import React from 'react' import Link from 'gatsby-link' import Layout from "../layouts/layout.js" import SLink from "../components/SLink"; const IndexPage = () => (

*/} {/* Canal Swans is a website/wiki/blog maintained by Max Fowler.*/} {/*

*/} {/*

*/} {/* index contains writing and poetry.*/} {/*

*/} {/*

*/} {/* zines was imagined to become a small online store for ordering*/} {/* physical copies of zines, inspired by finn oakes' zine store,*/} {/* but currently just contains one zine.*/} {/*

*/} {/*

*/} {/* wiki contains collections of notes, writing and links on various topics.*/} {/* I wanted to collect research in a way that was more engaged than just*/} {/* compulsively saving things to channels, but was less polished*/} {/* than one-time-published pieces of writing. a digital garden of sorts,*/} {/* and a tribute to serendipity and special interests.*/} {/*

*/} {/*

*/} {/* misc is for anything that doesn't fit.*/} {/*


garden of fragments, writing, notes

a tribute to serendipity, special interests and html

maintained by notplants


*/} {/* This is a blog for sharing writing, notes, sketches and other fragments.*/} {/* Maintained by Max Fowler. */} {/*

) export default IndexPage