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var vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
OAuth= require('../lib/oauth').OAuth;
'When generating the signature base string described in': {
topic: new OAuth(null, null, null, null, null, null, "HMAC-SHA1"),
'we get the expected result string': function (oa) {
var result= oa._createSignatureBase("GET", "",
assert.equal( result, "GET&");
'When normalising a url': {
topic: new OAuth(null, null, null, null, null, null, "HMAC-SHA1"),
'default ports should be stripped': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa._normalizeUrl(""), "" );
'should leave in non-default ports from urls for use in signature generation': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa._normalizeUrl(""), "" );
assert.equal( oa._normalizeUrl(""), "" );
'should add a trailing slash when no path at all is present': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa._normalizeUrl(""), "")
'When signing a url': {
topic: function() {
var oa= new OAuth(null, null, "consumerkey", "consumersecret", "1.0", null, "HMAC-SHA1");
oa._getTimestamp= function(){ return "1272399856"; }
oa._getNonce= function(){ return "ybHPeOEkAUJ3k2wJT9Xb43MjtSgTvKqp"; }
return oa;
'Provide a valid signature when no token present': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa.signUrl(""), "");
'Provide a valid signature when a token is present': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa.signUrl("", "token"), "");
'Provide a valid signature when a token and a token secret is present': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa.signUrl("", "token", "tokensecret"), "");
2010-11-23 22:23:07 +00:00
'When get authorization header' : {
topic: function() {
var oa= new OAuth(null, null, "consumerkey", "consumersecret", "1.0", null, "HMAC-SHA1");
oa._getTimestamp= function(){ return "1272399856"; }
oa._getNonce= function(){ return "ybHPeOEkAUJ3k2wJT9Xb43MjtSgTvKqp"; }
return oa;
'Provide a valid signature when a token and a token secret is present': function(oa) {
assert.equal( oa.authHeader("", "token", "tokensecret"), 'OAuth oauth_consumer_key="consumerkey",oauth_nonce="ybHPeOEkAUJ3k2wJT9Xb43MjtSgTvKqp",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1272399856",oauth_token="token",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="zeOR0Wsm6EG6XSg0Vw%2FsbpoSib8%3D"');
'When non standard ports are used': {
topic: function() {
var oa= new OAuth(null, null, null, null, null, null, "HMAC-SHA1"),
mockProvider= {};
mockProvider.request= function(method, path, headers) {
assert.equal(headers.Host, "");
return result= {addListener:function(){},
socket: {addListener: function(){}}};
oa._createClient= function(port, host) {
assert.equal(port, '8080');
assert.equal(host, '');
return mockProvider;
return oa;
'getProtectedResrouce should correctly define the host headers': function(oa) {
oa.getProtectedResource("", "GET", "oauth_token", null, function(){require('sys').p('dddd')})
'When building the OAuth Authorization header': {
topic: new OAuth(null, null, null, null, null, null, "HMAC-SHA1"),
'All provided oauth arguments should be concatentated correctly' : function(oa) {
var parameters= [
["oauth_timestamp", "1234567"],
["oauth_nonce", "ABCDEF"],
["oauth_version", "1.0"],
["oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1"],
["oauth_consumer_key", "asdasdnm2321b3"]];
assert.equal(oa._buildAuthorizationHeaders(parameters), 'OAuth oauth_timestamp="1234567",oauth_nonce="ABCDEF",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key="asdasdnm2321b3"');
'*Only* Oauth arguments should be concatentated, others should be disregarded' : function(oa) {
var parameters= [
["foo", "2343"],
["oauth_timestamp", "1234567"],
["oauth_nonce", "ABCDEF"],
["bar", "dfsdfd"],
["oauth_version", "1.0"],
["oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1"],
["oauth_consumer_key", "asdasdnm2321b3"],
["foobar", "asdasdnm2321b3"]];
assert.equal(oa._buildAuthorizationHeaders(parameters), 'OAuth oauth_timestamp="1234567",oauth_nonce="ABCDEF",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key="asdasdnm2321b3"');
'_buildAuthorizationHeaders should not depends on Array.prototype.toString' : function(oa) {
var _toString = Array.prototype.toString;
Array.prototype.toString = function(){ return '[Array] ' + this.length; }; // toString overwrite example used in jsdom.
