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2021-10-20 15:31:26 +00:00
// Package libcapsul provides Capsul operations functionality.
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
package libcapsul
import (
// CapsulCreateResponse is a Capsul creation response payload.
type CapsulCreateResponse struct {
ID string
// CapsulClient is a Capsul client interface.
type CapsulClient struct {
InstanceURL string
APIToken string
// New creates a new Capsul client.
func New(instanceURL, APIToken string) CapsulClient {
return CapsulClient{
InstanceURL: instanceURL,
APIToken: APIToken,
// Create creates a new capsul.
2021-10-22 07:48:48 +00:00
func (c CapsulClient) Create(capsulName, capsulType, capsulImage string, capsulSSHKeys []string) (CapsulCreateResponse, error) {
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
// yep, the response time is quite slow, something to fix on the Capsul side
client := &http.Client{Timeout: 20 * time.Second}
capsulCreateURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/api/capsul/create", c.InstanceURL)
logrus.Debugf("using '%s' as capsul create url", capsulCreateURL)
values := map[string]string{
2021-10-22 07:48:48 +00:00
"name": capsulName,
"size": capsulType,
"os": capsulImage,
idx := 0
for _, sshKey := range capsulSSHKeys {
key := fmt.Sprintf("ssh_key_%v", idx)
values[key] = sshKey
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
payload, err := json.Marshal(values)
if err != nil {
2021-10-20 15:17:04 +00:00
return CapsulCreateResponse{}, err
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", capsulCreateURL, bytes.NewBuffer(payload))
if err != nil {
2021-10-20 15:17:04 +00:00
return CapsulCreateResponse{}, err
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
req.Header = http.Header{
"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
"Authorization": []string{c.APIToken},
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
2021-10-20 15:17:04 +00:00
return CapsulCreateResponse{}, err
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defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
2021-10-20 15:17:04 +00:00
return CapsulCreateResponse{}, err
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
2021-10-20 15:17:04 +00:00
return CapsulCreateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf(string(body))
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
var resp CapsulCreateResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resp); err != nil {
2021-10-20 15:17:04 +00:00
return CapsulCreateResponse{}, err
2021-10-20 15:13:26 +00:00
logrus.Debugf("capsul created with ID: '%s'", resp.ID)
return resp, nil