### * Federated Wiki : Security Plugin : Social * * Copyright Ward Cunningham and other contributors * Licensed under the MIT license. * https://github.com/fedwiki/wiki-security-social/blob/master/LICENSE.txt ### #### Requires #### fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' https = require 'https' qs = require 'qs' url = require 'url' _ = require 'lodash' glob = require 'glob' passport = require('passport') # Export a function that generates security handler # when called with options object. module.exports = exports = (log, loga, argv) -> security = {} #### Private stuff #### owner = '' ownerName = '' user = {} wikiName = argv.url wikiHost = argv.wiki_domain admin = argv.admin statusDir = argv.status idFile = argv.id usingPersona = false if argv.security_useHttps useHttps = true callbackProtocol = "https:" else useHttps = false callbackProtocol = url.parse(argv.url).protocol if wikiHost callbackHost = wikiHost if url.parse(argv.url).port callbackHost = callbackHost + ":" + url.parse(argv.url).port else callbackHost = url.parse(argv.url).host ids = [] # Mozilla Persona service closes on personaEnd = new Date('2016-11-30') watchForOwnerChange = -> # we watch for owner changes, so we can update the information held here fs.watch(idFile, (eventType, filename) -> # re-read the owner file fs.readFile(idFile, (err, data) -> if err console.log 'Error reading ', idFile, err return owner = JSON.parse(data) usingPersona = false if _.isEmpty(_.intersection(_.keys(owner), ids)) if _.has(owner, 'persona') usingPersona = true ownerName = owner.name ) ) #### Public stuff #### # Attempt to figure out if the wiki is claimed or not, # if it is return the owner. security.retrieveOwner = (cb) -> fs.exists idFile, (exists) -> if exists fs.readFile(idFile, (err, data) -> if err then return cb err owner = JSON.parse(data) # we only enable persona if it is the only owner information. if _.isEmpty(_.intersection(_.keys(owner), ids)) if _.has(owner, 'persona') usingPersona = true watchForOwnerChange() cb()) else owner = '' cb() security.getOwner = getOwner = -> if !owner.name? ownerName = '' else ownerName = owner.name ownerName security.setOwner = setOwner = (id, cb) -> fs.exists idFile, (exists) -> if !exists fs.writeFile(idFile, JSON.stringify(id), (err) -> if err then return cb err console.log "Claiming wiki #{wikiName} for #{id}" owner = id ownerName = owner.name watchForOwnerChange() cb()) else cb('Already Claimed') security.getUser = getUser = (req) -> if req.session.passport if req.session.passport.user return req.session.passport.user else return '' else return '' security.isAuthorized = isAuthorized = (req) -> if owner is '' console.log 'isAuthorized: site not claimed' return true else try idProvider = _.head(_.keys(req.session.passport.user)) console.log 'idProvider: ', idProvider switch idProvider when 'github', 'google', 'twitter', 'oauth2' if _.isEqual(owner[idProvider].id, req.session.passport.user[idProvider].id) return true else return false when 'persona' if _.isEqual(owner[idProvider].email, req.session.passport.user[idProvider].email) return true else return false else return false catch error return false security.isAdmin = (req) -> return false if admin is undefined try return false if req.session.passport.user is undefined catch return false idProvider = _.head(_.keys(req.session.passport.user)) if admin[idProvider] is undefined console.log 'admin not defined for ', idProvider return false switch idProvider when "github", "google", "twitter", 'oauth2' if _.isEqual(admin[idProvider], req.session.passport.user[idProvider].id) return true else return false when "persona" if _.isEqual(admin[idProvider], req.session.passport.user[idProvider].email) return true else return false else return false security.login = (updateOwner) -> console.log "Login...." security.logout = () -> (req, res) -> console.log "Logout...." security.defineRoutes = (app, cors, updateOwner) -> passport.serializeUser = (user, req, done) -> done(null, user) passport.deserializeUser = (obj, req, done) -> done(null, obj) # OAuth Strategy if argv.oauth2_clientID? and argv.oauth2_clientSecret? ids.push('oauth2') OAuth2Strategy = require('passport-oauth2').Strategy oauth2StrategyName = callbackHost + 'OAuth' if argv.oauth2_UserInfoURL? OAuth2Strategy::userProfile = (accesstoken, done) -> console.log "hello" console.log accesstoken @_oauth2._request "GET", argv.oauth2_UserInfoURL, null, null, accesstoken, (err, data) -> if err return done err try data = JSON.parse data catch e return done e done(null, data) passport.use(oauth2StrategyName, new