
96 lines
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//! Read and write a go-sbot secret (identity) file.
use async_std::{
io::{Read, Write},
use super::{
error::{Error, Result},
util, JsonSSBSecret, OwnedIdentity, CURVE_ED25519,
use crate::crypto::{ToSodiumObject, ToSsbId};
/// Return an `OwnedIdentity` from the local go-sbot secret file with a custom path
pub async fn from_custom_gosbot_keypath(local_key_file: String) -> Result<OwnedIdentity> {
let mut file = async_std::fs::File::open(local_key_file).await?;
read_gosbot_config(&mut file).await
/// Return an `OwnedIdentity` from the local go-sbot secret file in the default location.
pub async fn from_gosbot_local() -> Result<OwnedIdentity> {
let home_dir = dirs::home_dir().ok_or(Error::HomeNotFound)?;
let local_key_file = format!("{}/.ssb-go/secret", home_dir.to_string_lossy());
/// Read the contents of the go-sbot secret file, deserialize into a
/// `JsonSSBSecret` and return an `OwnedIdentity`.
pub async fn read_gosbot_config<R: Read + Unpin>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<OwnedIdentity> {
let mut buf = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut buf).await?;
// parse json
let secret: JsonSSBSecret = serde_json::from_str(buf.as_ref()).map_err(util::to_io_error)?;
if secret.curve != CURVE_ED25519 {
return Err(Error::InvalidConfig);
Ok(OwnedIdentity {
id: secret.id,
pk: secret.public.to_ed25519_pk()?,
sk: secret.private.to_ed25519_sk()?,
/// Write an `OwnedIdentity`.
pub async fn write_gosbot_config<W: Write + Unpin>(
id: &OwnedIdentity,
writer: &mut W,
) -> Result<()> {
let json = JsonSSBSecret {
curve: CURVE_ED25519.to_owned(),
id: id.id.clone(),
private: id.sk.to_ssb_id(),
public: id.pk.to_ssb_id(),
let encoded = serde_json::to_vec(&json)?;
mod test {
use super::*;
use async_std::io::Cursor;
// ssb secret file contents, as formatted by go-sbot
const SECRET: &str = r#"{"curve":"ed25519","id":"@1vxS6DMi7z9uJIQG33W7mlsv21GZIbOpmWE1QEcn9oY=.ed25519","private":"F9bw6dPLaHR89hg6Q2dRmoNHHjm+COI53L0kdV3Y4w3W/FLoMyLvP24khAbfdbuaWy/bUZkhs6mZYTVARyf2hg==.ed25519","public":"1vxS6DMi7z9uJIQG33W7mlsv21GZIbOpmWE1QEcn9oY=.ed25519"}"#;
async fn test_gosbot_secret() -> Result<()> {
let mut secret_bytes = SECRET.as_bytes();
let read_secret_output = read_gosbot_config(&mut secret_bytes).await?;
let expected = OwnedIdentity {
id: "@1vxS6DMi7z9uJIQG33W7mlsv21GZIbOpmWE1QEcn9oY=.ed25519".to_owned(),
sk: "F9bw6dPLaHR89hg6Q2dRmoNHHjm+COI53L0kdV3Y4w3W/FLoMyLvP24khAbfdbuaWy/bUZkhs6mZYTVARyf2hg==.ed25519".to_ed25519_sk()?,
pk: "1vxS6DMi7z9uJIQG33W7mlsv21GZIbOpmWE1QEcn9oY=.ed25519".to_ed25519_pk()?
assert_eq!(expected, read_secret_output);
// create a Cursor which wraps an in-memory buffer (implements `Write`)
let mut secret_buffer = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
// write the `OwnedIdentity` from `read_gosbot_config()` to the buffer
write_gosbot_config(&read_secret_output, &mut secret_buffer).await?;
// retrieve the value from inside the Cursor
let secret_vector = secret_buffer.into_inner();
// convert the byte slice to a string slice
let write_secret_output = std::str::from_utf8(&secret_vector).unwrap();
assert_eq!(SECRET, write_secret_output);