• 0.1.7-alpha 7c0d883135

    0.1.7-alpha Stable

    decentral1se released this 2021-10-06 06:48:23 +00:00 | 1225 commits to main since this release


    e911350 feat: allow to override STACK_NAME
    8bfd76f feat: generate versions for catalogue also
    c616907 feat: teach recipe sync to understand new versions
    74a70ed feat: upgrade an app with no user input with --minor/major/patch flag
    49f9067 fix: --major/minor/patch is the most serious upgrade you want to do
    1cb5e35 fix: add compose.yml before commiting with recipe release; reset parts of tag according to semver when releasing
    11c4651 fix: don't crash when there is a more serious upgrade available
    f75e264 fix: ensure dirs are created
    7368cab fix: format output correctly
    3cd2399 fix: ignore WIP stuff and sort [ci skip]
    e78ced4 fix: use freifunk DNS resolver