OAuth2Strategy({ clientID: argv.oauth2_clientID clientSecret: argv.oauth2_clientSecret authorizationURL: argv.oauth2_AuthorizationURL tokenURL: argv.oauth2_TokenURL, # not all providers have a way of specifying the callback URL callbackURL: argv.oauth2_CallbackURL, userInfoURL: argv.oauth2_UserInfoURL }, (accessToken, refreshToken, params, profile, cb) -> extractUserInfo = (uiParam, uiDef) -> uiPath = '' if typeof uiParam == 'undefined' then (uiPath = uiDef) else (uiPath = uiParam) console.log('extractUI', uiParam, uiDef, uiPath) sParts = uiPath.split('.') sFrom = sParts.shift() switch sFrom when "params" obj = params when "profile" obj = profile else console.error('*** source of user info not recognised', uiPath) obj = {} while (sParts.length) obj = obj[sParts.shift()] return obj console.log("accessToken", accessToken) console.log("refreshToken", refreshToken) console.log("params", params) console.log("profile", profile) if argv.oauth2_UsernameField? username_query = argv.oauth2_UsernameField else username_query = 'params.user_id' try user.oauth2 = { id: extractUserInfo(argv.oauth2_IdField, 'params.user_id') username: extractUserInfo(argv.oauth2_UsernameField, 'params.user_id') displayName: extractUserInfo(argv.oauth2_DisplayNameField, 'params.user_id') } catch e console.error('*** Error extracting user info:', e) console.log user.oauth2 cb(null, user))) # Github Strategy if argv.github_clientID? and argv.github_clientSecret? ids.push('github') GithubStrategy = require('passport-github').Strategy githubStrategyName = callbackHost + 'Github' passport.use(githubStrategyName, new GithubStrategy({ clientID: argv.github_clientID clientSecret: argv.github_clientSecret scope: 'user:emails' # callbackURL is optional, and if it exists must match that given in # the OAuth application settings - so we don't specify it. }, (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) -> user.github = { id: profile.id username: profile.username displayName: profile.displayName emails: profile.emails } cb(null, user))) # Twitter Strategy if argv.twitter_consumerKey? and argv.twitter_consumerSecret? ids.push('twitter') TwitterStrategy = require('passport-twitter').Strategy twitterStrategyName = callbackHost + 'Twitter' passport.use(twitterStrategyName, new TwitterStrategy({ consumerKey: argv.twitter_consumerKey consumerSecret: argv.twitter_consumerSecret callbackURL: callbackProtocol + '//' + callbackHost + '/auth/twitter/callback' }, (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) -> user.twitter = { id: profile.id username: profile.username displayName: profile.displayName } cb(null, user))) # Google Strategy if argv.google_clientID? and argv.google_clientSecret? ids.push('google') GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy googleStrategyName = callbackHost + 'Google' passport.use(googleStrategyName, new GoogleStrategy({ clientID: argv.google_clientID clientSecret: argv.google_clientSecret callbackURL: callbackProtocol + '//' + callbackHost + '/auth/google/callback' }, (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) -> user.google = { id: profile.id displayName: profile.displayName emails: profile.emails } cb(null, user))) # Persona Strategy PersonaStrategy = require('persona-pass').Strategy personaAudience = callbackProtocol + '//' + callbackHost personaStrategyName = callbackHost + 'Persona' passport.use(personaStrategyName, new PersonaStrategy({ audience: personaAudience }, (email, cb) -> user = { persona: { email: email } } cb(null, user))) app.use(passport.initialize()) app.use(passport.session()) # OAuth2 app.get('/auth/oauth2', passport.authenticate(oauth2StrategyName), (req, res) -> ) app.get('/auth/oauth2/callback', passport.authenticate(oauth2StrategyName, { successRedirect: '/auth/loginDone', failureRedirect: '/auth/loginDialog'})) # Github app.get('/auth/github', passport.authenticate(githubStrategyName, {scope: 'user:email'}), (req, res) -> ) app.get('/auth/github/callback', passport.authenticate(githubStrategyName, { successRedirect: '/auth/loginDone', failureRedirect: '/auth/loginDialog'})) # Twitter app.get('/auth/twitter', passport.authenticate(twitterStrategyName), (req, res) -> ) app.get('/auth/twitter/callback', passport.authenticate(twitterStrategyName, { successRedirect: '/auth/loginDone', failureRedirect: '/auth/loginDialog'})) # Google app.get('/auth/google', passport.authenticate(googleStrategyName, { scope: [ 'profile', 'email' ]})) # see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#authenticationuriparameters for details of