• 0.1.0-alpha ddda02a6fc

    0.1.0-alpha Stable

    decentral1se released this 2021-09-07 08:25:08 +00:00 | 1335 commits to main since this release


    462a4d2 Add CI badge and link to OG abra repo
    9b8f163 Add a Go report card badge
    b13081d Add build, parametrize LDFLAGS and list all targets
    c65ae97 Add experimental staticcheck into linting CI
    980f2f7 Add format and check targets + integrate into CI
    aa8db28 Add install and clean rules to Makefile
    4884c14 Can't sort this as VERSION is not defined then
    8b38b89 Ignore built binaries
    9e52e9f Initial Commit
    3a96f48 Merge pull request 'Add install and clean rules to Makefile' (#1) from knoflook/go-abra:main into main
    05ff163 Merge pull request 'Add recipe ls command' (#8) from recipe-ls into main
    a4a8997 Merge pull request 'Support local apps.json loading' (#10) from apps-json-handling into main
    b1d4f12 Merge pull request 'docs: add app remove description' (#60) from knoflook/go-abra:dev into main
    ff8d9a5 Merge pull request 'feat: auto-release abra with goreleaser when a tag is pushed' (#73) from knoflook/go-abra:main into main
    d2d0ce3 Merge pull request 'feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm' (#51) from knoflook/go-abra:secret-create into main
    6f0eff5 Merge pull request 'fix: abra app rm trying to remove secrets twice' (#50) from knoflook/go-abra:main into main
    97188b5 Merge pull request 'fix: app rm quitting when there are no secrets/volumes to remove' (#56) from knoflook/go-abra:dev into main
    567dae8 Parametrize the abra path
    33fc484 Point to new CI instance
    53576dc Revert "style: add missing type marker"
    a9d9d9d Silence command echoing to focus output on errors
    0a6ffd4 Sort vars
    8373dea Take a stab at a Drone CI/CD build
    e22d220 Update 'TODO.md'
    7ab44ce Update 'TODO.md'
    c2499e3 Update 'TODO.md'
    ed11634 WIP abra app version implementation
    5771f6c WIP another pass on the app new command
    8cc691a WIP app run command
    ac86912 WIP chaos integrate deploy/deploy_composefile
    7b1a6dd WIP first run at the upgrade command
    063fa66 WIP heinous appEnv threading for env var loading
    334e417 WIP include catalogue checking in upgrade command
    d74b763 WIP make a start on the hetzner command
    09873b4 WIP making a mess for stack deploy
    de3ea81 WIP spec out app new command
    6caa176 WIP: Enviroment file loading and config management
    2134f57 WIP: Messy code that is mostly just testing
    11ef64e WIP: abra recipe upgrade on the way
    1b03836 WIP: add compose updating to recipe upgrade
    f56ddef WIP: another step further into app new command
    01cbee8 WIP: app list command sorting
    ef1591d WIP: app status listing using concurrency
    239c925 WIP: foundations for app deploy
    064a0f2 WIP: further process on app new command
    359b07b WIP: recipe create
    532bb8a WIP: recipe lint command
    d422902 WIP: spec out first steps for app new command
    202f7ce WIP: spec'ing out the release command
    3bc612c WIP: status lookup for apps listing
    9328034 WIP: still hacking on the app new command
    3b1dfb7 Wire up notifications for failures
    cc9c690 build: added GOPRIVATE export to makefile
    20fa0da build: pass ldflags in [ci skip]
    c9ba7ae build: reduce binary size with optimisation flags
    b0c241a bulid: added build-dev option
    ac6b8ab chore(deps): upgrade containerd 1.5.3 -> 1.5.5
    1768809 chore: add vendor folder to gitignore
    2aa9029 chore: added git-chglog options
    881ccfd chore: added libs i plan to use in future
    ae68f3a chore: go mod tidy for dependancy
    13028db chore: go mod tidy for new deps (go-git)
    1ee5723 chore: mark command as in-progress
    cf7a8d1 chore: remove unused prototype code
    cf94c5a chore: run go mod tidy
