# Upload Public SSH Key to Your Yolo Account There is no front-end to your capsul. All access to it will be remote, for example, with *ssh*. You need to create SSH keys and upload your public key to your account before you can create a capsul. This guide explains how to create SSH Keys on your local Windows computer. The steps describe using Window's built-in OpenSSH feature. If you prefer [PuTTY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY), you can skip to step 5. 1. Open an Administrator PowerShell window. ![open administrator powershell on windows](../res/upload-pub-key/08-win-admin-power-shell.png) 1. Use the *get-WindowsCapability* command to find out if Windows already has the OpenSSH client installed. >get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH.client*' ![is openssh client installed on windows?](../res/upload-pub-key/09-win-is-openssh-installed.png) If you see "State : Installed" in the response, you don't need to add it. If it is not installed, use the *Add-WindowsCapability* command to add it. > Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.client~~~~ ![install openssh client on windows if needed](../res/upload-pub-key/10-win-install-OpenSSH.png) 1. Open the Windows cmd.exe command window. Make sure you have a subdirectory named .ssh in your home directory. > cmd.exe cd %USERPROFILE% dir .ssh mkdir .ssh c:\windows\system32\OpenSSH\ssh-keygen.exe Run *ssh-keygen.exe* to generate an SSH key pair. Press *enter* key to accept the default filename. Press *enter* key twice to skip adding a passphrase. Your key pair identification is then saved in the *.ssh* subdirectory. You will see a key fingerprint ending in `your-windows-username@your-windows-hostname`. You'll also see the key's randomart image. ![create ssh key using ssh-keygen.exe](../res/upload-pub-key/11-win-ssh-keygen.png) 1. Launch Notepad.exe and open file *c:\users\userid\\.ssh\id_rsa.pub*. Select all of the file's contents and copy to the clipboard. ![copy public ssh key to clipboard](../res/upload-pub-key/12-win-notepad-cp-pub-ssh-key.png) 1. Open your browser and go to the [**SSH PUBLIC KEYS**](https://yolo.servers.coop/console/keys) page in your browser. You'll see a box labeled *File Contents*. Paste your public key from the clipboard into the box. Then, click the *Upload* button. ![paste public key into yolo SSH PUBLIC KEYS page](../res/upload-pub-key/13-yolo-paste-public-key.png) 1. Your uploaded public key will appear near the top of the page. ![your uploaded public key appears on yolo page](../res/upload-pub-key/14-yolo-SSH-key-uploaded.png "your uploaded public key appears on yolo page") *Congratulations, you have uploaded your public SSH key to your yolo account.* | [Previous](create-acct.md) | [Next](create_capsul.md) | [Top](../README.md) |