Add rudimentary database backup, and Postgres upgrade misery
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

This commit is contained in:
3wc 2022-11-22 18:41:12 -08:00
parent add7b1e240
commit 1240106d4d
2 changed files with 30 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A platform for community discussion
## To add a new Admin user
## To add a new admin user
1. Login to the instance `abra app run APPNAME app sh`
2. `cd /opt/bitnami/discourse`
@ -39,9 +39,30 @@ A platform for community discussion
1. Login to instance `abra app run APPNAME app sh`
2. `cd /bitnami/discourse/plugins/`
3. `git clone plugingit` for example ``
4. `abra app restart APPNAME app`
3. `git clone plugin.git` for example ``
4. `abra app restart YOURAPPDOMAIN app`
## Setup Notes
Until issue #1 is fixed, the default user is `user` and the default password is `bitnami123`
## Postgres major version upgrades
Welcome to hell.
1. `abra app run YOURAPPDOMAIN db pg_dumpall -U discourse | gzip > YOURAPPDOMAIN_db_DATE.sql.gz`
2. `abra app volume ls YOURAPPDOMAIN`, find the name of the Postgres data volume
3. `scp` the backup to your VPS
4. `abra app undeploy YOURAPPDOMAIN`
5. `abra app volume rm YOURAPPDOMAIN`, choose the Postgres data volume
6. `abra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN`, then `abra app undeploy YOURAPPDOMAIN`
7. `ssh` to the VPS, run (replacing `13-alpine` with the new Postgres version)
`docker run -v YOURDATAVOLUME:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -it postgres:13-alpine`
8. In another SSH session on the server, run `docker ps` to find the ID of the
new Postgres container, then `docker exec -it CONTAINERID bash`
9. In the shell you just launched, run `dropdb -U discourse discourse`, then
`createdb -U discourse discourse`, then Ctrl+D or run `exit`
10. In the second SSH session, run `zcat YOURAPPDOMAIN_db_DATE.sql.gz | docker exec -it CONTAINERID psql -U discourse`
11. Exit the second SSH session
12. Back in the first SSH session, Ctrl+C to shut down the database
13. `abra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN`

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@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ services:
- POSTGRES_USER=discourse
- POSTGRES_DB=discourse
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/db_password
backupbot.backup: "true"
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=$$(cat $${POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE}) pg_dump -U $${POSTGRES_USER} $${POSTGRES_DB} > /tmp/backup.sql'" "rm -rf /tmp/backup.sql"
backupbot.backup.path: "/tmp/backup.sql"
image: redis:7.0-alpine