prompt... app.get('/auth/google/callback', passport.authenticate(googleStrategyName, { prompt: 'select_account', successRedirect: '/auth/loginDone', failureRedirect: '/auth/loginDialog'})) # Persona app.post('/auth/browserid', passport.authenticate(personaStrategyName, { successRedirect: '/auth/loginDone', failureRedirect: '/auth/loginDialog'})) app.get '/auth/client-settings.json', (req, res) -> # the client needs some information to configure itself settings = { useHttps: useHttps usingPersona: usingPersona } if wikiHost settings.wikiHost = wikiHost if isAuthorized(req) and owner isnt '' settings.isOwner = true else settings.isOwner = false res.json settings app.get '/auth/loginDialog', (req, res) -> cookies = req.cookies schemeButtons = [] _(ids).forEach (scheme) -> switch scheme when "oauth2" then schemeButtons.push({button: "OAuth2"}) when "twitter" then schemeButtons.push({button: "Twitter"}) when "github" then schemeButtons.push({button: "Github"}) when "google" schemeButtons.push({button: "Google "}) info = { wikiName: cookies['wikiName'] wikiHostName: if wikiHost "part of " + req.hostname + " wiki farm" else "a federated wiki site" title: "Federated Wiki: Site Owner Sign-on" loginText: "Sign in to" schemes: schemeButtons } res.render(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'views', 'securityDialog.html'), info) app.get '/auth/personaLogin', (req, res) -> cookies = req.cookies schemeButtons = [] if Date.now() < personaEnd schemeButtons.push({ button: "Persona "}) info = { wikiName: cookies['wikiName'] wikiHostName: if wikiHost "part of " + req.hostname + " wiki farm" else "a federated wiki site" title: "Federated Wiki: Site Owner Sign-on" loginText: "Sign in to" message: "Mozilla Persona closes on 30th November 2016. Wiki owners should add an alternative identity as soon as they are able." schemes: schemeButtons } else info = { wikiName: cookies['wikiName'] wikiHostName: if wikiHost "part of " + req.hostname + " wiki farm" else "a federated wiki site" title: "Federated Wiki: Site Owner Sign-on" message: "Mozilla Persona has now closed. Wiki owners will need to contact the Wiki Farm owner to re-claim their wiki." } res.render(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'views', 'personaDialog.html'), info) app.get '/auth/loginDone', (req, res) -> cookies = req.cookies info = { wikiName: cookies['wikiName'] wikiHostName: if wikiHost "part of " + req.hostname + " wiki farm" else "a federated wiki site" title: if owner "Wiki Site Owner Sign-on" else "Sign-on to claim Wiki site" owner: getOwner authMessage: "You are now logged in
If this window hasn't closed, you can close it." } res.render(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'views', 'done.html'), info) # if configured, enforce restricted access to json # see http://ward.asia.wiki.org/login-to-view.html if argv.restricted? allowedToView = (req) -> allowed = [] if argv.allowed_domains? if Array.isArray(argv.allowed_domains) allowed = argv.allowed_domains else # accommodate copy bug to be fixed soon # https://github.com/fedwiki/wiki/blob/4c6eee69e78c1ba3f3fc8d61f4450f70afb78f10/farm.coffee#L98-L103 for k, v of argv.allowed_domains allowed.push v # emails = [ { value: 'ward.cunningham@gmail.com', type: 'account' } ] emails = req.session?.passport?.user?.google?.emails return false unless emails for entry in emails have = entry.value.split('@')[1] for want in allowed return true if want == have false app.all '*', (req, res, next) -> # todo: think about assets?? return next() unless /\.(json|html)$/.test req.url # prepare to examine remote server's forwarded session res.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.get('Origin')||'*' res.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true' return next() if isAuthorized(req) || allowedToView(req) return res.redirect("/view/#{m[1]}") if m = req.url.match /\/(.*)\.html/ return res.json([]) if req.url == '/system/sitemap.json' # not happy, explain why these pages can't be viewed problem = "This is a restricted wiki requires users to login to view pages. You do not have to be the site owner but you do need to login with a participating email address." details = "[#{argv.details || 'http://ward.asia.wiki.org/login-to-view.html'} details]" res.status(200).json( { "title": "Login Required", "story": [ { "type": "paragraph", "id": "55d44b367ed64875", "text": "#{problem} #{details}" } ] } ) app.get '/auth/addAuthDialog', (req, res) -> # only makes sense to add alternative authentication scheme if # this the user is authenticated user = getUser(req) if user cookies = req.cookies