
491 lines
17 KiB

var crypto= require('crypto'),
sha1= require('./sha1'),
http= require('http'),
https= require('https'),
URL= require('url'),
querystring= require('querystring');
exports.OAuth= function(requestUrl, accessUrl, consumerKey, consumerSecret, version, authorize_callback, signatureMethod, nonceSize, customHeaders) {
this._isEcho = false;
this._requestUrl= requestUrl;
this._accessUrl= accessUrl;
this._consumerKey= consumerKey;
this._consumerSecret= this._encodeData( consumerSecret );
this._version= version;
if( authorize_callback === undefined ) {
this._authorize_callback= "oob";
else {
this._authorize_callback= authorize_callback;
if( signatureMethod != "PLAINTEXT" && signatureMethod != "HMAC-SHA1")
throw new Error("Un-supported signature method: " + signatureMethod )
this._signatureMethod= signatureMethod;
this._nonceSize= nonceSize || 32;
this._headers= customHeaders || {"Accept" : "*/*",
"Connection" : "close",
"User-Agent" : "Node authentication"}
exports.OAuthEcho= function(realm, verify_credentials, consumerKey, consumerSecret, version, signatureMethod, nonceSize, customHeaders) {
this._isEcho = true;
this._realm= realm;
this._verifyCredentials = verify_credentials;
this._consumerKey= consumerKey;
this._consumerSecret= this._encodeData( consumerSecret );
this._version= version;
if( signatureMethod != "PLAINTEXT" && signatureMethod != "HMAC-SHA1")
throw new Error("Un-supported signature method: " + signatureMethod );
this._signatureMethod= signatureMethod;
this._nonceSize= nonceSize || 32;
this._headers= customHeaders || {"Accept" : "*/*",
"Connection" : "close",
"User-Agent" : "Node authentication"};
exports.OAuthEcho.prototype = exports.OAuth.prototype;
exports.OAuth.prototype._getTimestamp= function() {
return Math.floor( (new Date()).getTime() / 1000 );
exports.OAuth.prototype._encodeData= function(toEncode){
if( toEncode == null || toEncode == "" ) return ""
else {
var result= encodeURIComponent(toEncode);
// Fix the mismatch between OAuth's RFC3986's and Javascript's beliefs in what is right and wrong ;)
return result.replace(/\!/g, "%21")
.replace(/\'/g, "%27")
.replace(/\(/g, "%28")
.replace(/\)/g, "%29")
.replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
exports.OAuth.prototype._decodeData= function(toDecode) {
if( toDecode != null ) {
toDecode = toDecode.replace(/\+/g, " ");
return decodeURIComponent( toDecode);
exports.OAuth.prototype._getSignature= function(method, url, parameters, tokenSecret) {
var signatureBase= this._createSignatureBase(method, url, parameters);
return this._createSignature( signatureBase, tokenSecret );
exports.OAuth.prototype._normalizeUrl= function(url) {
var parsedUrl= URL.parse(url, true)
var port ="";
if( parsedUrl.port ) {
if( (parsedUrl.protocol == "http:" && parsedUrl.port != "80" ) ||
(parsedUrl.protocol == "https:" && parsedUrl.port != "443") ) {
port= ":" + parsedUrl.port;
if( !parsedUrl.pathname || parsedUrl.pathname == "" ) parsedUrl.pathname ="/";
return parsedUrl.protocol + "//" + parsedUrl.hostname + port + parsedUrl.pathname;
// Is the parameter considered an OAuth parameter
exports.OAuth.prototype._isParameterNameAnOAuthParameter= function(parameter) {
var m = parameter.match('^oauth_');
if( m && ( m[0] === "oauth_" ) ) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// build the OAuth request authorization header
exports.OAuth.prototype._buildAuthorizationHeaders= function(orderedParameters) {
var authHeader="OAuth ";
if( this._isEcho ) {
authHeader += 'realm="' + this._realm + '",';
for( var i= 0 ; i < orderedParameters.length; i++) {
// Whilst the all the parameters should be included within the signature, only the oauth_ arguments
// should appear within the authorization header.
if( this._isParameterNameAnOAuthParameter(orderedParameters[i][0]) ) {
authHeader+= "" + this._encodeData(orderedParameters[i][0])+"=\""+ this._encodeData(orderedParameters[i][1])+"\",";
authHeader= authHeader.substring(0, authHeader.length-1);
return authHeader;
// Takes an object literal that represents the arguments, and returns an array
// of argument/value pairs.
exports.OAuth.prototype._makeArrayOfArgumentsHash= function(argumentsHash) {
var argument_pairs= [];
for(var key in argumentsHash ) {
var value= argumentsHash[key];
if( Array.isArray(value) ) {
for(var i=0;i<value.length;i++) {
argument_pairs[argument_pairs.length]= [key, value[i]];
else {
argument_pairs[argument_pairs.length]= [key, value];
return argument_pairs;
// Sorts the encoded key value pairs by encoded name, then encoded value
exports.OAuth.prototype._sortRequestParams= function(argument_pairs) {
// Sort by name, then value.
