Fixes Issue #129

Not ideal, but effectively reverts the default behaviour of the library to how 0.9.8 worked,
that is it passes the access_token as a query parameter to the server.

To allow the utility 'get' method to use an Authorization header *instead* then you need to
explicitly enable this behaviour by using the method :

  var oa= new Oauth(...);

Note this can/should be used in conjunction with the other utility method:


The default value for the Authorization header is 'Bearer'

If you're building your own requests using oa._request then there is a new exported

This commit is contained in:
ciaranj 2013-03-05 17:34:20 +00:00
parent ba81ad43bd
commit 03d713be9a
2 changed files with 47 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ exports.OAuth2= function(clientId, clientSecret, baseSite, authorizePath, access
this._accessTokenName= "access_token";
this._authMethod= "Bearer";
this._customHeaders = customHeaders || {};
this._useAuthorizationHeaderForGET= false;
// This 'hack' method is required for sites that don't use
@ -31,13 +32,20 @@ exports.OAuth2.prototype.setAuthMethod = function ( authMethod ) {
this._authMethod = authMethod;
// If you use the OAuth2 exposed 'get' method (and don't construct your own _request call )
// this will specify whether to use an 'Authorize' header instead of passing the access_token as a query parameter
exports.OAuth2.prototype.useAuthorizationHeaderforGET = function(useIt) {
this._useAuthorizationHeaderForGET= useIt;
exports.OAuth2.prototype._getAccessTokenUrl= function() {
return this._baseSite + this._accessTokenUrl; /* + "?" + querystring.stringify(params); */
// Build the authorization header. In particular, build the part after the colon.
// e.g. Authorization: Bearer <token> # Build "Bearer <token>"
exports.OAuth2.prototype._buildAuthHeader= function(token) {
exports.OAuth2.prototype.buildAuthHeader= function(token) {
return this._authMethod + ' ' + token;
@ -178,8 +186,12 @@ exports.OAuth2.prototype.getProtectedResource= function(url, access_token, callb
exports.OAuth2.prototype.get= function(url, access_token, callback) {
var headers= {
'Authorization': this._buildAuthHeader(access_token)
if( this._useAuthorizationHeaderForGET ) {
var headers= {'Authorization': this.buildAuthHeader(access_token) }
access_token= null;
else {
headers= {};
this._request("GET", url, headers, "", access_token, callback );

View File

@ -64,24 +64,42 @@ vows.describe('OAuth2').addBatch({
oa.getOAuthAccessToken("sdsds2", {grant_type:"refresh_token"} );
'When calling get with the default authorization method': {
'we should pass the authorization header with Bearer method and value of the access_token' : function(oa) {
'When we use the authorization header': {
'and call get with the default authorization method': {
'we should pass the authorization header with Bearer method and value of the access_token, _request should be passed a null access_token' : function(oa) {
oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
assert.equal(headers["Authorization"], "Bearer abcd5");
assert.isNull( access_token );
oa.get("", "abcd5");
'When calling get with the authorization method set to Basic': {
'we should pass the authorization header with Basic method and value of the access_token' : function(oa) {
'and call get with the authorization method set to Basic': {
'we should pass the authorization header with Basic method and value of the access_token, _request should be passed a null access_token' : function(oa) {
oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
assert.equal(headers["Authorization"], "Basic cdg2");
assert.isNull( access_token );
oa.get("", "cdg2");
'When we do not use the authorization header': {
'and call get': {
'we should pass NOT provide an authorization header and the access_token should be being passed to _request' : function(oa) {
oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
assert.equal( access_token, "abcd5" );
oa.get("", "abcd5");
'Given an OAuth2 instance with clientId, clientSecret and customHeaders': {
topic: new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret", undefined, undefined, undefined,
{ 'SomeHeader': '123' }),