You can validate this by passing `-d/--debug` to your commands. However, sometimes, you use an alias in your SSH configuration, say: ``` Host mys ... ``` So that you can simply type `ssh mys`. `abra` won't be able to match against those entries to discover connection details. You can use aliases to remedy this: ``` Host mys, myserver.com ... ``` `abra` will try to read the relevant `IdentityFile` entry from your `~/.ssh/config` but if it can't make a match, it will rely on your key being added to the `ssh-agent`. Due to a limitation in our implementation, `abra` uses 2 methods of making SSH connections, the main `abra` -> `remote docker` connection using `/usr/bin/ssh` which can seamlessly pick up loaded SSH keys. However, for SSH host key checking, `abra` uses an SSH library & Golang SSH internals. We're working on resolving this to a single implementation but it is tricky work. ## "abra server ls" shows the wrong details? You can use `abra server rm` to remove the incorrect details. Make sure to take a backup of your `~/.abra/servers/` first. You can then try to re-create by using `abra server add ...` again, making sure to take care if you need to use ` `, see `abra server add -h` for more help on this. However, if you have Docker installed on the same machine you have `abra`, then there might be some confusion. If you run `docker context ls` you'll see that Docker uses context connection strings also. `abra` simply uses this approach. Sometimes, your Docker defined context details & your `abra` context details can get out of sync. You can use `docker context rm` to resolve this. If you need to create a new context from Docker, you can do: ``` docker context create --docker "host=ssh://@:" ``` (This is what we used to before we wrote `abra` to make it more convenient.) ## Command-line flag handling is weird? Unfortunately, there is a limitation in our underlying command-line library implementation for `abra` ([ref](https://github.com/urfave/cli/issues/1113)) (and more fundamentally in the design of flags in the Go programming language itself ([ref](https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/programming/GoFlagUIImportance))). We're aiming to work with upstream to resolve the flag handling but this it is not yet clear when this will be resolved.