argument_pairs.sort(function(a,b) {
if ( a[0]== b[0] ) {
return a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : 1;
else return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1;
return argument_pairs;
exports.OAuth.prototype._normaliseRequestParams= function(arguments) {
var argument_pairs= this._makeArrayOfArgumentsHash(arguments);
// First encode them # .1
for(var i=0;i<argument_pairs.length;i++) {
argument_pairs[i][0]= this._encodeData( argument_pairs[i][0] );
argument_pairs[i][1]= this._encodeData( argument_pairs[i][1] );
// Then sort them # .2
argument_pairs= this._sortRequestParams( argument_pairs );
// Then concatenate together # .3 & .4
var args= "";
for(var i=0;i<argument_pairs.length;i++) {
args+= argument_pairs[i][0];
args+= "="
args+= argument_pairs[i][1];
if( i < argument_pairs.length-1 ) args+= "&";
return args;
exports.OAuth.prototype._createSignatureBase= function(method, url, parameters) {
url= this._encodeData( this._normalizeUrl(url) );
parameters= this._encodeData( parameters );
return method.toUpperCase() + "&" + url + "&" + parameters;
exports.OAuth.prototype._createSignature= function(signatureBase, tokenSecret) {
if( tokenSecret === undefined ) var tokenSecret= "";
else tokenSecret= this._encodeData( tokenSecret );
// consumerSecret is already encoded
var key= this._consumerSecret + "&" + tokenSecret;
var hash= ""
if( this._signatureMethod == "PLAINTEXT" ) {
hash= this._encodeData(key);
else {
if( crypto.Hmac ) {
hash = crypto.createHmac("sha1", key).update(signatureBase).digest("base64");
else {
hash= sha1.HMACSHA1(key, signatureBase);
return hash;
exports.OAuth.prototype.NONCE_CHARS= ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n',
exports.OAuth.prototype._getNonce= function(nonceSize) {
var result = [];
var chars= this.NONCE_CHARS;
var char_pos;
var nonce_chars_length= chars.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nonceSize; i++) {
char_pos= Math.floor(Math.random() * nonce_chars_length);
result[i]= chars[char_pos];
return result.join('');
exports.OAuth.prototype._createClient= function( port, hostname, method, path, headers, sslEnabled ) {
var options = {
host: hostname,
port: port,
path: path,
method: method,
headers: headers
var httpModel;
if( sslEnabled ) {
httpModel= https;
} else {
httpModel= http;
return httpModel.request(options);
exports.OAuth.prototype._prepareParameters= function( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, extra_params ) {
var oauthParameters= {
"oauth_timestamp": this._getTimestamp(),
"oauth_nonce": this._getNonce(this._nonceSize),
"oauth_version": this._version,
"oauth_signature_method": this._signatureMethod,
"oauth_consumer_key": this._consumerKey
if( oauth_token ) {
oauthParameters["oauth_token"]= oauth_token;
var sig;
if( this._isEcho ) {
sig = this._getSignature( "GET", this._verifyCredentials, this._normaliseRequestParams(oauthParameters), oauth_token_secret);
else {
if( extra_params ) {
for( var key in extra_params ) {
oauthParameters[key]= extra_params[key];
var parsedUrl= URL.parse( url, false );
if( parsedUrl.query ) {
var key2;
var extraParameters= querystring.parse(parsedUrl.query);
for(var key in extraParameters ) {
var value= extraParameters[key];
if( typeof value == "object" ){
// TODO: This probably should be recursive
for(key2 in value){
oauthParameters[key + "[" + key2 + "]"] = value[key2];
} else {
oauthParameters[key]= value;
sig = this._getSignature( method, url, this._normaliseRequestParams(oauthParameters), oauth_token_secret);
var orderedParameters= this._sortRequestParams( this._makeArrayOfArgumentsHash(oauthParameters) );
orderedParameters[orderedParameters.length]= ["oauth_signature", sig];
return orderedParameters;
exports.OAuth.prototype._performSecureRequest= function( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, extra_params, post_body, post_content_type, callback ) {
var orderedParameters= this._prepareParameters(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, extra_params);
if( !post_content_type ) {
post_content_type= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var parsedUrl= URL.parse( url, false );
if( parsedUrl.protocol == "http:" && !parsedUrl.port ) parsedUrl.port= 80;
if( parsedUrl.protocol == "https:" && !parsedUrl.port ) parsedUrl.port= 443;
var headers= {};
var authorization = this._buildAuthorizationHeaders(orderedParameters);
if ( this._isEcho ) {
headers["X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization"]= authorization;
else {
headers["Authorization"]= authorization;
headers["Host"] =
for( var key in this._headers ) {
if (this._headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
headers[key]= this._headers[key];
// Filter out any passed extra_params that are really to do with OAuth
for(var key in extra_params) {
if( this._isParameterNameAnOAuthParameter( key ) ) {
delete extra_params[key];
if( (method == "POST" || method == "PUT") && ( post_body == null && extra_params != null) ) {
post_body= querystring.stringify(extra_params);
headers["Content-length"]= post_body ? Buffer.byteLength(post_body) : 0;
headers["Content-Type"]= post_content_type;
var path;
if( !parsedUrl.pathname || parsedUrl.pathname == "" ) parsedUrl.pathname ="/";
if( parsedUrl.query ) path= parsedUrl.pathname + "?"+ parsedUrl.query ;
else path= parsedUrl.pathname;
