1. Open [Install server prerequisites](https://docs.coopcloud.tech/deploy#install-server-prerequisites) and scroll down to **Install server prerequisites**. Click on the [*install documentation*](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) link. ![01](01.png "01") 1. You will see the page below. Scroll to the **Server** section and find the link for *Debian* and click on it. ![02](02.png "02") 1. fill in 1 ![03](03.png "03") 1. fill in 2 ![04](04.png "04") 1. fill in 3 ![05](05.png "05") 1. fill in 4 ![07](07.png "07") 1. fill in 5 ![08](08.png "08") 1. fill in 6 ![09](09.png "09") 1. fill in 7 ![10](10.png "10") 1. fill in 8 ![11](11.png "11") 1. fill in 9 ![12](12.png "12") 1. fill in 10 ![13](13.png "13") 1. fill in 11 ![14](14.png "14") 1. fill in 12 ![15](15.png "15") 1. fill in 13 | [Previous](../02-Setup-DNS-Records/README.md) | [Next](../04-Install-WSL2-Linux/README.md) | [Top](../README.md) |