abra section forming

This commit is contained in:
decentral1se 2022-01-27 10:27:23 +01:00
parent 2beb8df07e
commit 66014b829f
Signed by untrusted user: decentral1se
GPG Key ID: 03789458B3D0C410
6 changed files with 100 additions and 2 deletions

docs/abra/hack.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
title: Hack
## Quick start
Get a fresh copy of the `abra` source code from [here](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/abra).
Install [direnv](https://direnv.net), run `cp .envrc.sample .envrc`, then run `direnv allow` in this directory. This will set coopcloud repos as private due to [this bug.](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech/issues/20#issuecomment-8201). Or you can run `go env -w GOPRIVATE=coopcloud.tech` but I'm not sure how persistent this is.
Install [Go >= 1.16](https://golang.org/doc/install) and then:
- `make build` to build
- `./abra` to run commands
- `make test` will run tests
- `make install` will install it to `$GOPATH/bin`
- `go get <package>` and `go mod tidy` to add a new dependency
Our [Drone CI configuration](.drone.yml) runs a number of sanity on each pushed commit. See the [Makefile](./Makefile) for more handy targets.
Please use the [conventional commit format](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) for your commits so we can automate our change log.
## Release management
We use [goreleaser](https://goreleaser.com) to help us automate releases. We use [semver](https://semver.org) for versioning all releases of the tool. While we are still in the public alpha release phase, we will maintain a `0.y.z-alpha` format. Change logs are generated from our commit logs. We are still working this out and aim to refine our release praxis as we go.
For developers, while using this `-alpha` format, the `y` part is the "major" version part. So, if you make breaking changes, you increment that and _not_ the `x` part. So, if you're on `0.1.0-alpha`, then you'd go to `0.1.1-alpha` for a backwards compatible change and `0.2.0-alpha` for a backwards incompatible change.
### Making a new release
- Change `ABRA_VERSION` to match the new tag in [`scripts`](./scripts/installer/installer) (use [semver](https://semver.org))
- Commit that change (e.g. `git commit -m 'chore: publish next tag x.y.z-alpha'`)
- Make a new tag (e.g. `git tag -a x.y.z-alpha`)
- Push the new tag (e.g. `git push && git push --tags`)
- Wait until the build finishes on [build.coopcloud.tech](https://build.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/abra)
- Deploy the new installer script (e.g. `cd ./scripts/installer && make`)
- Check the release worked, (e.g. `abra upgrade; abra -v`)
## Fork maintenance
### `godotenv`
We maintain a fork of [godotenv](https://github.com/Autonomic-Cooperative/godotenv) because we need inline comment parsing for environment files. You can upgrade the version here by running `go get github.com/Autonomic-Cooperative/godotenv@<commit>` where `<commit>` is the latest commit you want to pin to. At time of writing, `go get github.com/Autonomic-Cooperative/godotenv@b031ea1211e7fd297af4c7747ffb562ebe00cd33` is the command you want to run to maintain the above functionality.
### `docker/client`
A number of modules in [pkg/upstream](./pkg/upstream) are copy/pasta'd from the upstream [docker/docker/client](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/docker/docker/client). We had to do this because upstream are not exposing their API as public.

docs/abra/index.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: Abra
`abra` is our flagship client & command-line tool which has been developed specifically in the context of the Co-op Cloud project for the purpose of making day-to-day operations for [operators](/operators/) and [maintainers](/maintainers/) as convenient as possible. It is libre software, written in [Go](https://go.dev/) and maintained and extended by the community :heart:
In this section, you can find the following sections:
- [Install](/abra/install): You want to install `abra` :100:
- [Upgrade](/abra/upgrade): You're looking for instructions on how to upgrade `abra` :arrow_heading_up:
- [Hack](/abra/hack): You wan to hack on `abra` and help out with the development :woman_construction_worker:
- [Troubleshoot](/abra/troubleshoot): `abra` ain't working and you'd like to know why :boom:

docs/abra/install.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Install
## Stable release
curl https://install.abra.coopcloud.tech | bash
## Release candidate
curl https://install.abra.coopcloud.tech | bash -s -- --rc
## Installer script source
You can view that [here](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/abra/src/branch/main/scripts/installer/installer).

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ---
title: Troubleshooting title: Troubleshoot
--- ---
## Configuring SSH ## Configuring SSH

docs/abra/upgrade.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: Upgrade
## Stable release
abra upgrade
## Release candidate
abra upgrade --rc

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@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ nav:
- operators/index.md - operators/index.md
- "New operators tutorial": operators/tutorial.md - "New operators tutorial": operators/tutorial.md
- "Operations handbook": operators/handbook.md - "Operations handbook": operators/handbook.md
- "Troubleshooting abra": operators/trouble.md
- "Maintainers Guide": - "Maintainers Guide":
- maintainers/index.md - maintainers/index.md
- "New maintainers tutorial": maintainers/tutorial.md - "New maintainers tutorial": maintainers/tutorial.md
@ -58,6 +57,12 @@ nav:
- "New organisers tutorial": organisers/tutorial.md - "New organisers tutorial": organisers/tutorial.md
- "Schedules": organisers/schedules.md - "Schedules": organisers/schedules.md
- "Recipes": recipes/index.md - "Recipes": recipes/index.md
- "Abra":
- abra/index.md
- "Install": abra/install.md
- "Upgrade": abra/upgrade.md
- "Hack": abra/hack.md
- "Troubleshoot": abra/trouble.md
- "Get Involved": get-involved/index.md - "Get Involved": get-involved/index.md
- "Glossary": glossary/index.md - "Glossary": glossary/index.md