currentSchemes = _.keys(user) altSchemes = _.difference(ids, currentSchemes) schemeButtons = [] _(altSchemes).forEach (scheme) -> switch scheme when "twitter" then schemeButtons.push({button: "Twitter"}) when "github" then schemeButtons.push({button: "Github"}) when "google" then schemeButtons.push({button: "Google"}) info = { wikiName: cookies['wikiName'] wikiHostName: if wikiHost "part of " + req.hostname + " wiki farm" else "a federated wiki site" title: "Federated Wiki: Add Alternative Authentication Scheme" schemes: schemeButtons } res.render(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'views', 'addAlternativeDialog.html'), info) else # user is not authenticated res.sendStatus(403) authorized = (req, res, next) -> if isAuthorized(req) next() else console.log 'rejecting - not authorized', req.path res.sendStatus(403) app.get '/auth/addAltAuth', authorized, (req, res) -> # add alternative authorentication scheme - only makes sense if user owns this site res.status(202).end() user = req.session.passport.user idProviders = _.keys(user) userIds = {} idProviders.forEach (idProvider) -> id = switch idProvider when "oauth2" then { name: user.oauth2.displayName oauth2: { id: user.oauth2.id username: user.oauth2.username } } when "twitter" then { name: user.twitter.displayName twitter: { id: user.twitter.id username: user.twitter.username } } when "github" then { name: user.github.displayName github: { id: user.github.id username: user.github.username email: user.github.emails } } when "google" then { name: user.google.displayName google: { id: user.google.id emails: user.google.emails } } # only needed until persona closes when "persona" then { name: user.persona.email .substr(0, user.persona.email.indexOf('@')) .split('.') .join(' ') .toLowerCase() .replace(/(^| )(\w)/g, (x) -> return x.toUpperCase()) persona: { email: user.persona.email } } userIds = _.merge(userIds, id) wikiDir = path.resolve(argv.data, '..') statusDir = argv.status.split(path.sep).slice(-1)[0] idFileName = path.parse(idFile).base pattern = '*/' + statusDir + '/' + idFileName glob(pattern, {cwd: wikiDir}, (err, files) -> _.forEach files, (file) -> # are we the owner? fs.readFile(path.join(wikiDir, file), 'utf8', (err, data) -> if err console.log 'Error reading ', file, err return siteOwner = JSON.parse(data) if _.intersectionWith(_.entries(siteOwner), _.entries(user), _.isEqual).length > 0 updateOwner = _.merge(user, siteOwner) fs.writeFile(path.join(wikiDir, file), JSON.stringify(userIds), (err) -> if err console.log 'Error writing ', file, err # if the write works the change will be picked up by fs.watch() in watchForOwnerChange # so there is nothing more to do here. ) ) ) app.get '/auth/claim-wiki', (req, res) -> if owner console.log 'Claim Request Ignored: Wiki already has owner - ', wikiName res.sendStatus(403) else user = req.session.passport.user # there can be more than one id provider - initially only if we logged in with persona idProviders = _.keys(user) id = {} idProviders.forEach (idProvider) -> id = switch idProvider when "oauth2" then { name: user.oauth2.displayName oauth2: { id: user.oauth2.id username: user.oauth2.username } } when "twitter" then { name: user.twitter.displayName twitter: { id: user.twitter.id username: user.twitter.username } } when "github" then { name: user.github.displayName github: { id: user.github.id username: user.github.username email: user.github.emails } } when "google" then { name: user.google.displayName || (user.google.emails[0]?.value?.split('@')[0]) || 'unknown' google: { id: user.google.id emails: user.google.emails } } # only needed until persona closes when "persona" then { name: user.persona.email .substr(0, user.persona.email.indexOf('@')) .split('.') .join(' ') .toLowerCase() .replace(/(^| )(\w)/g, (x) -> return x.toUpperCase()) persona: { email: user.persona.email } } if _.isEmpty(id) console.log 'Unable to claim wiki', req.hostname, ' no valid id provided' res.sendStatus(500) else setOwner id, (err) -> if err console.log 'Failed to claim wiki ', req.hostname, ' for ', id res.sendStatus(500) updateOwner getOwner() res.json({ ownerName: id.name }) app.get '/auth/diag', (req, res) -> # some diagnostic feedback to the user, for when something strange happens user = 'User is unknown' try user = req.session.passport.user date = new Date().toString() wikiName = new URL(argv.url).hostname console.log 'SOCIAL *** ', date, ' *** ', wikiName, ' *** ', JSON.stringify(user) res.json date app.get '/logout', (req, res) -> console.log 'Logout...' req.logout() res.send("OK") security