--- site_author: Co-op Cloud site_name: Co-op Cloud site_url: https://coopcloud.tech theme: name: material features: - navigation.instant - toc.integrate palette: primary: light pink accent: purple logo: img/favicon.ico favicon: img/favicon.ico copyright: Copyleft 🄯 2021 The Co-operative Cloud markdown_extensions: - meta - admonition - codehilite: guess_lang: false - toc: permalink: true - attr_list - pymdownx.tabbed - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tilde - pymdownx.magiclink - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg nav: - "A co-operative alternative 🥳": index.md - Getting started guide: - Architecture overview: overview.md - Deploy your first app: deploy.md - App catalogue: apps.md - App config guide: app-config-guide.md - Packager guide: packager-guide.md - Frequently asked questions: faq.md - Contributing guide: contribute.md - Community organising: comm-org.md - Admin guide: - How to manage the .abra directory: config.md - Manage secret data: secrets.md - Understanding networking: networking.md - Back-up and restore an app: backup-restore.md - Scale an app up to handle more traffic: scale.md - Roll an app back to a previous version: rollback.md - Running abra on the server: server-side.md - Strategy: strategy.md - Bike map: bikemap.md - Troubleshooting: troubleshooting.md - Managed Hosting: managed.md - Get in touch: contact.md - Acknowledgements: credits.md plugins: - search - awesome-pages repo_name: coop-cloud/docs.coopcloud.tech repo_url: https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/docs.coopcloud.tech edit_uri: _edit/main/docs/ extra_css: - styles/extra.css