• 0.2.1-alpha a170e26e27

    0.2.1-alpha Stable

    decentral1se released this 2021-10-21 13:42:50 +00:00 | 1143 commits to main since this release


    74bcb99 fix: use this weird default
    0615c3f fix: support downgrade/upgrade for unknown versions
    c1390f2 fix: show "local" instead of "default"
    d1e4275 fix: set connection timeouts + clean up bad contexts
    640032b fix: remove duplicate version command
    9dfbd21 fix: parse args correctly for validation
    95e19f0 fix: make release not crash on missing images
    7a5ad65 fix: load timeout before other opts
    aec1e45 fix: handle missing containers
    5941ed9 fix: handle exceptions
    63318fb fix: handle chaos mode correctly for deploy
    6d4ee3d fix: force flag works for upgrade
    dd4f2b4 fix: explode when wrong provider chosen
    9526d1f fix: ensure we have version checked out on deploy
    a170e26 fix: drop copy/pasta, keep timeouts
    2fcdaca fix: dont duplicate info output
    07613f5 fix: devendor capsul code
    5be190e fix: check that docker is installed on local add
    7f1d9ee fix: check if record already exists
    6d42e72 fix: allow for client creation on default context
    62cc7ef feat: upgrade/downgrade support chaos mode
    2f9b11f feat: support deploying with chaos mode
    c5f44cf feat: show undploy overview
    02d2410 feat: domain CRUD complete with Gandi provider