    f65090b chore: run go mod tidy [ci skip]
    76372bb chore: update to golang 1.17
    8c5e25b chore: updated gitignore; added vscode settings
    bf7de84 chore: upgrade godotenv fork for multiline support
    96cfd8d ci: fix tag triggering to git-fetch
    7dce352 deps: just updating deps to not err out on my end
    c2f53e4 deps: upgraded hcloud-go to direct dep
    805defe docs(comment): updated comment to be upto date
    e389173 dosc: add gitea token [ci skip]
    bd9bc53 faet: a draft version of the app ls command
    a78bb91 feat: POC passgen
    dfc91a8 feat: WIP server rm command
    38f610b feat: abra server ls
    f7b085d feat: add abra dir creation function
    acca710 feat: add app config command
    547f785 feat: add app cp command
    d68f2f5 feat: add app secret insert
    f9ae9c9 feat: add app secret rm
    f59380a feat: add new target for LOC stats [ci skip]
    302ebcb feat: add recipe ls command
    6eee02d feat: add recipe versions command
    db4908c feat: add restore command
    57e6416 feat: add secret generate (untested, moving fast)
    260edad feat: add vendored tagcmp temporarily
    7b2100c feat: add version command
    1adca5c feat: added app commands and flags for commands
    6c74892 feat: added context flag to make dev easier
    37c06c8 feat: added error to GetContextEndpoint
    be46695 feat: added flags to base command
    b9e06f2 feat: added util formatting for the cil
    a2a836c feat: added version and makefile
    bb81240 feat: auto-release abra with goreleaser when a tag is pushed
    e39c6a0 feat: detect if tags are not parsable
    612fc5a feat: final round of hacks for deploy command
    efb9d6f feat: finalise recipe lint command
    42968fb feat: finally implement app new command
    440911f feat: finish app run command
    ff0b0b5 feat: finish ps command
    1f550c2 feat: finish recipe create command
    210baf1 feat: first POC for recipe upgrade
    8267d42 feat: function to display help, error, & exit
    4f1cb86 feat: implement abra app version <app>
    8651e22 feat: implement app logs command
    6732edf feat: implement app remove
    3a8296a feat: implement backup command
    5294e84 feat: implement capsul create
    8ad51c1 feat: implement check command
    3e91174 feat: implement hetzner new command
    1565182 feat: implement secret ls
    19d435c feat: implement server init
    66a8630 feat: implement undeploy command
    16514b3 feat: implemented type & servers flags in app ls
    5663659 feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm
    0e75350 feat: prototype for app listing
    83671f4 feat: recipe sync
    fc7dade feat: server add command
    1f6c0e8 feat: support local apps.json loading
    a12b53a feat: support tag upgrades without semver-like tags
    5e1b076 feat: very basic context management
    f958b88 fix: TestReadEnv test due to refactor
    a18a949 fix: add missing error handling
    c150856 fix: app rm quitting when there are no secrets/volumes to remove
    cefad74 fix: app rm removing secrets and volumes twice
    9d62140 fix: avoid runtime error when list is empty
    273db07 fix: bail out if app doesn't exist
    16e8446 fix: catch suffix comparison bug
    50c321a fix: change the name of generated binary to abra from go-abra
    cc249e8 fix: check for deployment of app before removing
    87f0985 fix: clone also the main branch
    7835c1f fix: defers after checking for err
    c27376c fix: disable merging and rely on type being present
    d19c56d fix: drop file for version handling [ci skip]
    da049ad fix: drop swarmkit/etcd dep
    b143b54 fix: err not being checked & unneeded type assert
    c03d187 fix: error out correctly and fix doc string
    6be54c6 fix: error out if missing server arg
    a36e80d fix: fixing domain being required.
