settings: log: level: INFO # Log level, DEBUG/VERBOSE/INFO/WARNING/ERROR timestamps: false # Log with timestamps data: database_file: data/argus.db # SQLite DB file used to track the state of services web: listen_host: # IP address to listen on listen_port: 8080 # Port to listen on route_prefix: / # Web route prefix, e.g. /demo means http://IP:PORT/demo to access cert_file: "" # HTTPS Cert path, e.g. `cert.pem` pkey_file: "" # HTTPS PrivKey path, e.g. `privkey.pem` # basic_auth: # username: '' # Basic auth username, e.g. `admin` # password: '' # Basic auth password, e.g. `test123` # # service: release-argus/argus: options: {} latest_version: type: github url: release-argus/argus command: - - /bin/true - - /bin/false webhook: {} deployed_version: url: json: version dashboard: icon: web_url: