""" script to do a basic holistic test of the cowmesh network, testing internet connection speed, and transfer speed, at and between all nodes in the mesh """ import os import time import asyncio, asyncssh, sys import subprocess import json import paramiko PROJECT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) test_img_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "test.png") SECRETS_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "secrets.json") with open(SECRETS_PATH, 'r') as f: SECRETS = json.loads(f.read()) base_node = "janastunuc" # nuc in jaaga nodes = [ "janastunuc", # nuc in jaaga "solipi", # pi in guard "writer", # pi in new-gazebo ] # url for downloading test.png from the internet internet_url = "https://canalswans.commoninternet.net/test.png" # boolean to prepare test, or just run it PREPARE_TEST = False if PREPARE_TEST: # copy image to internet print("COPYING TEST IMG TO INTERNET DOWNLOADABLE LOCATION") internet_scp_cmd = "scp -i ~/.ssh/do_rsa2 {} root@canalswans.commoninternet.net:/srv/canalswans.commoninternet.net/test.png".format(test_img_path) os.system(internet_scp_cmd) # first put the image on every node without testing the time (so that the test is prepared to run) for name, from_node_vals in SECRETS["HOST_INFO"].items(): print("PREPARING NODE {}".format(name)) ip = from_node_vals["ip"] dir_path = from_node_vals["node_path"] file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "test.png") user = from_node_vals["user"] password = from_node_vals["password"] mkdir_cmd = "ssh {user}@{ip} 'mkdir -p {dir_path}'".format(user=user, ip=ip, dir_path=dir_path) os.system(mkdir_cmd) scp_cmd = "scp {test_img_path} {user}@{ip}:{file_path}".format( test_img_path=test_img_path, ip=ip, user=user, file_path=file_path ) os.system(scp_cmd) myconn = paramiko.SSHClient() myconn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) myconn.connect(ip, username=user, password=password) remote_cmd = 'mkdir -p {dir_path}'.format(dir_path=dir_path) (stdin, stdout, stderr) = myconn.exec_command(remote_cmd) output = str(stdout.read()) print("output: {}".format(output)) print(("errors: {}".format(stderr.read()))) scp_cmd = "scp {test_img_path} {user}@{ip}:{file_path}".format( test_img_path=test_img_path, ip=ip, user=user, file_path=file_path ) (stdin, stdout, stderr) = myconn.exec_command(scp_cmd) output = str(stdout.read()) print("output: {}".format(output)) print(("errors: {}".format(stderr.read()))) myconn.close() results = {} async def run_test(): # run the test on each node node_dict = SECRETS["HOST_INFO"] for node in nodes: from_name = node from_node_vals = node_dict[node] from_ip = from_node_vals["ip"] from_dir_path = from_node_vals["node_path"] from_file_path = os.path.join(from_dir_path, "test.png") from_user = from_node_vals["user"] from_password = from_node_vals["password"] for to_name in nodes: to_node_vals = node_dict[to_name] if from_name == to_name: print("skip self") continue print("** running test.png transfer test from {} to {}".format(from_name, to_name)) to_user = to_node_vals["user"] to_ip = to_node_vals["ip"] to_dir_path = to_node_vals["node_path"] to_file_path = os.path.join(to_dir_path, "download.png") to_password = to_node_vals["password"] scp_cmd = "scp -i {key_path} {from_file_path} {to_user}@{to_ip}:{to_file_path}".format( key_path="$HOME/.ssh/janastu", to_user=to_user, to_ip=to_ip, to_file_path=to_file_path, from_file_path=from_file_path ) start = time.time() myconn = paramiko.SSHClient() myconn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) myconn.connect(from_ip, username=from_user, password=from_password) print(scp_cmd) (stdin, stdout, stderr) = myconn.exec_command(scp_cmd) exit_status = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status() output = str(stdout.read()) error = str(stderr.read()) print("output: {}".format(output)) print(("errors: {}".format(stderr.read()))) result_key = "{} -> {}".format(from_name, to_name) if exit_status == 0: print("success: {}".format(output)) end = time.time() elapsed = (end - start) print("{}: {} seconds".format(result_key, elapsed)) results[result_key] = elapsed else: print("error: {}".format(error)) results[result_key] = "error: {}".format(error) return # scp_with_time_cmd = "set -e; /usr/bin/time -f '%e' {}".format(scp_cmd) # print("running: {}".format(scp_with_time_cmd)) def run_laptop_test(): from_name = "laptop" # also measure transfers from laptop node_dict = SECRETS["HOST_INFO"] for to_name, to_node_vals in node_dict.items(): print("** running test.png transfer test from laptop to {}".format(to_name)) to_user = to_node_vals["user"] to_ip = to_node_vals["ip"] to_dir_path = to_node_vals["node_path"] to_file_path = os.path.join(to_dir_path, "download.png") scp_cmd = "scp -i {key_path} {from_file_path} {to_user}@{to_ip}:{to_file_path}".format( key_path="$HOME/.ssh/janastu", to_user=to_user, to_ip=to_ip, to_file_path=to_file_path, from_file_path=test_img_path ) print(scp_cmd) start = time.time() result = subprocess.run(scp_cmd, shell=True) if result.returncode == 0: end = time.time() print("stdout: {}".format(result.stdout)) elapsed = (end - start) result_key = "{}->{}".format(from_name, to_name) print("{}: {} seconds".format(result_key, elapsed)) results[result_key] = elapsed else: print("stderr: {}".format(result.stderr)) print('Program exited with status %d' % result.returncode, file=sys.stderr) results[result_key] = "error: {}".format(result.stderr) return try: # asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run_test()) run_laptop_test() print("** final results **") file_size = 13476 for test_name, result in results.items(): speed = file_size / float(result) / 1000.0 print("{}: {:.2f} seconds, {:.2f} mbps".format(test_name, result, speed)) except (OSError, asyncssh.Error) as exc: sys.exit('SSH connection failed: ' + str(exc))