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# tagcmp
import "coopcloud.tech/tagcmp"
Package tagcmp provides image tag comparison operations\.
## Index
- [Variables](<#variables>)
- [func IsParsable(tag string) bool](<#func-isparsable>)
- [type ByTag](<#type-bytag>)
- [func (t ByTag) Len() int](<#func-bytag-len>)
- [func (t ByTag) Less(i, j int) bool](<#func-bytag-less>)
- [func (t ByTag) Swap(i, j int)](<#func-bytag-swap>)
- [type Tag](<#type-tag>)
- [func Parse(tag string) (Tag, error)](<#func-parse>)
- [func (t Tag) Equals(tag Tag) bool](<#func-tag-equals>)
- [func (t Tag) IsCompatible(tag Tag) bool](<#func-tag-iscompatible>)
- [func (t Tag) IsGreaterThan(tag Tag) bool](<#func-tag-isgreaterthan>)
- [func (t Tag) IsLessThan(tag Tag) bool](<#func-tag-islessthan>)
- [func (t Tag) String() string](<#func-tag-string>)
## Variables
CommitHashPattern matches commit\-like hash tags
var CommitHashPattern = "^[a-f0-9]{7,40}$"
DotPattern matches tags which contain multiple versions
var DotPattern = "([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)"
EmptyPattern matches when tags are missing
var EmptyPattern = "^$"
ParametrizedPattern matches when tags are parametrized
var ParametrizedPattern = "\\${.+}"
StringPattern matches when tags are only made up of alphabetic characters
var StringPattern = "^[a-zA-Z]+$"
## func IsParsable
func IsParsable(tag string) bool
IsParsable determines if a tag is supported by this library
## type ByTag
ByTag sorts tags in asc/desc order where the last element is the latest tag\.
type ByTag []Tag
### func \(ByTag\) Len
func (t ByTag) Len() int
### func \(ByTag\) Less
func (t ByTag) Less(i, j int) bool
### func \(ByTag\) Swap
func (t ByTag) Swap(i, j int)
## type Tag
type Tag struct {
Major string `json:",omitempty"` // major semver part
Minor string `json:",omitempty"` // minor semver part
MissingMinor bool // whether or not the minor semver part was left out
Patch string `json:",omitempty"` // patch semver part
MissingPatch bool // whether or not he patch semver part was left out
Suffix string // tag suffix (e.g. "-alpine")
UsesV bool // whether or not the tag uses the "v" prefix
### func Parse
func Parse(tag string) (Tag, error)
Parse converts an image tag into a structured data format\. It aims to to support the general case of tags which are "semver\-like" and/or stable and parseable by heuristics\. Image tags follow no formal specification and therefore this is a best\-effort implementation\. Examples of tags this function can parse are: "5"\, "5\.2"\, "v4"\, "v5\.3\.6"\, "4\-alpine"\, "v3\.2\.1\-debian"\.
### func \(Tag\) Equals
func (t Tag) Equals(tag Tag) bool
Equals tests Tag equality
### func \(Tag\) IsCompatible
func (t Tag) IsCompatible(tag Tag) bool
IsCompatible determines if two tags can be compared together
### func \(Tag\) IsGreaterThan
func (t Tag) IsGreaterThan(tag Tag) bool
IsGreaterThan tests if a tag is greater than another\. There are some tag\-isms to take into account here\, shorter is bigger \(i\.e\. 2\.1 \> 2\.1\.1 == true\, 2 \> 2\.1 == true\)\.
### func \(Tag\) IsLessThan
func (t Tag) IsLessThan(tag Tag) bool
IsLessThan tests if a tag is less than another\. There are some tag\-isms to take into account here\, shorter is bigger \(i\.e\. 2\.1 \< 2\.1\.1 == false\, 2 \< 2\.1 == false\)\.
### func \(Tag\) String
func (t Tag) String() string
String formats a Tag correctly in string representation
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