var parameters= [
["foo", "2343"],
["oauth_timestamp", "1234567"],
["oauth_nonce", "ABCDEF"],
["bar", "dfsdfd"],
["oauth_version", "1.0"],
["oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1"],
["oauth_consumer_key", "asdasdnm2321b3"],
["foobar", "asdasdnm2321b3"]];
assert.equal(oa._buildAuthorizationHeaders(parameters), 'OAuth oauth_timestamp="1234567",oauth_nonce="ABCDEF",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key="asdasdnm2321b3"');
Array.prototype.toString = _toString;
'When performing the Secure Request' : {
topic: new OAuth("",
"anonymous", "anonymous",
"1.0A", "", "HMAC-SHA1"),
'using the POST method' : {
'Any passed extra_params should form part of the POST body': function(oa) {
var post_body_written= false;
var op= oa._createClient;
try {
oa._createClient= function() {
return {
request: function(method, path, headers) {
return {
write: function(post_body){
post_body_written= true;
socket: {addListener: function(){}},
addListener: function() {},
end: function() {}
oa._performSecureRequest("token", "token_secret", 'POST', '', {"scope": "foobar,1,2"});
assert.equal(post_body_written, true);
finally {
oa._createClient= op;
'When performing a secure' : {
topic: new OAuth("",
"anonymous", "anonymous",
"1.0A", "", "HMAC-SHA1"),
'POST' : {
'if no callback is passed' : {
'it should return a request object': function(oa) {
var request="", "token", "token_secret", "BLAH", "text/plain")
assert.equal(request.method, "POST");
'if a callback is passed' : {
"it should call the internal request's end method and return nothing": function(oa) {
var callbackCalled= false;
var op= oa._createClient;
try {
oa._createClient= function() {
return {
request: function(method, path, headers) {
return {
write: function(){},
socket: {addListener: function(){}},
addListener: function() {},
end: function() {
callbackCalled= true;
var request="", "token", "token_secret", "BLAH", "text/plain", function(e,d){})
assert.equal(callbackCalled, true);
finally {
oa._createClient= op;
'if the post_body is not a string' : {
"It should be url encoded and the content type set to be x-www-form-urlencoded" : function(oa) {
var op= oa._createClient;
try {
var callbackCalled= false;
oa._createClient= function() {
return {
request: function(method, path, headers) {
assert.equal(headers["Content-Type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
return {
socket: {addListener: function(){}},
write: function(data) {
callbackCalled= true;
assert.equal(data, "foo=1%2C2%2C3&bar=1%2B2");
addListener: function() {},
end: function() {}
var request="", "token", "token_secret", {"foo":"1,2,3", "bar":"1+2"})
assert.equal(callbackCalled, true);
finally {
oa._createClient= op;
'if the post_body is a string' : {
"and no post_content_type is specified" : {
"It should be written as is, with a content length specified, and the encoding should be set to be x-www-form-urlencoded" : function(oa) {
var op= oa._createClient;
try {
var callbackCalled= false;
oa._createClient= function() {
return {
request: function(method, path, headers) {
assert.equal(headers["Content-Type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
assert.equal(headers["Content-length"], 23);
return {
socket: {addListener: function(){}},
write: function(data) {
callbackCalled= true;
assert.equal(data, "foo=1%2C2%2C3&bar=1%2B2");
addListener: function() {},
end: function() {}
var request="", "token", "token_secret", "foo=1%2C2%2C3&bar=1%2B2")
assert.equal(callbackCalled, true);
finally {
oa._createClient= op;
"and a post_content_type is specified" : {
"It should be written as is, with a content length specified, and the encoding should be set to be as specified" : function(oa) {
var op= oa._createClient;
try {
var callbackCalled= false;
oa._createClient= function() {
return {
request: function(method, path, headers) {
assert.equal(headers["Content-Type"], "unicorn/encoded");
assert.equal(headers["Content-length"], 23);
return {
socket: {addListener: function(){}},
write: function(data) {
callbackCalled= true;
assert.equal(data, "foo=1%2C2%2C3&bar=1%2B2");
addListener: function() {},
end: function() {}
var request="", "token", "token_secret", "foo=1%2C2%2C3&bar=1%2B2", "unicorn/encoded")
assert.equal(callbackCalled, true);
finally {
oa._createClient= op;
'GET' : {
'if no callback is passed' : {
'it should return a request object': function(oa) {
var request= oa.get("", "token", "token_secret")
assert.equal(request.method, "GET");
'if a callback is passed' : {
"it should call the internal request's end method and return nothing": function(oa) {
var callbackCalled= false;
var op= oa._createClient;
try {
oa._createClient= function() {
return {
request: function(method, path, headers) {
return {
socket: {addListener: function(){}},
addListener: function() {},
end: function() {
callbackCalled= true;
var request= oa.get("", "token", "token_secret", function(e,d) {})
assert.equal(callbackCalled, true);
finally {
oa._createClient= op;