
875 B

integration tests

You need to be a member of Autonomic Co-op to run these tests, sorry!

testfunctions.sh contains the functions necessary to save and manipulate logs. Run test_all.sh logdir to run tests specified in that file and save the logs to logdir.

When creating new tests, make sure the test command is a one-liner (you can use ; to separate commands). Include testfunctions.sh and then write your tests like this:

run_test '$ABRA other stuff here'

By default, the testing script will ask after every command if the execution succeeded. If you reply n, it will log the test in the logdir. If you want all tests to run without questions, run export logall=yes before executing the test script.

To run tests, you'll need to prepare your environment:

cp .envrc.sample .envrc # fill out values...
direnv allow
./test_all.sh logs