Explain auto recipe catalogue generation
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

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3wc 2024-02-05 12:51:38 -03:00
parent 2221b23144
commit 01e65bef1b
1 changed files with 28 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -427,6 +427,34 @@ You can pass `--publish` to have `abra` automatically publish those changes.
In order to have `abra` publish changes for you automatically, you'll have to have write permissons to the git.coopcloud.tech repository and your account must have a working SSH key configuration. `abra` will use the SSH based URL connection details for Git by automagically creating an `origin-ssh` remote in the repository and pushing to it. In order to have `abra` publish changes for you automatically, you'll have to have write permissons to the git.coopcloud.tech repository and your account must have a working SSH key configuration. `abra` will use the SSH based URL connection details for Git by automagically creating an `origin-ssh` remote in the repository and pushing to it.
## How is I make the catalogue automatically regenerate after new versions are published?
"I'd like to make it so that whenever I push a new git tag to the
[`coop-cloud/rallly` repository](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/rallly)
(probably [using `abra recipe
release`](#how-do-i-release-a-new-recipe-version)), it automatically does the
[recipe catalogue generation steps(#how-do-i-generate-the-recipe-catalogue)"
1. Check whether tag builds are already trying to run: go to
https://build.coopcloud.tech, search for the recipe name (in this case taking
you to https://build.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/rallly/settings). If there are
failing builds, or if you see builds succeeding but catalogue regeneration
doesn't seem to be happening, then either dive in and try and fix it, or ask
for help in [`#coopcloud-tech`](https://matrix.to/#/#coopcloud-tech:autonomic.zone)
2. Otherwise, click "activate repository". You probably want to set the "disable pull
requests" and "disable forks" options; they won't work anyway, but the
failures might be confusing.
3. Make sure there is a `generate recipe catalogue` step in the recipe's
`.drone.yml` -- if there isn't, you can copy [the one from
`coop-cloud/rallly`](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/rallly/src/branch/main/.drone.yml#L24-L38) unchanged.
4. That's it! Now, when you push a new tag, the recipe catalogue will regenerate
automatically. You can test this by re-pushing a tag (e.g. `git push origin
:0.5.0+3.5.1 && git push 0.5.0+3.5.1`)
## How does automatic catalogue regeneration work?
## How do I enable healthchecks ## How do I enable healthchecks
A healthcheck is an important and often overlooked part of the recipe configuration. It is part of the configuration that the runtime uses to figure out if a container is really up-and-running. You can tweak what command to run, how often and how many times to try until you assume the container is not up. A healthcheck is an important and often overlooked part of the recipe configuration. It is part of the configuration that the runtime uses to figure out if a container is really up-and-running. You can tweak what command to run, how often and how many times to try until you assume the container is not up.