# Federated Wiki Farm Start Playing Federated Wiki: http://start.fed.wiki ### Run a local wiki farm docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm \ dobbs/farm Visit http://localhost:3000 and http://anything.localhost:3000 ### Run a local wiki that will survive a reboot docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm \ -v ~/.wiki:/home/node/.wiki \ dobbs/farm Your wiki pages and configuration will be saved in the ~/.wiki folder. # Development This image's tag does not match the version of the included wiki software. Our version indicates the scale of changes in this tiny devops pipeline. Testing new images locally: ``` bash TAG=1.0.14-prefer-title IMAGE=dobbs/farm:$TAG docker build --tag $IMAGE . ``` # Publish containers GitHub ``` bash git tag -am "" "$TAG" git push --atomic origin main "$TAG" ``` Docker Hub ``` bash docker build --tag $IMAGE . # if you haven't already docker build --tag dobbs/farm:latest . # if you haven't already docker push $IMAGE docker push dobbs/farm:latest ``` # Experiment with K8S With the local kubernetes example (see [examples/k8s/README.md](./examples/k8s/README.md)): ``` bash k3d image import $IMAGE --cluster wiki kubectl patch deployment.apps/wiki-deployment \ --type='json' \ -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value":"'$IMAGE'"}]' ```