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<meta name="description" content="A list of punk bands in Scotland!">
<meta name="author" content="Dalmationer">
<meta name="keywords" content="Edinburgh, punk, bands">
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<div id=headerandskulls><img src="../images/skullspin.gif" id="skull"> <h1 style="display: inline-block; ">EDINBURGH PUNK BANDS</h1> <img src="../images/skullspin.gif" id="skull"></div>
<img src="../images/queerpunkpage.png" alt="An image showing several cool punk performers, highlighted against harsh red light." style="max-width: 1280px; width: 100%; border: 3px green inset;">
<p>Looking to book some pals for a gig but canny think of who? Want to find someone new & local to listen to? Want to let folks ken about your hot shit new band?
You're in the right place!
Run by MISS MASTERSTROKE and VEE RIOT, this directory is here, queer, and in operation for all your gay little needs.
<p>This page is a list of the queer and women punk bands in Edinburgh, inspired by <a href="https://girlandqueerbands.neocities.org/">girlandqueerbands.neocities.org.</a><br>
Special emphasis here is placed on <span style="font-weight:bolder">Riot Grrrl</span> and <span style="font-weight:bolder">Queer Punk</span> bands!<br>
WARNING! We currrently use an embedded Google Sheet to display these bands. Google.com is a mega-corporation which makes most of its money
by spying on its users and selling their private information, & is basically spyware!
It's possible that we'll move to a fully-HTML solution in future... Stay tuned!<br><hr>
<img src="../images/punkgirl.gif" alt="punk girl sourced from gifcities" style="display: inline; max-width: 290px; width: 100%; margin-top: -2%; margin-bottom: -3%;">
<ul><span style="font-weight:bolder">This site is to be kept clear of:</span>
<li>Shit cishet man bands</li>
<li>Nazi punks</li>
<li>Capitalist recuperation garbage🤮🤮🤮🤮</li>
<li>Transphobes (as if they'd ever learn to play an instrument lolll)</li></ul><br>
If we somehow accidentally host an artist like that let us ken and we'll remove em.</p>
<div id="navbutton"> <a href="../Main.html">Back to main site.</a></div>
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<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRGMbXgwS6zFC5_3kC5pevcg4S79t8fs7D6dmNSwTCKW2QEEdgU2b1OEPTZZQ64ufWfUYg136heDHnO/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false" id="sheetframe"></iframe>
<div id="flexrow">
<div id="legend">
<p><span id="bold">Band name:</span> The name of the artist<br>
<span id="bold">Description:</span>A rough description of the artist (usually how they describe themselves.)<br>
<span id="bold">Style:</span> Genre is fake, so this is how they FEEL... Also sometimes it's the page author's opinions of them.<br>
<span id="bold">Contact:</span> How to reach out to the artist, in case you want to book them for a gig.
<span id="bold">Links:</span> Where to find the artist online.
<span id="bold">Active/inactive:</span> Is the artist currently doing gigs? Also notes go here.<br><br>
<div id="submit">
<h2>Submit an artist!</h2>
<p>Want to submit your fave band? <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0ljtNLNUadZAcLRfsX335NIAJVAh5OsFohNwu1WoJxQjniQ/viewform?usp=sf_link">Here's the form!</a></p>
<ul><span style="font-weight: bolder;">We're especially looking for:</span>
<li>Queer bands (obviously.)</li>
<li>Riot Grrrl and Girls Rock School bands!</li>
<li>BIPOC and minority bands (they dinny get promo'd enough!)</li></ul>
<p>If you have any questions or requests, email us at: [email here lol] </p>
<a href="https://www.girlsrockschool.com/"><img src="../images/ads/GRSAD.GIF" class="inlineimg" alt="Are you a woman? nonbinary? genderqueer? intersex? Want to learn to play an instrument and start a band? Join the girls rock school! It's free!"></a>
<img src="../images/ads/ANARCHAFEMgif.gif" alt="THE FUTURE IS ANARCHA-FEMINISM!" class="inlineimg">
<br><img src="../images/skullspin.gif"><img src="../images/skullspin.gif"><img src="../images/skullspin.gif"><img src="../images/skullspin.gif">
<div id="venues">
<p>Coming soon!</p>
Some images sourced from https://gifcities.org/.<br>
This page is Copyleft! Creative commons attribution non-commercial share alike, to be exact.<br>
This page uses NO cookies & does not spy on you! Except the google doc. Google does spy on you.