diff --git a/06-WSL2-Linux-ssh/README.md b/06-WSL2-Linux-ssh/README.md index a74bdec..261ac18 100644 --- a/06-WSL2-Linux-ssh/README.md +++ b/06-WSL2-Linux-ssh/README.md @@ -1,8 +1,46 @@ -![run ssh and copy key fingerprint to clipboard](01.png "run ssh and copy key fingerprint to clipboard") +# Use WSL Linux SSH to login to remote Capsule +Previously, we logged into the remote capsule using ssh in a Windows cmd.exe window. Before we can continue, we need to make sure that the Linux distribution inside WSL2 can also login to the remote Capsul using ssh. +1. Create the .ssh subdirectory in your home directory: + + > mkdir ~/.ssh + +1. Change working directory to the .ssh subdirectory + + > cd ~/.ssh + +1. Copy your keys from your Windows .ssh directory into the Linux .ssh directory using the cp command and the Windows C: drive being mounted at /mnt/c. Assuming your Windows user name is *user*. Verify that both parts of your key have been copied into the Linux ~/.ssh folder with the *ls* command. + + > cp /mnt/c/users/user/.ssh/id_rsa* . + + You should see two files, id_rsa and id_rsa.pub + +1. Change the permissions of the id_rsa file so that only you have read and write rights on it, using the *chmod* command. + + > chmod 700 id_rsa + +1. Use the ssh command to connect to your Capsul's ip address. + + > ssh user@capsul-ip-address + +1. When you try the ssh command, it will say the authenticity of the host can't be established. Copy the fingerprint from the Linux command window to the clipboard. + + ![run ssh and copy key fingerprint to clipboard](01.png "run ssh and copy key fingerprint to clipboard") + +1. Open your Capsul fingerprints file in Notepad. Compare the fingerprint from the Linux command line *ssh* to the fingerprint in Notepad. ![open fingerprints in notepad and match](02.png "open fingerprints in notepad and match") +1. If the fingerprints match, type yes and press enter. ![enter 'yes' if fingerprints match](03.png "enter 'yes' if fingerprints match") + ![run ssh again using domain name instead of ip address](05.png "run ssh again using domain name instead of ip address") -![run ssh again using domain name instead of ip address](05.png "run ssh again using domain name instead of ip address") +1. Close the ssh connection to your Capsul's ip address. +1. Open a ssh connection to your Capsul's domain name. + > ssh user@capsul-domain-name + +1. Again, compare the fingerprint of the ssh command with the fingerprint in the capsul-fingerprints file. If they match, type *yes* and Enter. This causes the domain name to be added to the list of known hosts. + +1. Close the ssh connection to your remote capsule. + +1. Now that you've confirmed your WSL2 Linux system can login to your remote Capsul, proceed with the next steps. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/08-Deploy-first-app/0.1.png b/08-Deploy-first-app/0.1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c614a31 Binary files /dev/null and b/08-Deploy-first-app/0.1.png differ diff --git a/08-Deploy-first-app/00.png b/08-Deploy-first-app/00.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f288d9a Binary files /dev/null and b/08-Deploy-first-app/00.png differ diff --git a/08-Deploy-first-app/README.md b/08-Deploy-first-app/README.md index 32cc09c..4a45472 100644 --- a/08-Deploy-first-app/README.md +++ b/08-Deploy-first-app/README.md @@ -1,21 +1,41 @@ -![01](01.png "01") +# Deploy First App to Capsul -![02](02.png "02") +Currently, the official catalogue of Coop-Cloud apps is at [App catalogue]( https://docs.coopcloud.tech/apps/). There's an experimental version of the catalogue in the works; you can see the link to it in the image. -![03](03.png "03") +![00](00.png "00") +We'll be deploying Custom HTML by following the instructions in "Basic usage" below. +![01](0.1.png "0.1") + +1. Let's create a minimal HTML5 web page. Launch your WSL Linux system. Create a file called index.html. The example below uses the nano text editor. ![04](04.png "04") - +1. Assuming you have previously copied basic HTML5 code into the clipboard, you can right-click the top of the Linux command window, slide down to Edit, slide over to Paste and click on it. ![05](05.png "05") - +This is what nano looks like after pasting a minimal HTML5 document into it. Use Ctrl-O to save the file, and Ctrl-X to exit the nano editor. ![06](06.png "06") -![07](07.png "07") +1. Create the custom html app on your Capsul using Abra. The app is associated with the server named *coolstuff.ninja*. It will be listening at the domain name *coolstuff.ninja*, that is, after it is deployed, when you type https://coolstuff.ninja, you will see the minimal html5 page we've just saved in index.html. The --app-name option tells Abra to name the app *custom-html-ninj*. -![08](08.png "08") + > abra app new custom-html --server coolstuff.ninja --domain coolstuff.ninja --app-name custom-html-ninj -![09](09.png "09") + ![07](07.png "07") -![10](10.png "10") +1. After abra finishes adding the new app, you can check out its configuration: + > abra app custom-html-ninj config -![11](11.png "11") + ![08](08.png "08") + This opens custom-html-ninj's configuration in a text editor, and you could update any values which need to be updated. In this case, everything looks good, so we don't make any changes. + ![09](09.png "09") + +1. It's time to deploy the app. It's a very basic app, and so the command line to deploy it is very simple. Type 'y' to confirm the deployment. After a few moments, you should see *SUCCESS: Yay! App should be available at **domain-name***. + You need to copy the index.html file into the custom-html-ninj app. + + > abra app custom-html-ninj cp index.html app:/usr/share/nginx/html + + ![10](10.png "10") + +1. Finally, open your website using your browser. https://your-domain-name + + ![11](11.png "11") + + You should see "This is the Title" in the page's title, and "This is the page content." on the page. \ No newline at end of file