
1.0 KiB

Custom HTML

Custom HTML website, served using thttpd

  • Category: Apps
  • Status: 0, work-in-progress
  • Image: thttpd, 2, 3rd party image
  • Healthcheck: No
  • Backups: No
  • Email: N/A
  • Tests: 0
  • SSO: 3 (OAuth)

Basic usage

  1. Set up Docker Swarm and abra
  2. Deploy coop-cloud/traefik
  3. abra app new custom-html
  4. abra app YOURAPPDOMAIN config - be sure to change $DOMAIN to something that resolves to your Docker swarm box
  5. abra app YOURAPPDOMAIN deploy
  6. Copy your files to the container, using something like
abra app YOURAPPDOMAIN cp index.html app:/content

Git Based Usage

  1. Set up as above, stop at step 4.
  2. Deploy swarm-cronjob to the host
  3. abra app config, Uncomment Git lines in configuration, and set variables as appropriate.
  4. abra app YOURAPPDOMAIN deploy