var vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'), OAuth2= require('../lib/oauth2').OAuth2; vows.describe('OAuth2').addBatch({ 'When handling the access token response': { topic: new OAuth2(), 'we should correctly extract the token if received as form-data': function (oa) { oa._request= function( method, url, fo, bar, bleh, callback) { callback(null, "access_token=access&refresh_token=refresh"); }; oa.getOAuthAccessToken("", {}, function(error, access_token, refresh_token) { assert.equal( access_token, "access"); assert.equal( refresh_token, "refresh"); }); }, 'we should correctly extract the token if received as a JSON literal': function (oa) { oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) { callback(null, '{"access_token":"access","refresh_token":"refresh"}'); }; oa.getOAuthAccessToken("", {}, function(error, access_token, refresh_token) { assert.equal( access_token, "access"); assert.equal( refresh_token, "refresh"); }); } } }).export(module);