--- path: "/posts/mycology" date: "2022-07-19T23:19:51.246Z" title: "Mycology" type: "wiki" level: "1" style: "prose" image: "" description: "" note: "Max Fowler" --- This is a collection of mycology notes and research. - [kiezpilz.de](http://kiezpilz.de), the website for the mycology collective I've been growing mushrooms with in berlin since 2019 - [hyphalfusion.network](http://hyphalfusion.network), a mycology discourse forum I started with [@glyph](http://mycelial.technology) from scuttlebutt in 2020 *Mycology Groups* - Biopunk Kitchen Cultures, an active mycology telegram group with meetups and resource sharing based in berlin. here is the link to join: [https://t.me/joinchat/EFPNbkuwZUYDQElOCnIOrA](https://t.me/joinchat/EFPNbkuwZUYDQElOCnIOrA) *Books* - [Radical Mycology: A Treatise On Seeing And Working With Fungi, by Peter Mccoy](https://arena-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/9042792/8ed928e4db24a66dbda343030e7610df.pdf?1602248508) - Organic Mushroom Farming & Mycoremediation, by Tradd Cotter - The Fifth Kingdom, by Brice Kendrick - Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms, by Paul Stamets *Podcasts* - [Bag Tek VS Tub Tek | Mycotrophic](https://pca.st/ekh3jkwt) - [more podcasts on hyphalfusion](https://hyphalfusion.network/t/mushroom-fungi-podcasts/264) *Links* - Beautiful Agar, https://www.instagram.com/p/CbgSMvjvnXB/ *Teks* - [How To Make Grain Spawn](https://learn.freshcap.com/growing/how-to-make-perfect-grain-spawn-for-growing-mushrooms-at-home/) *Papers* - [Mycology Reading Group](https://hyphalfusion.network/t/mycology-reading-group/57), which met on every new moon and full moon for six months in 2021