All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
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2.8 KiB
A platform for community discussion
- Category: Apps
- Status:
- Image:
- Healthcheck: yes
- Backups: no
- Email: yes
- Tests: no
- SSO: no
Basic usage
- Set up Docker Swarm and
- Deploy
abra app new discourse --secrets
(optionally with--pass
if you'd like to save secrets inpass
)abra app config YOURAPPDOMAIN
- be sure to change$DOMAIN
to something that resolves to your Docker swarm boxabra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN
- Open the configured domain in your browser to finish set-up
To add a new admin user
- Login to the instance
abra app run APPNAME app sh
cd /opt/bitnami/discourse
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake admin:create
and follow prompts.
Install plugins
- Login to instance
abra app run APPNAME app sh
cd /bitnami/discourse/plugins/
git clone plugin.git
for example
abra app restart YOURAPPDOMAIN app
Events / calendar plugin
We've had some luck running discourse-events.
Setup Notes
Until issue #1 is fixed, the default user is user
and the default password is bitnami123
Postgres major version upgrades
Welcome to hell.
abra app run YOURAPPDOMAIN db pg_dumpall -U discourse | gzip > YOURAPPDOMAIN_db_DATE.sql.gz
abra app volume ls YOURAPPDOMAIN
, find the name of the Postgres data volumescp
the backup to your VPSabra app undeploy YOURAPPDOMAIN
abra app volume rm YOURAPPDOMAIN
, choose the Postgres data volumeabra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN
, thenabra app undeploy YOURAPPDOMAIN
to the VPS, run (replacing13-alpine
with the new Postgres version)docker run -v YOURDATAVOLUME:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -it postgres:13-alpine
- In another SSH session on the server, run
docker ps
to find the ID of the new Postgres container, thendocker exec -it CONTAINERID bash
- In the shell you just launched, run
dropdb -U discourse discourse
, thencreatedb -U discourse discourse
, then Ctrl+D or runexit
- In the second SSH session, run
zcat YOURAPPDOMAIN_db_DATE.sql.gz | docker exec -it CONTAINERID psql -U discourse
- Exit the second SSH session
- Back in the first SSH session, Ctrl+C to shut down the database
abra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN