--- path: "/posts/trash" date: "2022-07-19T23:19:51.246Z" title: "Trash" type: "wiki" style: "prose" image: "" description: "" note: "Max Fowler" --- working with trash is a recurring theme with so much trash around, and so much extraction for new materials, trash becomes a logical material to work with. a blessing and curse of the current age ![shopping cart in river](assetts/shopping-cart.jpg) even [KiezPilz](http://kiezpilz.de), we enjoyed dicussing that it is primarily a waste-management company, and it just happens to grow mushrooms some other related projects I've appreciated

[Leftover Sewing](https://www.instagram.com/leftoversewing/) [Trash Future](https://trash.wake.st/) [Post-Growth Entrepreneurship](https://studiegids.uva.nl/xmlpages/page/2022-2023-en/search-course/course/101769) [Discard Studies](https://discardstudies.com/)
this page is a tribute to my never-ending love for kleinanzeigen (german craigslist)
[Degrading Fabric, Degrading Networks](/posts/degrading-fabric-degrading-networks)