getMessage(); exit(1); } set_exception_handler('exception_handler'); define("EDITABLE_EXTENSIONS", ["gmi", "md"]); // patch up PATH_INFO in case it is unset if(!array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER) || $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] == "") { $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = "/"; } if(substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],-1,1) === "/") { $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] .= ""; } ?>
  • " class="link--editable">
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    0): ?>
    1. $value): ?>
    $max_width) { $img = imagescale($img, $max_width); } // replace extension with new format $public_path = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])."/".basename($new_basename, ".".$extension).".".$dest_format; $_dest = fopen("..".$public_path, "x"); if(!$_dest) { http_response_code(400); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo 'File already exists in this directory. Delete it to overwrite.'; exit(1); } switch($dest_format) { case "png": imagepng($img, $_dest, intval(getenv('IMG_RESIZE_PNG_COMPRESSION') ?: -1)); break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": imagejpeg($img, $_dest, intval(getenv('IMG_RESIZE_JPEG_QUALITY') ?: -1)); break; case "webp": imagewebp($img, $_dest, intval(getenv('IMG_RESIZE_WEBP_QUALITY') ?: -1)); break; case "avif": imageavif($img, $_dest, intval(getenv('IMG_RESIZE_AVIF_QUALITY') ?: -1), intval(getenv('IMG_RESIZE_AVIF_SPEED') ?: -1)); break; case "gif": imagegif($img, $_dest); break; case "bmp": imagewbmp($img, $_dest); break; default: http_response_code(400); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo "Unknown image format: ".$dest_format; exit(1); } fclose($_dest); } else { $public_path = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])."/".$new_basename; $_dest = fopen("..".$public_path, "x"); if(!$_dest) { http_response_code(400); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo 'File already exists in this directory. Delete it to overwrite.'; exit(1); } $_src = fopen("php://input", "r"); stream_copy_to_stream($_src, $_dest); fclose($_dest); fclose($_src); } $base = dirname($public_path); if(substr($base,-1,1) !== "/") { $base .= "/"; } http_response_code(200); header('Content-Type: text/html'); render_file(basename($public_path), $base); exit(0); } elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'DELETE') { if($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] === "" || $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] === "." || $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] === "/") { http_response_code(400); exit(1); } if(is_dir("..".$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { delTree("..".$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); } else { unlink("..".$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); } http_response_code(204); exit(0); } elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'PATCH') { mkdir("..".$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); http_response_code(200); header('Content-Type: text/html'); $dir = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); render_directory(basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']), $dir, count(explode("/", $dir)), array()); exit(0); } ?> Lichen