• Joined on 2021-11-04
cblgh commented on issue golgi-ssb/golgi#21 2022-02-21 12:58:36 +00:00
Go-sbot blobs usage

publishing an about with the image

./sbotcli publish about --image "&skEdYtad6Ytg87x7u0h1LEe29LwUy/MC9oWofg4TUBY=.sha256" "@767fbfkQ7LUyNpXuR4uwvlAry+X8xSJ7CM3nNhjIrwI=.ed25519"
cblgh commented on pull request golgi-ssb/golgi#18 2022-01-18 14:02:11 +00:00
Add methods for following, blocking and looking up peers

re friends.follow not existing, just for reference: here's how sbotcli handles it: https://github.com/cryptoscope/ssb/blob/master/cmd/sbotcli/publish.go#L229

(you publish a contact message with…

cblgh opened issue PeachCloud/go-sbotcli-rs#9 2021-12-02 10:10:17 +00:00
go-ssb tasks for the peachpub grant
cblgh commented on issue PeachCloud/peach-workspace#26 2021-11-18 10:10:56 +00:00
List of go-sbotcli commands which are missing

As I told @notplants during our call yesterday, I think I'll discover which preferences I have once I start touching bits of code. Until then, the pad seems like it will suffice :)