    a06870f fix: generating secrets works again again
    b477bf8 fix: get app new working again
    760ac49 fix: handle error for reading apps
    8554e68 fix: line break after recipe create
    9378db1 fix: look up ipv4 from host correctly
    45e2442 fix: more robust length check
    0242dfc fix: multiline vars can now be read using fork
    92c8e9a fix: pass in stack name when deploying
    7155a33 fix: recipe lint and logrus usage
    fae5a87 fix: respect --type/-t logic for app listing
    e68c7fc fix: respect COMPOSE_FILE when loading compose files
    45c3bce fix: return if erroring out
    5def18a fix: sort by server and type for app listing
    f4d8b45 fix: sort tags in descending order
    448dadd fix: sort versions correctly
    cbe74b2 fix: support different type of registry response
    de5169e fix: support trimming library is version listing
    dcf1a90 fix: tables align output again
    d97da9f fix: use correct path for checking app path
    145e632 fix: use domain to follow original abra app ls
    56796cf fix: use import only once
    874550f fix: use more descriptive name for token [ci skip]
    8aaedee fix: use new RecipeMeta struct
    cb637ca fix: use upper case for doc [ci skip]
    9a0bd6d refactor(cli): moved commands and cli out of main
    60a70d2 refactor(recipe): better naming, sorting and types
    dc4e490 refactor(style): error str shouldnt be capitalized
    d777eb2 refactor(style): errs should not start with upper
    b351760 refactor(typo): typo of hetzner in output for user
    d1f7e80 refactor: Moved table function to fornatter
    07a43cb refactor: NewClientWithContext -> New, and use server only
    769c5b8 refactor: abstract secret generation into package
    fe86b50 refactor: actual context getting
    828417c refactor: add config.GetAppComposeFiles
    4ae5e61 refactor: add specific check for missing context
    fa16ce2 refactor: added more comments to functions
    a3f574a refactor: app new cmd to be easier to read
    fce1ab6 refactor: better naming for loop scoped variables
    30d11f4 refactor: break up cli pkg into nice small chunks
    48bcc9c refactor: break up recipe cli package
    ec40d88 refactor: centralise app name validation
    a0625bf refactor: centralise recipe validation
    45c6be0 refactor: check for errors on secret rm
    ff21237 refactor: clear up app/recipe usage
    dd86ec4 refactor: client pkg with new context interaction
    6a1ecd0 refactor: consolidate recipe in-place editing functions
    356c8f8 refactor: construct recipe struct proper
    b5d8fb1 refactor: create compose package
    c3088a5 refactor: create functions in client for removing and listing volumes
    36af302 refactor: dangling else, Sprintf formatting, printing
    e1a1072 refactor: de-indent and error handle up front
    98ec237 refactor: de-vendor tagcmp into its own repo
    9070806 refactor: deal with err from ShowSubcommandHelp
    8a5ee68 refactor: drop alias command
    160ccf9 refactor: drop comments, add header [ci skip]
    a8f3042 refactor: drop dead code and garden formatting
    d152774 refactor: drop erroneous return
    dc616fd refactor: drop swarm checking code for now
    3d79612 refactor: drop that back to TODO for now
    c6ea183 refactor: drop this for now
    5287f09 refactor: drop unused flags for now
    f7059db refactor: filesystem io
    3b93f89 refactor: fix defer and handle error
    5e94050 refactor: forgot there is a function in docker src
    ffd1b3a refactor: function rename
    381de28 refactor: make ReadApps main API entrypoint
    4e92057 refactor: make SecretValue internal
    c5bb680 refactor: making app version command async
    2cb0fb8 refactor: match app/recipe new instead of create
    7ad812a refactor: migrate JSON function to new package
    337d3e9 refactor: more conventional name for method
    1187d6b refactor: move catalogue logic into own package
    38d8b51 refactor: moved a lot of flags & added comments
    29971c3 refactor: moved all fatal errors to logrus
    cfe2f70 refactor: moving logging to command functions
    ba7b18f refactor: pass functions into own file
    dac679d refactor: punctuation, error handling and package docs
    c99f0fc refactor: recipe validation
    9862cf1 refactor: rename to RecipeMeta
    542e9ee refactor: rm unneeded sprintf
    32b2bf2 refactor: simplfiy for...range loops
    6b37059 refactor: simplified sort of app names
    9216cc5 refactor: simplifing range statement
    a581049 refactor: simplify for loop
    62ceca7 refactor: sort output of version command
    c75c225 refactor: spec out new release command breakdown
    bb1eb37 refactor: stack func to client, mv app to new file
    b34acef refactor: support listing unknown versions
    d4333c2 refactor: use app getting instead of boilerplate
    56cec15 refactor: use app-less naming for this struct also
    1f62ace refactor: use method to sort recipe apps listing
    471c982 refactor: use new internal arg failure func
    9d6739a refactor: use new recipe struct
    b7742d5 refactor: use pkg directory structure
    58bdb45 refactor: use variable to make more readable
    a3e0254 refactor: use web module timeout everywhere
    6df08df style(tagcmp): simplify returns
    e064f18 style: add missing type marker
    8f9ffa0 style: correct error formatting ST1005
    d5b893d style: rm unneeded type assertions
    a60ebf8 tests: around 60% code coverage for config package
    8656ae9 tests: fix App def to match new struct format
    691a2c7 tests: fix App struct