var request;
if( parsedUrl.protocol == "https:" ) {
request= this._createClient(parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname, method, path, headers, true);
else {
request= this._createClient(parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname, method, path, headers);
if( callback ) {
var data="";
var self= this;
request.on('response', function (response) {
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
response.on('end', function () {
if ( response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299 ) {
callback(null, data, response);
} else {
// Follow 301 or 302 redirects with Location HTTP header
if((response.statusCode == 301 || response.statusCode == 302) && response.headers && response.headers.location) {
self._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, response.headers.location, extra_params, post_body, post_content_type, callback);
else {
callback({ statusCode: response.statusCode, data: data }, data, response);
request.on("error", callback);
if( (method == "POST" || method =="PUT") && post_body != null && post_body != "" ) {
else {
if( (method == "POST" || method =="PUT") && post_body != null && post_body != "" ) {
return request;
exports.OAuth.prototype.getOAuthAccessToken= function(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier, callback) {
var extraParams= {};
if( typeof oauth_verifier == "function" ) {
callback= oauth_verifier;
} else {
extraParams.oauth_verifier= oauth_verifier;
this._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, "POST", this._accessUrl, extraParams, null, null, function(error, data, response) {
if( error ) callback(error);
else {
var results= querystring.parse( data );
var oauth_access_token= results["oauth_token"];
delete results["oauth_token"];
var oauth_access_token_secret= results["oauth_token_secret"];
delete results["oauth_token_secret"];
callback(null, oauth_access_token, oauth_access_token_secret, results );
// Deprecated
exports.OAuth.prototype.getProtectedResource= function(url, method, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, callback) {
this._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, null, "", null, callback );
exports.OAuth.prototype.delete= function(url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, callback) {
return this._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, "DELETE", url, null, "", null, callback );
exports.OAuth.prototype.get= function(url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, callback) {
return this._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, "GET", url, null, "", null, callback );
exports.OAuth.prototype._putOrPost= function(method, url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, post_body, post_content_type, callback) {
var extra_params= null;
if( typeof post_content_type == "function" ) {
callback= post_content_type;
post_content_type= null;
if( typeof post_body != "string" ) {
post_content_type= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
extra_params= post_body;
post_body= null;
return this._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, extra_params, post_body, post_content_type, callback );
exports.OAuth.prototype.put= function(url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, post_body, post_content_type, callback) {
return this._putOrPost("PUT", url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, post_body, post_content_type, callback);
} function(url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, post_body, post_content_type, callback) {
return this._putOrPost("POST", url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, post_body, post_content_type, callback);
exports.OAuth.prototype.getOAuthRequestToken= function(extraParams, callback) {
if( typeof extraParams == "function" ){
callback = extraParams;
extraParams = {};
// Callbacks are 1.0A related
if( this._authorize_callback ) {
extraParams["oauth_callback"]= this._authorize_callback;
this._performSecureRequest( null, null, "POST", this._requestUrl, extraParams, null, null, function(error, data, response) {
if( error ) callback(error);
else {
var results= querystring.parse(data);
var oauth_token= results["oauth_token"];
var oauth_token_secret= results["oauth_token_secret"];
delete results["oauth_token"];
delete results["oauth_token_secret"];
callback(null, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, results );
exports.OAuth.prototype.signUrl= function(url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method) {
if( method === undefined ) {
var method= "GET";
var orderedParameters= this._prepareParameters(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, {});
var parsedUrl= URL.parse( url, false );
var query="";
for( var i= 0 ; i < orderedParameters.length; i++) {
query+= orderedParameters[i][0]+"="+ this._encodeData(orderedParameters[i][1]) + "&";
query= query.substring(0, query.length-1);
return parsedUrl.protocol + "//"+ + parsedUrl.pathname + "?" + query;
exports.OAuth.prototype.authHeader= function(url, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method) {
if( method === undefined ) {
var method= "GET";
var orderedParameters= this._prepareParameters(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, method, url, {});
return this._buildAuthorizationHeaders(orderedParameters);