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Build Status

A platform for community discussion

  • Category: Apps
  • Status:
  • Image: bitnami/discourse
  • Healthcheck: yes
  • Backups: no
  • Email: yes
  • Tests: no
  • SSO: no

Basic usage

  1. Set up Docker Swarm and abra
  2. Deploy coop-cloud/traefik
  3. abra app new discourse --secrets (optionally with --pass if you'd like to save secrets in pass)
  4. abra app YOURAPPDOMAIN config - be sure to change $DOMAIN to something that resolves to your Docker swarm box
  5. abra app YOURAPPDOMAIN deploy
  6. Open the configured domain in your browser to finish set-up

To add a new Admin user

  1. Login to the instance abra app run APPNAME app sh
  2. cd /opt/bitnami/discourse
  3. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake admin:create and follow prompts.

Install plugins

  1. Login to instance abra app run APPNAME app sh
  2. cd /bitnami/discourse/plugins/
  3. git clone plugingit for example https://github.com/discourse/discourse-openid-connect.git
  4. abra app restart APPNAME app

Setup Notes

Until issue #1 is fixed, the default user is user and the default password is bitnami123