# Add the Traefik App to Your Capsul: 1. Add the Traefik app to the server ![Add traefik app to server](../res/traefik/03.png "Add traefik app to server") 2. Open Traefik's configuration file: ![Open editor for traefik app config](../res/traefik/04.png "Open editor for traefik app config") 3. Update the Let's Encrypt email address: ![Change Lets Encrypt email address](../res/traefik/05.png "Change Lets Encrypt email address") 4. Deploy traefik ![Deploy traefik, wait](../res/traefik/06.png "Deploy traefik, wait") 5. Use ps to check if traefik is up and running. ![Use ps to check traefik state](../res/traefik/07.png "Use ps to check traefik state") 6. View traefik's dashboard by opening it in the browser ![Open traefik dashboard in browser](../res/traefik/08.png "Open traefik dashboard in browser") The next step is to install your first app! | [Previous](setup-server.md) | [Next](add-1stapp-deploy.md) | [Top](../README.md) |